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frank marriott

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Everything posted by frank marriott

  1. One way to end up in the watchhouse instead of receiving an offence notice and going about your business .
  2. I made a submission on mobile phone legislation when it was planned to be introduced into Qld. It is a two way radio and to ban them then all two way radios should be effected. But, like making a submission to the current RAA board, I was told to go play in the traffic. Certainly splitting hairs to say a radio is OK but a device which is a two way radio but commenly referred to as a mobile phone is not a radio. Would be interesting to see it tested in an appeal court.
  3. "The Tax Office defines "wealthy individuals" those who, together with their business associates, control net wealth of $5 million or more" I don't think it will apply to most RAA type owners. I don't know about those wealthy Auster owners!!!
  4. Russ Some people are making money out of this "industry" and will defend it until the cows come home.
  5. Should have relocated them to Toowoomba instead eh!
  6. Interesting view, not mine, but I'll stop there.
  7. Nev, are you suggesting the ABC Q&A programme has no political agenda?
  8. Phil - politics & religion nuf said.
  9. The popularity of Turnbull "appears" to be mainly with ALP voters who will not support him in an election anyway- except of course if they exercise a protest vote against Shorten.
  10. Exactly Dazza, and why their correct title is "demerit points".
  11. Without referring to a specific speed limit or road location, speed makes the difference from a 'fender bender' and an injury/fatal accident.
  12. Phil Almost everything is voice intent now. So much so that the morse content was removed from the IFR exams before I did mine in about 1990, even though it was only about 15wpm from memory. The ident on the DME was so slow that I sometimes thought that not being able to read morse would have been an advantage.
  13. I guess the situation was drink drive, B&E/stealing, further drink drive. I guess it is a value call but (apart from an individuals attitude) but should anyone get away with this (no matter what race) is the bottom line, at least that's the way I approach these matters. A criminal is a criminal no matter what his colour/race etc. and should be dealt with accordingly. If someone was injured/killed during the process would the outcome be more or less desirable?
  14. Maybe the unhelpful button was not such a bad thing. People could show their opposition / displeasure with a post without getting into a slanging match and with some getting lots, as the number increases causes them to rethink their behaviour (as happened at least in one case) ??
  15. Para 2 means motorbike is exempt from the requirement to keep as far as practicable to the left. Does not include bicycle. Post 42 is a bit easier to read.
  16. The law about keeping as far as practicable to the left is quite clear (TORUM-Road Rules : applicable in 5 states of Australia) What is "practicable" may well be debated by some. " Division 2 Keeping to the left 129 Keeping to the far left side of a road (1) A driver on a road, other than a multi-lane road, must drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road. Maximum penalty—20 penalty units. (2) This section does not apply to the rider of a motorbike. (3) In this section— road does not include a road-related area. Note— Section 129 requires the rider of a bicycle on a road, other than a multi-lane road, to drive as near as practicable to the far left side of the road. "
  17. I haven't come across the "free" bit yet.
  18. Our legal system, including its various shortcomings, is still the fairest system I have found in my studies over the years.
  19. Rember what Ms Thather stated, I don't remember her exact words but roughly stated was "socialism doesn't work because sooner or later spending other people's money fails when the money runs out"
  20. Who introduced the 67 yr retirement age? ............ Not this parliament, have a closer look.
  21. I find then "ignore" button useful. It saves reading the same rubbish from the same people over and over. It does make some threads a bit disjointed but enables you to read other views without getting annoyed by the same rubbish. Works for me anyway.
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