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Everything posted by rankamateur

  1. Yep, the bit where the elders bang little boys and girls seems to be fairly universal! Very sad.
  2. If you aren't rich and insane you have the option of being an athiest on the right hand side.
  3. Don must have been put in the naughty corner, I only see 489 posts now, what are you all carrying on about?
  4. Everyone has there own spiritual path, all these religions are just a convenient RETAIL packaged version of spirituality for those who don't have the time or inclination to seek their own path, so of course each is going to claim to be the only true religion, the only true path! That is why they all need money, lots and lots of money, from their adherants, IT IS MARKETING, no more, no less!
  5. Especially if I had Orange hair and you had Green! My wife would have had Green too, and that would have been most unacceptable two generations ago, and was still a problem one generation ago.
  6. Tesla's Free energy machines would have put an end to the oil industries wealth generation in double quick time with free energy for the rich and the poor, so he had to be stopped!
  7. Don't kid yourself that Christianity makes you immune to being an extremist for your beliefs! Ireland would have been a safer place to live if that were true, and they had Christian extremists on both sides of the fight.
  8. I reckon Nicola Tesla could have built a working copy of the ark if his research wasn't continually and energetically brought undone by the commercial oil industry in America and it's money grabbing owners.
  9. Is it only my imagination or has he got his hand on it?
  10. Certainly the object of daily rituals anyway!
  11. Thanks Eighty for the link, this one will do me! France: Tools in Rock Extensive quarrying was done near the city of Aixen -Provence, France between 1786 and 1788, to provide the large quantities of limestone needed for the rebuilding of the Palace of Justice. In the quarry from which the limestone was taken, the rock strata were separated from each other by layers of sand and clay, and by the time the workmen had removed 11 layers of rock they had found they had reached a depth of some 40 feet or 50 feet from the original level of the area. Beneath the 11th layer of limestone they came to a bed of sand and began to remove it to get at the rock underneath. But in the sand they found the stumps of stone pillars and fragments of half worked rock, the same stone and rock that they themselves had been excavating. they dug further and found coins, the petrified wooden handles of hammers, and pieces of other petrified wooden tools. Finally they came to a large wooden board, seven or eight feet long and an inch thick. like the wooden tools, it had also been petrified into a form of agate and it had been broken into pieces. When the pieces were reassembled, the workmen saw before them a quarryman's board of exactly the same kind they themselves used, worn in just the same way as their own boards were, with rounded, wavy edges. How a stonemason's yard equipped with the kind of tools used in France in the late18th century, had come to be buried 50 feet deep under layer of sand and limestone 300 million years old is a question even more vexing today than at the time of the original discovery. For we now know, thanks to advances in geological and anthropological dating, that such a thing is absolutely impossible. And yet it does seem to have happened.
  12. Yep Geoffreywh, Absolutely hilarious! You got it!
  13. I hear you Bex BUT if the catholic church spent every dollar they own in any one of those poverty hot beds, it would make no difference to the the level of poverty but surely would increase the inequity between the fat cats and the starving.
  14. Just read a few yards of hieroglyphs after smoko myself Nev, got to keep my hand in! More seriously though, I did waste a day and a half of my life reading Rex Gilroys book before the penny dropped that the reason real scientists pay no attention to him is that they give exactly as much of their time as he deserves.
  15. It has been a problem through out history for all doctrines, hence the need for two of the early, an contradictory islamic texts to be eaten by a goat and the problem went away.
  16. Rex Gilroy makes claims like that in "Pyramids of the Pacific" , But he has also made some fairly numerous anthropological find too. A bit hard to believe he is always the right person in the right place at the right time, if he was lagit then human life emerged from the Australian continent upto half a million years ago, many of the mega civilisations came back on mining ventures for gold, silver, copper, tin and gems to decorate their temples through out antiquity.
  17. http://sciencealert.com.au/news/20140506-25618.html new future!
  18. Most of the peoples who read and laughed at this joke are pilots or aircraft enthusiasts, like so many other good jokes on here I think it belongs in this section. This one probrably would cause a bit of discomfort in the theology section anyway.
  19. Sounds more like high resistance joints in the cable, but over that distance you probrably only have three joints. when the digital exchanges were first rolled out in the bush, the fax machines suddenly got a lot more particular about line quality. A lot of 30 pair cables only had about 15 pairs fit to transfer data back then, so they would be worse now.
  20. I used to have trouble with getting shaped every month but the last few months I can't get enough speed often enough on Telstra wireless to use my allocation up.
  21. Used to be that only real men programmed in C, the only programmer that I knew personally who used it was a lovely lady linguist.
  22. I was listening to the radio today, it rated 54% in Sydney and 51% in Brisbane, so more than half the population would disagree with us.
  23. Tried this again last night, thanks Gnu, but no cigar!
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