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Pilot Pete

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About Pilot Pete

  • Birthday 29/04/1968

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Latest gripe. Had a corneal transplant in my right eye on Wednesday. Before the op the doc said I'd be about a week off work. It's been 6 days and I'm flat out just trying to open my eye and I think the doc left s packet of razor blades in there
  2. Yep, sometimes it's more like you just don't exist!
  3. The Aus government will never get it! I would bet my life on it
  4. Don't forget the CAC Mustang.....built in Australia
  5. I had a crash on a CB550 about 26/27 years ago in Brisbane. It was a mates bike. Did you buy it here in Toowoomba?
  6. Everything bar one part(water pump drive bevel gear getting made in Melbourne) has been sourced from the USA , Germany and Italy. The foreign exchange rates have not been kind to my wallet
  7. [ATTACH]47448._xfImport[/ATTACH] I didn't want to trash mine as it is a trike conversion
  8. I have been doing an engine rebuild on a 1983 Kawasaki Z1300 and to date have spent about $4000 on parts. on top of that will be labour costs and machine work(rebores etc). Its funny that my wife doesn't mind the money being spent on something she enjoys riding on,but try putting a few dollars towards the plane.................... Spanish Inquisition here we come.
  9. How so ? Im for immigration, but in the manner that was implied by our first Prime minister. Any other way is showing a lack of respect for our country and our constitution. How dare someone come into our country and expect us to change our culture and ways to make them feel at home. Im in no way racist, but im not ashamed to say that I am very predjudist against those who are trying to change this countries way of life and its laws to turn us into another grovelling and backwards 3rd world country with archaic rules and laws that are pro male, and rely on some religious fanatic to tell us how to live and die. I'M AN AUSTRALIAN AND PROUD OF IT, and not once have I tried to pressure any of my countrymen to change their ways to make me feel more Australian. Thus ends my rant...........
  10. Ah we'll..... Maybe we should just bury our heads in the sand and leave all the problems to our children and grandchildren. I'm sure those who have fought in wars past would be grateful to be told that all they have done was for nought.
  11. I asked earlier if anyone had readEdmund Barton's Australia day speach? Here it is..... An Australia Day message from Prime Minister Edmund Barton Here's a message from our very first Prime Miniter, Sir Edmund Barton. This is his idea about immigrants and being an Australian in 1907. My, how times have changed. "In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an Australian and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an Australian, and nothing but an Australian... There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an Australian, but something else also, isn't an Australian at all. We have room for but one flag, the Australian flag.... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the Australian people.' Edmund Barton 1907 Hat Tip: Anne Jackson
  12. Does anyone know Barton's speech. Find it and read it. We should get back to the way things were!
  13. My sentiments as well Matty
  14. Why should they get paid at all???? They get free accom and food as it is
  15. Okay..... maybe I got illegal imigrants and refugees mixed up(even though they both come to our shores without proper process) . Still why are they allowed to burn buildings and our FLAG and cause all manner of problems and get away with it
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