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About biggles

  • Birthday 20/05/1943

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  1. Kaz this is Flying Dog . Are you referring to Flying Viszla , or have I got things all c****d up ? ..... Bob
  2. What's the story here Turbo , or am I missing something ...... Bob
  3. Geez Tim I'd be getting out of there .... Bob
  4. " Corpse" was that intended FH , or just a Fruedian Slip that has even passed over the forum grammarian ? .... Bob
  5. Yeah Phil , that's no BS , I've been to 'Croc Sounds Station' too and seen e'm . They had done the national anthem when I was there, and they were teaching them " It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll ", an old Frank Sinatra song from the 90's ..... Bob
  6. 'Recalcitrant' rings a bell .
  7. p Agree Frank . No conclusive evidence to suggest that capital punishment is a deterrent , in fact many States in the U.S. with capital punishment have higher rates of homicide than those that don't . It does appear ,however , to give people with authority a sense of power ...... Bob
  8. I had a similar experience when I drove almost non stop from Southern Victoria to Bundaberg two years ago to help with the aftermath the floods . I was working at the worst hit area near the botanic gardens , and used to present to volunteer base for something to eat . The Tallon bridge was still closed and getting across on the old bridge was a nightmare , but somehow the food supplied by Red Rooster and others got through . Observing the local volunteers , Salvo's , church groups , crisis counsellors etc. left a lasting impression on me . I remember being approached by a young lass , not much older than my grand daughter saying ... " are you OK mate " . I was deeply moved by the genuine compassion shown by her . Bob
  9. Multible ..... now dazz we know you can do better than that .
  10. It's pretty easy here in Vic. FT A neighbor of mine got one when her husband was ill . He died 5 years ago, but the council still send her a new permit every year . Bob
  11. When Labor were in power in the 80's there was a push to get as many as possible off the dole and onto Sickness benefits , to make the "unemployment " numbers look better . Bob
  12. Geez Dazz , just reading that was enough to make what little hair I still have left , stand up. No wonder you took up spellin' Just sayin' . Bob
  13. It appears that energy generated in a typical domestic solar panel array , surplus to the requirements of the owner , is fed back into the system , for which the owner receives , or will soon receive , around 8 cents/ kW hour . The energy retailer then on sells this energy to some consumer for around 30 cents/kW hour . These figures are typical and disregard those fortunate individuals receiving Premium feed-in tariffs . Seems to me that the energy retailers are making considerable profits out of individuals installing solar panels , without having to spend one cent . Bob
  14. Yes OK.there is another way ....... It's called Nuclear Fission . Bob
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