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Everything posted by winsor68

  1. Exactly.
  2. For whom???
  3. Bloody sellout.
  4. If they are guilty of a crime they will be charged (unless of course they were bought by the LNP for a political witch hunt in which case they will just have to pay the money back...maybe)
  5. And that is exactly why people are taking their legal right and filming police.
  6. How bloody creative...
  7. http://www.allianz.com.au/life-insurance/the-impact-of-plain-packaging-for-cigarettes http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/content/tobacco-kff
  8. The only people cashing in are the Baby Boomers. Without the consumer society they created their super wouldn't be so super.
  9. Leave me out of that "we"... There is a lot going on in the world that seems to have been completely bypassed by the mainstream press. Getting anyone to take any notice over the clamouring about refugees or halal or burkhas or whatever the latest catch cry is for the misinformed is another thing altogether sadly.
  10. Check this out... Very tempting...( not her...! The phone) https://seniors.ownfone.com.au
  11. I really want to get rid of my smart phone...well...not get rid of it...just not replace it with a newer model. We never used to be chained to these loony things. And life was good. I really want to... don't know if I can though.
  12. Agreed.
  13. What do you mean FT? Are you saying that Android pushed people to Apple devices because it doesn't work properly? I was sure they gave the impression that Apple is like Android but works better....as I have found out a complete load of baloney. Maybe I fell for the scam? I am keen to ditch this Apple CrackBook and go back to a Linux based OS.
  14. I've been using an Apple Macbook Air for the last sick months and in my opinion they are as big a pile of dog txxd as any windows based machine. I feel really let down... I was always under the impression Apple was a premium product? What a load of baloney in my experience. Just saying... I really am disappointed.
  15. Charlie Chaplin?
  16. I still support peoples right to have a go though...
  17. Used to be feral foxes living around the industrial estate near Eagle Farm in Brisbane 15 years ago.
  18. Because its their law...right??? http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/UnNews:Saudi_woman_flogged_for_being_gang_raped
  19. What a PIG of an attitude shown here towards the public. This guy needs to be retired.
  20. Why is that a cheap shot? Did I say I don't think it occurs? Again...predictable.
  21. What a predictable response...
  22. Essentially what I am saying is... my local shopkeepers...lovely family...we know them well...but technically...they are just as responsible for causing death and destruction as any Heroin smuggler caught in Indonesia... and in fact locally the statistics back that up because I haven't seen a single person die from a heroine overdoes in this region in the last 12 months... but we as a society with our out of whack moral compass....
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