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Everything posted by winsor68

  1. "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who tell it" George Orwell
  2. Queenslanders are being pulled over by Newman's Gestapo and being ordered to remove these from their cars or have them impounded.
  3. Oh...and just in case anyone needs it spelt out that the bs this whole right wing nutcase propaganda is based on lies.... http://www.hoax-slayer.com/edmund-barton-immigration-quote.shtml
  4. You must be referring to Qlds Herr Newman and his Shock Troopers in their Hitler inspired attempt to turn us into criminals based upon who we count as friends...
  5. Extremists Turbo.
  6. The real Govment is the only one to fear... and you didn't elect them... What I see is one very real enemy to all humanity....black and white...Muslim or Christian...Asian or European... I believe if anyone would care to take another look at where we (the human race) are going to be in 500 years we would all feel a sudden dose of reality and wake the heck up.... Year 2150.... Earths population will be 244 BILLION... By 2300.... 134 TRILLION... It ain't feasible is it...? So...whose kids are going to die? Whose grandkids? Because if anyone is in charge they know it ain't feasible to support those population levels...
  7. You guys don't know you are racist...your kids will know you are eventually.
  8. thread is a pretty good source for exposing extremists...ironically they accuse the Muslims but seem blind to their own slipping morality. What's with that?
  9. That is exactly what you are doing.
  10. No mate. Mostly this ignorance springs from a very narrow experience...being well travelled means nothing if you don't experience the journey.
  11. As long as you are happy with your own version of our history...as opposed to the reality. Qld wasn't much populated until last century..when were the Maralinga tests...1950s? When did indigenous get recognition as people? 1967?
  12. Heap of shredded reputationsshreddded Hang about...I smell a fraud. There are a fee historical inconsistencies here...to be subtle.
  13. Remember. These are human being you are talking about.
  14. Bullpitt. Ironically fear of heights is the common fear amongst innocent children...the rest of your prejudices were gifts from mum and dad.
  15. And youse all are crowing madly about a fee arrivals through te back door well the front door is flapping like there hurrican due to so many coming I ...good work your kids will thank you when they can't get a job let alone buy their own home.
  16. Someone mentioned they trust the government's immigration plan...Honestly Australia wake up... THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT IMMIGRATION PLAN. Unless you call bringing in 100s of thousands of foreign workers to pay taxes and drive the property market...and the only people providing any planning there is the developers influencing govt
  17. Again...YES But you know this.
  18. I grew up in a small town too...I was fortunate to have met some amazing people who allowed me to leave th small town mentality behind...believe me I resisted but common sense and empathy finally won... It's impossible to put the blinders back on no matter it's appeal to my social standing.
  19. We forget it was only 60 years ago our grandparents thought the Greeks were dirty black worthless criminals who didn't mix... Even many of those left have forgotten...? Maybe it's true the good do die young...
  20. Anyone notice Australia's population increase by half a million ldt year? No?
  21. Either you lack compassion or basic human decency to pull the "they spend $20k to get here so aren't genuine" line... Shows how easily people are led down the garden path...or that they are just plain stupid.
  22. You sully whinging Poms did it to yourselves. Sadly too many seemingly good people in Oz are falling into the same blame the illegals while the invaders storm through the front door not even wiping their feet on the welcome mat layed on by the Pollies. Sad thing is most of you buggers come over here take our jobs and bring your mess with you.
  23. Yeah. I guess they have had more time to be led up the garden path then us Aussies. What do they call a 457 visa over there?
  24. Is that funny?
  25. Anyone know what we can expect when NBN arrives? The Telstra network is at the end of it's useful life here... Has anyone got NBN yet?
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