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Grumpy Old Nasho

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Everything posted by Grumpy Old Nasho

  1. Go you good thing.
  2. It doesn't matter much as long as the illegals are stopped, there's a halt to the Ukraine war, and the hostages are handed back.
  3. It wasn't a Datona speedway car. It was a comfortable sedan for taking my GF out in, once I finished doing it up.
  4. Not sure how. Nine bearings kept the crankshaft very steady, the engine ran as smooth as a Rolls.
  5. Lycoming wasn't silly, they shortened the crankshaft and brought the cylinders closer together. The engine was not much longer than a Chevy six and about the same length as the biggest flat head sixes.
  6. Here's a twist for youse. The straight 8 flat head engine in the 1939/40 Studebaker was designed by Lycoming. A beautifully smooth running nine main bearing engine with plenty of power. I had a 39 I was doing up but my dad sold it behind my back while I doing the two years conscription. I was really grumpy about that, I never forgave him, he thought he was doing me a favor by getting rid of it. He gave me $10 when I was home on leave. It's worth $25-30k now, and I know who's got it, unfortunately it's just not me.
  7. That's been the major problem all along. A party has it's own policies, that differ from other parties, giving rise to fighting over control of the Treasury. The electorate needs to have the power to block the money supply (it's our money), until consensus is reached in Parliament on the best way to go forward with policy selection and implementation, with all players having an equal say and equal participation.
  8. We're in the wrong thread for "Trump and his Administration" talk. We shouldn't continue it in here. Instead I'll reply to this post, which I meant to do when octave first posted it. What we need to remember and understand is that the major parties have ruled Australia since 1901 and still contesting elections 123 years later, but now they are battling to gather enough primary votes to ward off new players in the game, why? It's because the new players are not scared of the ancient political bullying major parties anymore. The new thinking is pushing the old thinking out, or should I say, pushing the old psyches' out. The psyches of the major parties are filled with aggression, lies, inflated egos, revenge, manipulation, and self importance. They will stop at nothing to stay in power, but now that is being challenged. We can't go on with their deep negativity, it's old hat and it's no longer suitable for Australia. If they don't change to become more friendly to the broad electorate in a conciliatory way with all constituents, their continued decline is inevitable. So they need to wake up and rid themselves of their damaging politically superior, overbearing, and negative dehumanizing attitudes that are entrenched deep in their inherented psyches, psyches from the distant past. The ALP and the Coalition think with their right and left cerebral hemispheres separately, but there's no Corpus callosum between them for free exchange of information for harmonious and friendly dialogue and reasoning. They are born to "assassinate" each other, and anyone else who annoys them. The major parties are playing the nice guys, but they're being found out, finally, we're realizing that the bullying that was always historically deep in their minds, is still in their minds, and won't go away, so we are now naturally rejecting them. "Naturally" is the key word here.
  9. This is one of the things Vance was conveying in his speech. This happened a day ago, and it follows other Islamist attacks in the last few weeks in Germany.
  10. Didn't know about the engine problems. My dad fitted one to his Kombi Microbus and could nearly do wheel stands, it was that powerful.
  11. Very clever design - more power for your Cessna
  12. The desperation from the ALP and the Coalition is climbing to greater heights. Not long ago they ruled that the minimum number of members in minor parties be increased to 1,500 from 500. What will they come up with next, ban minor parties altogether? ... in Australia's best interest?
  13. The truth hurts, even when an election win is spread right across the board, and the winners know what the future holds.
  14. It's applicable, sensible, and common sense $#!t though.
  15. Vice President Vance said in his speech to the European Security Council, and he completely shocked all and sundry, "If your political parties don't get back to accepting what your constituents are saying, Europe is doomed", and, "Why do you have security, if you don't know what you are securing" Dead right too. Same applies to Australia.
  16. That post is music to my ears, or a very pleasant sight to my eyes, as the case may be.
  17. Nope, I mean every word. It's what we need, consumers lose billion$ because they have no power. Time to turn that around.
  18. I said I differ with Trump about consumer affairs. I would bring in the biggest most beautiful consumer affairs bureau Australia has ever seen. It would almost replace the Federal Govt, that's how big and beautiful it would be. No consumer would ever get ripped off. Just with a click of a mouse button, a refund would be given no matter the product, and the retailer severely warned. The consumers would have all the power, and the Bureau given the power to stop "dumping" and to thoroughly test products, sending them back to countries of origin if faulty, only high standards would suffice.
  19. Some Palestinians would like ethnic cleanse some Jews though This will get swept under the carpet as much as it possibly can be. It's a bloody shame isn't it? https://www.9news.com.au/national/bankstown-nurses-full-footage-of-social-media-video-shared-of-sydney-nurses/0be55635-cd22-48e0-ab4d-28d22bb8dd5c
  20. I listed three policies of Trump's I'd like to see carried out, that's it, and I don't care who carries them out as long as they get done, then other Western nations can follow suit.
  21. Yes they would. Consumer rights are too few and been neglected for too long. More power to the consumer I say. And no more fake investors taking your money only to buy a mansion and Ferrari then sticking their finger up at the suckers.
  22. I differ from Trump about consumer affairs. If I had my way, Australia would have a monstrous Consumer Affairs Bureau with branches in every city suburb, town, city, and everywhere else. It would be manned by thousands of employees and managers completely loyal to all consumers. Complaints would be dealt with in very timely manner with 100% satisfaction to the consumer. It would have powers to sack, ban, jail offenders, determine massive penalties and/or deportation of repeat offending foreign companies. Life would be good under my consumer affairs plan.
  23. We need a "Donald Trump", to sack the slackers who hold their customers in contempt.
  24. No I have no choice. Endeavour Energy is the wholesaler. When they have problems, everyone has problems.
  25. Makes me wonder what they do have control over.
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