I'm with you Bruce and would have done exactly that ( maybe not back to 80 though haha! ), plus I would have removed that section from my on board vid recorder then send it to the authorities. It shows there's still "cowboys " in trucks and you have met one of them. The transport industry is heavily regulated now and that attitude needs to stop. Long gone are the days of tight schedules and gaining every minute possible from trucks doing 120-130 plus, now days drivers AND companies are heavily penalized. The gain from the extra 1 or 2 kph may save 5 - 10 mins a leg ---- is dangerous driving worth that ?
and I rate tailgating as the most dangerous, also most drivers are paid hourly now so get there as quick as you can boys! There's still a few peanuts in trucks that think they are Mad Max and don't accept that a truck is a tool of their profession.
Yes 100 kph on a highway amoungst trucks is a grey area so when I'm in a small vehicle I usually sit on about 95, that gives them the bit needed to pass, still a few get pissed off though.
How do I know this?