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Everything posted by rankamateur

  1. I read tonight that even the Red Cross has been booted out of West Papua. Could be a good thing, now their helicopters can't be used as gun ships to take out the careful native chiefs. My support for Red Cross evaporated the day I watched the video of a Red Cross "relief drop" with a machine gun trained out each side of the chopper. Poor beggars didn't stand a chance.
  2. It even works on sceptics like me, and it wasn't a fluke because it has worked again since then, but that time it didn't have to prove anything to me that time.
  3. People who farm Certified Organic or Certified Biodynamic don't have any choice but to treat problem weeds this way. I have spoken to growers who have used this method very successfully. Most use it sparingly for problem weed outbreaks rather than annually as normal practice. http://www.downtoearth.ph/peppering-as-a-method-of-pest-control/ shows that weeds , snails, slugs or rodents can all be treated using variations of the method. I have been a chemical farmer for so long now that I personally am so sensitised to chemicals that I don't have a choice but use these types of methods now. One of my daughters at 21 yrs of age was equally sensitised, got enough fumes off a mob of cattle treated two hours earlier, to cause her a full blown reaction.
  4. It is a bit like the "peppering" method of weed control used hundreds of years ago before everyone had to have a chemical for everything they did. The seeds of the target plant are burned and the ashes of the seeds are spread around the field. Not all the field has to be covered with ash, even treating the perimeter is said to work too. So the concentration of active ingredient is insignificant if the ingredient is very potent.
  5. The great thing about homa-therapy and acupuncture, and probably homeopathy, but I haven't used it, is that you don't have to believe in it to make it work for you. All you need to do is try it. A lot of out-dated western religions would find they became relevant to a lot more people, even a sustainable amount of people, if unquestioning child-like belief was not a cast in stone pre-requisite.
  6. homoapathy! what are you trying to say Marty?
  7. With the decline of mining exploration there must be dozens of equipped crews who are looking for work and could plant one on top of the next down the same hole, save even more space at ground level. Just have to throw in a shovel full of gravel between deposits. Might make an exhumation a bit interesting though.
  8. When I put my first solar system in 150W panels were $2000 each, they are nothing like that now but they aren't cheap yet either. While ever China controls most of the rare earth metal reserves world wide, they won't get cheap either.
  9. Yes, but getting cheaper from a far higher baseline!
  10. I arrived at that conclusion during primary school long before I knew that Scientology even existed. We are all taking part in a huge experiment to see just how big the mess we can make of the place before our resources run out.
  11. Diversifying now into production of green tape too. Now rivalling red tape production.
  12. True words and jest?
  13. No, it has been wishful, hopeful desperate willing for it to happen since the thread began, pure and simple. Three days more and we may get an answer, the last votes only arrived at six o'clock tonight, so it has only been hopeful guessing up to now!
  14. No , this is not the atheist knowledge thread!
  15. Considerably more lucrative than Newstart and they don't hound the poor sods as much to look for a job!
  16. Remember politicians spending our money is all good when you are receiving.
  17. So if you are a real prick during life, then expect to be forever damned! I think that idea works for me too.
  18. Yes, but so will they. Your rotting body was only a mechanism to give mobility to your conscience during your mortal existence. Have you given any thought to what will become of your conscience after death? Maybe you will live on in the conscience of those individuals you have influenced during life.
  19. David, Karma is a real bitch, and this bitch bites.
  20. Dazza, This always was a bit optimistic at the time it was first posted, a bit like claiming victory on election night, can always back fire and leave facial egg all around. Might be an LNP KAP coalition yet.
  21. So now the assets are going to be rented to the other mobs mates instead. Leased/Rented, I am still having trouble seeing the difference but the Queensland electorate have it all sorted apparently. As far as I can see it the lease option may have made all the money immediately available to splash, with the rent option the proceeds will only dribble in, but I can't believe that the renter is going to be happy to pay more than they profit from use of the asset so open your eyes Queensland, you are still going to pay more now there is going to be an extra player in the power delivery.
  22. Sadly for Queensland with the demise of their state upper house they may be at the whim of a government that didn't believe they had any chance of victory, so went to the election with the proportional lack of policy. Queensland has voted against Campbell Newman, and they have voted against asset leases BUT they have no clue what they have voted for. Only time will inform them!
  23. Seems kiddy fiddlers have been very successful seeking out kiddy contact jobs, in churches as well as other service providers, notice they always prefer to seek out the vulnerable. Saddest part is that the ones who get caught seem to always manage to demonstrate that they were able to continue with protection from further up the chain of command in their organisations. I would find it very interesting to know how many who hid the alleged child abuse by others to protect the organisation also did it to protect themselves from their benefits of the job. Thank God for the Salvos, keeping up their end of the show too.
  24. Don't think this is going to do our country any good at all in the longer term. It is like the difference between hazard reduction and fire fighting, our current governments at all levels already have trouble seeing past the next ballot, but they all budget spending to four or five or ten years out. Those are promises they only have to keep if they get re-elected for a second or third term, and don't get called to account for them if they get chucked out, meanwhile Joe punter is too short in memory to remember what they promised six years ago anyway.
  25. I bet you gave it more thought than 90% of your fellow QLDers Dazza. Most I talked to over the last few days seemed to mention just one issue, Asset Sales (Lease). I was amazed how many election posters around Brisbane were manned(womaned) by smiling waving humans, of nearly all the parties. Must be to stop the opposition from tearing them down or defacing them. I have been a booth worker for many years and it is nearly impossible for insiders to find out what the party preference distribution is for a particular electorate let alone Joe voter. Voting 1 in a square only, you don't know who you are voting for if your candidate doesn't get up, I am not even sure that you are voting for anyone at all the way it is now, maybe it would become just as effective as an informal vote!
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