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Everything posted by winsor68

  1. Crikey! I wouldn't dare buy a new phone without asking the bubble n strife first!!! LOL
  2. Don't the facts actually point to the fact that we actually have pretty good debt levels in Australia? There seems to have been a massive disinformation campaign played out by the press to the detriment of ALL Australians.
  3. I use Ubuntu Operating System (no anti-virus etc required) and Google Chrome Web Browser with Pop-up Blocker... All free and haven't had a single problem with any of this stuff since getting rid of the Windows/Microsoft products that used to cause me so much grief.
  5. Also.. for this sort of BS click the button below on the post that says report. Problem will get solved quick smart. I support your right to say it... but in an appropriate setting.
  6. I was replying to Sapphire. Not appropriate. I am not a fan of Jab engines but this thread is unrelated. I suggest he goes back and read or reread the recent thread from Admin on this issue... This is not supposed to be a sxxxfight for people to act like hooligans and try to be funny at the expense of readability.
  7. What has Jabiru engines got to do with HIGHLIGHTED words?
  8. Do you mean like THIS? If yes it is called a hyperlink... the chain looking symbol up at the top of the message box does it... I find it can help with making posts nice and neat and purposeful. Not advertising... Just makes sense to put the hyperlink in if you are say typing the word AIRCRAFT ... rather than add a dedicated webpage link to the page about AIRCRAFT putting it in the hyperlink tidies thing up considerably.
  9. What exactly do you believe is a Fatwa?
  10. The fact that we are even having this discussion says a lot more about US then it does about THEM. We really can't take the moral high ground here. We need to start showing some bloody integrity and common sense... Anyone who doubts that we are the instigators in a War Against Islam would have to have rocks for eyes when this sort of rubbish makes the news in our country.
  11. WTF??? Its a Fatwa now???!!! I find this really shocking considering Christian Churches celebrate Ramadan. I saw this flashing across the news on Channel 7 this morning and was speechless at the ignorance of it all.
  12. Sounds like Australia before we adopted over the top US practices... We were driving around last night looking at Xmas lights... it suddenly dawned on me how much Xmas has changed in Australia over my lifetime. If it was about "Spirit" or "Goodwill" it would be nice... but mostly it is about $$$$$ these days.
  13. Virgin Australia Stadium seats 12 000 people... If we work of an average of $120 per ticket... KISS will do quite nicely out of record sales... without them they wouldn't be able to fill stadiums... They only have to spend a couple of months a year touring and they would top up the coffers by a couple of millions...
  14. The record companies did very well out of it... Piracy is mostly bad for them. The internet has changed the way we interact with Music... the record companies just have to adjust their thinking IMO.
  15. I just have to SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!! The Monster Tour- KISS, MOTLEY CRUE, and THIN LIZZY are playing in Mackay... Virgin Stadium is across the Road. Going to be one hell of a night even if I don't have a ticket!!! So bloody excited... have this secret KISS addiction. The biggest Rock Show in the WORLD!!! WOW!!!
  16. Diary and Wheat... both big industries... more about Labs and Factories then making food. Of course none of this detracts from the poor Diary Farmer who is by law forbidden to sell his milk to Joe Public.
  17. Correct... So given "fat" is basically what runs us... and that "sugar" and fat are basically one and the same when they get to your engine... I ask again... Why would taking the "fat" out of Milk make it good?
  18. So true Pud and the exact advice we need to follow... TROUBLE IS THIS... Over the last 25 odd years the food industry has transformed the way we eat... indeed even the way we look at and think about food. We are all aware that as Pud says... all natural foods in moderation. Many of us swear we are eating good food ...no I don't mean "organic"... although it is ideal it is not necessary overall... natural is a better term... if it grew eat it. For instance... the good mum gives her kids vegemite or peanut butter because it is not junk food... Nutella is considered junk food (it used to be sold as health food)... ironically they are all the same. Contain large amount of gluten product for taste and appearance and a heap of suger... much more if they "reduce" the fat... which is ironically if you eat properly the only part of the "food" with health qualities... The same goes for 90% of what we buy unless we are shopping in the fresh fruit or meat section (or the gluten free section)... I was "aware" of this for the last 20 years and always thought I was quite smart about the food I ate.. until recently when it became a bit more serious and we looked into it fot out daughter did I realize just how deep and deceptive the whole thing has become... the average person doesn't have a chance of eating properly in today's society. It is such a BIG deception it puts all others to shame! "They" are literally poisoning our Kids! They probably also have shares in the "Health" Industry...
  19. Scary stuff I know... considering the ageing membership I am sure most of us would prefer to just pop a pill to "lower cholesterol"... or eat "Reduced Fat" Milk.. blissfully thinking we are looking after our health... Finding out that it is a myth is going to take some serious adjusting... http://www.sott.net/article/242516-Heart-Surgeon-Speaks-Out-On-What-Really-Causes-Heart-Disease
  20. Scary fact... but finally Conventional Medicine is starting to admit it is not fat that causes heart problems and taking Cholesterol tablets (again) is masking the symptoms... and then helping lots of medical facility earn a nice living doing bypass surgery. If Milk is so bad for us... Why would we modify it rather than stop eating it?
  21. Better for whom?
  22. You really need to refer to what we once new as Icecream in the past tense... Ask yourself what has changed in the ingreadient section on your icecream in the last 25 years? Ironically it is made of milk... just try reading the label on that!
  23. I believe one of our members at this site is in charge of the TV coverage for the V8's... Good luck Today MrH!
  24. ]Some of us (semi)"Diehards" remember when it was about "The Race" rather than Ford or Holden... I used to really dig Allan Moffat... probably because he was the outsider/underdog.
  25. Put a glass of water next to the phone...
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