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Everything posted by winsor68

  1. Toilet humour.
  2. Try the SBS documentary "Go Back to Where You Came From"...it has been done if you care to watch.
  3. Frankly TP that is a bit rude. This situation has been been inflamed by half truths and a strange willingness to support what is in mine and many others eyes barbaric behaviour. And you accuse me of inflaming the situation. It seems the only thing becomimg inflamed is you.
  4. What ya trying to say TP? Try no to make it personal.
  5. Its simple TP...you refer to Asylum seekers as illegal...this is 100% untrue and the legislation you quoted is misleading. Not starting another anything...it's just important this is clarified...there are people who are being misled.
  6. Still very creative TP. The legislation you are quoting is only one part of Australian law. You left our UN convention we are lawful signatories to which applies to entering for the purpose of asylum. You might no like it but that doent change the fact. This appears very deceitful to me. I really cant get my head around why this is a problem for some...
  7. Keep on making ts stuff up guys...TP..you made the claim. A post to a sight about Australian law doesn't prove anything. You need to look it up.
  8. Anyone got a credible source for the illegal claim?
  9. Women ...children...JUST LIKE US. Not Illegal. Creative was too kind.
  10. NO MM...You are really not getting it. "They" are people...flesh and blood...women...children...men...just like you.
  11. It wasnt aimed at him personally. I would say it aplies to at least 40% of the population... Or are a whole bunch of people gonn wake up one night with the horrors when it truly sinks that these are flesh a blood people they pass life and death judgement on so readily....?
  12. Psychopathy or Sociopathy...is characterized by enduring antisocial behaviour and diminished empathy or remorse...Sounds accurate. It is people we talking about here just like you and me.
  13. There is no psychopath button. It was the most accurate.
  14. Since win did having some money have anything to do with seeking Asylum...???? Seriously...was it an wrong assumption and the logic gene is missing or did the newspaper say it?
  15. And its the LNP who kicked it right back out the door.
  16. The problem with our society is not that government is legislating for the bottom 10%...rather they are legislating for the top 5%...and another 46% are happy to push themselves to the front of the line and haven't woken up to the fact they are never going to be invited to the party anyway.
  17. Jails ate great for business...low wages...and the nastier you treat the inmates the nastier the faceless crowd cheers... You people need to evolve. If anyone needs any proof of evolution a quick perusal of this thread would suffice. Sadly the rest of us may end up just as extinct as the Neanderthals...
  18. Quite the opposite to my mind...with the prospected outlook for humanity's future in the next 200 years I would say it is IMPERITIVE rather than POINTLESS. There are a lot of people within society who say "Who cares...I won't be here."... Sadly much of this mud attitude hs drifted to the top in society.
  19. Better check under your bed Richard. The fact this surprises you in a country such as Australia is strange. What version of our history were you taught?
  20. Turbs...sorry to say it but this post is almost insulting but I guess you see what your upbringing conditions you to see... What you and so many out of towners profited from was a build stage in the mines out here... currently they are in production... You can blow as many 100 million $$$ signs around as you like but the fact is it is now and over the next 20 years that the real money will be leaving... SADLY... Most of the businesses you mention are deathly quite and laying off staff... except McDonalds and Hungry Jacks... they have plenty of 457 visas to exploit... barely any jobs there for kids now. The suicide toll is horrendous. I kid you not...Production means jobs for the boys and screw you all lets cut corners and save money... the real miners know I am sure. AND YET... For those of us town workers left I find myself reminding people it is actually a good thing for "us Locals" and nobody disagrees... I have seen it all before. Suddenly the local garage wants to service my car at a reasonable price... I can go and get a cheap burger and chips meal from the corner store... Housing is a little more affordable but sadly will probably never fully recover (1500 houses for sale in Mackay right now). How did the mining industry turn out for you and yours Turbs? Sure you made a quick buck but isn't there more to your story? If anyone knows Australian Mining history it was Gina's mongrel Father who changed the face of a once proud industry into a scab on society.
  21. They have anounced they are targeting public servants with "associations". There are more Harleys than any other make in the car park at the hospital I work at....you draw your own conclusions...
  22. I think perhaps I am a Martian... That is not the conclusion that I draw from any of that Gnarly Gnu...see without pointing out that 74 % of shooting victims were black you are drawing imo some pretty rose coloured conclusions...
  23. This is the sort of underhanded doggery our governments are able to pull...it's easy if the majority of the voting public are easily distracted by bogus hoards of Refugees carrying disease... First they came for the Muslims, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Muslim... And then they came for me, and their was no one left to speak for me.... I think our governments are playing false flags by encouraging this extreme dogma...and well the people are distracted...BAM. These QLD Vlad laws should horrify us all...
  24. More guns, less regulation...yeah that has been shown to work.... http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2013/jan/18/mark-shields/pbs-commentator-mark-shields-says-more-killed-guns/
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