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  1. The Pentagon are upgrading all their devices to windows 10. Four million pc's to upgrade in 12 months, what could possibly go wrong?! Link to DoD memo Personally I'm happy with windows 10, haven't had any dramas and I couldn't go back
  2. [ATTACH]47820._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  3. No issues on windows 10 for me so far after a few weeks, I quite like it. I did the upgrade keeping all settings etc from win 8.1 with the intention of doing a clean install afterwards, but to be honest it's running so well I don't think I'll bother, not yet anyway. I work from home so my pc is my livelihood, so far so good.
  4. I've upgraded all my computers to Win 10, I think it's quite slick and haven't had any issues yet, FSX works too:spot on:. No doubt there will be some bugs but they will get ironed out with future updates. My work pc is on Win 8.1 and after a week on win 10 at home my work PC feels clunky and outdated.
  5. I fear with teenagers doing their thing a 3G modem could be costly as the download quotas for 3G aren't normally that high. As a systems/network admin at the company I work for (IT Managed services) we see alot of different types of router/modems.We supply and install mostly business/Enterprise grade gear but as far as the consumer grade router/modems the most reliable ones (i.e the ones we install and never hear back from the customer, because they are working as intended) I would recommend something like the Netgear DGND3700 ( I have this one at home - solid and lots of nice features) or something from the Billion Range. They are pretty tough, we often joke that after a nuclear holocaust there will be nothing but cockroaches and a billion router serving internet :) Also stay away from Linksys, (Bought out by Cisco I believe but their gear is NOT cisco grade/quality) we see way too many issues with Linksys, and crappy after sales support i.e. good luck getting support or trying to get them to refund/replace it. I hope this helps.
  6. It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission .... sometimes ....
  7. I am in awe.... wow
  8. Channel 9 ruined it for me, I love watching Olympics but when they mostly show events that Australia are competing in ( they had 2 channels - mirroring each other, so not even different events) and idiot commentators like Eddie Mccguire overlaying the commentary talking over everyone else (closing ceremony)...argh, and then adverts galore... I guess one needs Foxtel...
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