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Everything posted by rankamateur

  1. I did something similar in my Dad's worn out 200B on the gravel carparks in front of USQ in Toowoomba back in the early eighties too but there wasn't any grass growing over my handy work. I wondered if they were cores taken at different depths down a test bore, working out from the middle.
  2. This photo taken by JG3 is one of the most incredible things I have seen photographed in Australia, https://picasaweb.google.com/woblywallaby/WestAustraliaTrip?authkey=Gv1sRgCJbzvM23iO6-vgE#5616927086484502818, I have talked to a few people about it but never got close to a satisfactory answer. Always think to ask John on the way home after having seen him.
  3. you can search for their name but if they don't want you (an outsider) to know anything about them, then you will have no way to know which one of the 57 people worldwide by that name you are addressing when you ask them randomly to talk to them.
  4. http://www.sambailey.com.au/default.asp?PageID=39&n=Sam27s toys can some one have a look at the bottom of this page and tell me what model Sam's ultralight is? Sorry : silly question Google images tells me it is an MX2 as well, Gt400 is the Quicksiver image I had in my head, guess they had to start somewhere.
  5. I only get offered windows vista drivers, what does that say about my boring browsing habits? The vista out my windows is just fine without driving anywhere, and I don't need drivers anyway, I can drive myself if I want to go.
  6. Works for me Tomo!
  7. I don't think it works this way, you have to go to them from the ad on the forum site or Ian's money counter doesn't know that you have had the pleasure.
  8. Not getting the girls Dazz, what are you we doing wrong?
  9. No way this clip should be on a WIMP website, he is nearly as unstoppable as our mate Sam! http://www.sambailey.com.au/default.asp?PageID=43 or Glenn Todhunter for that matter, incredibles blokes. Sam and little red ultralight he used to fly around here in was one of my biggest motivations to learn to fly.
  10. Also done, good luck Trevor!
  11. Your a bit harsh David, no-one has even mentioned her nose!
  12. Status Quo - Down down goes Rudd - no show http://www.news.com.au/national-news/leadership-live-prime-minister-julia-gillard-elected-unopposed-in-labor-leadership-ballot/story-fncynjr2-1226602153908
  13. I would put my vote and my money on Bill Shorten.
  14. Because her backside puts her off balance.
  15. Bugger my new years resolution was going to be to get my certificate, But I did that last month, Oh well this year I resolve to get some wings.
  16. But time off is when you need/want/can get it, so it isn't really 24/7, when things quieten down at work. It is more like being on call 24/7.
  17. Welcome back Mardy.
  18. You won't need as much though, the last year I worked I earned exactly four times what my wife and I took as drawings from the business the year after we left work, sum total 3/4 my salary and all my wifes salary worse off in dollar terms but we were able to bring our kids up out of town. Was it worth it?, you bet , every bit.
  19. We now run a family owned, live in, business 7 days a week, with no business/home/family separation. The work life balance thing nearly brought me completely undone a few years ago, rivetting Savannah kits was my saviour, thanks to Aerokits for his patience with a novice builder and flyer. There are benefits in owning a business, tax deductable toys, for sure but the price is often extremely high and hard to put a figure on.
  20. Business studies won't help you without business capital, I think we are back where you started. My wife and I, keen as mustard went to our bank of the time (Which Bank, Conn Bank) , seeking business capital twenty five years ago, they wouldn't look at our proposal, just patted us on the head and told us to "go back to your jobs and stop dreaming". To the lending officer we were ment to work at our jobs, not for ourselves.
  21. No one stops you milking it out of the cow yourself, that is what I have on my muesli every morning, used to eat cardboard UHT milk with the green stripe and the heart foundation tick, that is just a marketing tool like the Halal mark, pay enough money and you could print it on anything.
  22. Hold on, hats off to studentbiggles, 32 likes from 64 posts, that would make you batt your eyelids Pete. Edit: and Blue Drifter 15 from 22, really doing something right!
  23. There would be a certain incentive to eat them early on before they caused you too much grief and before they get any bloody tougher!
  24. You make a very valid point Bill, and Tomo was brought up too well to point out to out to me that 15 / 139 * 100 = 10.9 which is really only the same thing!
  25. Let's make it a bit easier 462 / 5168 * 100 = 8.93 And with all that we added 3 to our post count and poor Pete only added the one he needed! But 38 likes from 100 posts is quite outstanding!
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