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Kyle Communications

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Everything posted by Kyle Communications

  1. My first car was a 1964 mini (Morris Minor version) complete with sliding windows Next was a Holden HT premier wagon with 2 speed powerglide auto Next was back to a Leyland mini panelvan which I hotted up with a bored out 1275 to 1320 and forged flat top Mahle pistons witha close ratio gearbox and ported heads done by a local mini racer guy..went like stink but needed a second radiator with a thermatic fan Next was a VB commodore Had a family so it was my first new car a Toyota Tarago the square verson DX model...great car cost me 28k when I bought it sold it 5 years later with 120k on the speedo for 24K best deal I ever got Then a new 1996 VS commodore wagon..still have it..although its wrecked a few years ago..I gave it to my dad about 8 years ago be he had a argument with a bus Then a Toyota Troopie I used in my business...It was decked out with rear draws etc..was a crap thing to drive Next was a new VS HSV Clubsort V8 auto..lovely car. Then a new HSV VX R8 Clubsport 6 speed manual..best car I ever owned would love to have that car again Then a large Iveco van..been a awesome vehicle..drives more like a car...I still have it..very useful to be able tostand up in the back and not touch the roof. Then the Kia Sportage its been a great car and has done a power of work..I have put 170,000 km on it...but its now retired as of Monday and will sell it privately The new addition I picked up last friday is the new MY20 Dual Cab Ute Triton GLS Premium with the new super select 2 gearbox...only done about 100km so far but its a nice car to drive for sure..very quite and good on the highway...7 years warranty is a good thing too. Got a snorker of a deal and saved over 10k...dealers have been hurting and getting rid of cars to try to get some money back. I think its going to be a good unit..especially going to and from the farm and of course now I can actually tow a load
  2. Oh here is a video about the real statistics of the deaths in custody fiasco crap....these are actual govt figures ..take the 10 mins and watch it....I think us whites should be up there and protest about White Lives Matter too based on these figures. It also shows just how stupid most of these idiots are they have done nothing to inform themselves of the actual facts
  3. Did the pommies apologise to India..did the pommies apologise to the USA did the french apologise did the spanish apologise....NO...what happened hundreds of years ago is done and dusted. Yes I believe the "first peoples" got a raw deal but back then thats the way it was. Later of course some bad decisions were made in regards to them but again 50 plus years ago. Stolen generation children were removed from the families....so where the whites...my mother inlaw who is in no way any amount of cast you want to pretend you have in you was taken and spent all her young years getting beaten and abused in a religious orphanage and there were plenty of them with lots of white kids in them so it wasnt JUST the aboriginals that happened to. It really annoys me and gets up my goat that all these squealers say they are badly done by..well I have never ever gotten a govt hand out. I have worked all my life and paid millions in tax and never got a razoo from any govt. This is because I got off my arse and found work and stayed in work no matter what it was. I ran a business for 30 years and employed 10 people and paid lots of tax. Why should the "first people" get treated any different to me. I dont care if you are black white or brindle everyone is on the same footing as far as I am concerned. If you need a hand to get going or get something done I dont have a problem lending that hand but I refuse to be taken for a ride and get stomped on. You only ever get a chance to burn me once. Its only this past 10 years or so its got worse because the young are being brainwashed by social media and other crap that has poisoned their brains...they cant think for themselves or reason..they are sheep they follow the loudest noise. No one actually looks into the facts for themselves..they believe all the piffel of the media cycle daily and the media are the drivers of all this too. They are brainwashing the young people to not respect police or anything its the me me now now attitude....I will end up writing pages here so I am going to stop before the steam starts coming out of my ears
  4. I see all of your points but how long ago Marty were you trained..and Lightspeed you were done in the mid 80's...Thats yenns point I think. The teachers back then I believe were better trained...just look where our kids are now in the official rankings in the world..damn near least. As far as trade and other education I was listening to god forbid the ABC on the way to work last week and a nurse rang in complaining about the quality and training of the new nurses. They come out as a nicely polished nurse but know nothing and are literally almost dangerous because 90% of their training is done at university and not in the hospitals like it was done. My first wife was a nurse and she trained at the nurses training school at the Royal Brisbane hospital and she still nurses today specializing in the cancer ward and she says the same thing..since they took all the training to university the nurse quality has gone down hill fast. Its the same with almost any occupation like that now. They dont get enough hands on experience being tutored by other experienced teachers/workers ...Electrical engineers who I deal with are the same...great with the theory but have now idea about the practical or how to implement it in the real world. Teaching is no different..its all university. When I was at school they did teachers college but did a stack of classroom stuff as well watching and learning from experienced teachers. The best engineers we had when I worked at the power authority were the ones that started as a apprentice sparky then went and did their engineering degree at nightschool..they were all great...then you would get the ones straight from university...it was a disaster..we saw it every day and that was 40 years ago
  5. Well they were not good electricians..everyone knows because it was beaten into you that every circuit whether DC or AC must have a fuse or breaker at the source.
  6. I still hold my electrical licence..which I will do the 5 yearly test online again around my birthday this year but that will be the last time. I am building a house up at my farm this year so it needs to be current as obviously I will be doing it. I get emails from the elec licencing board and pretty much weekly there are reports out about sparkys getting done for poor or bad work and thats just in Qld. If you actually find a good tradesman now you stick to them like glue and pay what you need to. There are so many bad rough ones out there now. I put this down to the stupid "apprentice hire" companies. It is virtually just labour hire. They dont learn anything like in the old days when you were indentured to a tradesman or a company that had tradesman. This labour hire way just does not train properly or instil good work practices and it is all coming home to roost now. Every trade is the same. When I did our "college training" now TAFE it was a big deal now it doesnt really teach the theory properly and its very short. They have also broken the trade up into sections. Elec mechanic (house/building wiring) then the elec fitter (motors and generators). I went through as a elec fitter mechanic then did a post trade course for industrial electronics which was named elec fitter/mechanic special class. This does not exist now Luckily where I did my apprenticeship we had every single section that allowed you to do all of this. We even had our own training school which we did a lot of time in as well as the college "block release" which is the TAFE now I know it sounds like oh its not anywhere near as good as back in the old days but actually that IS the truth it is NOT....everyone can see it with their own eyes in every trade
  7. Totally agree...try and find a plumber nowdays
  8. Everyone has the right to freedom of speech But they dont have the right to disrupt the whole of a inner city with misspelt signs for almost a day every time they do it. And yes I agree they have a case but I think it would be much more constructive to go and upset that big white house in Canberra every day for as long as they want. Disrupt the playtime school yard they call parliament and that may attract attention from the right place If they want to effect change and they are truly smart and not led by the wierdos around the place they would be protesting or lobbying the large companies that are NOT spending time and resources to trying to make better faster solutions..Lets face those are the companies with the bucks to be able to do it. Why piss off the general public (us old farts) with a total waste of your time and energy protesting that will not do anything actually constructive. Yes if it was me 40 years ago then I too would be diverting all the spare energy I had into doing something much more effective and smarter with my available time to see if I could make a difference. But I am just a grumpy old fart now..worn out from busting my arse running a business and employing plenty of young people and paying my taxes and never took a handout from any government. There were a few times in my early working life when I didnt have a job and I didnt take the dole at all...I went out and found a job so that while working that job found a better one and then eventually started my own business which ran for 30 years until I was pretty much burnt out. So I am sorry you dont think I have much sympathy for these young ones..and I dont to be brutally honest. If you want something done you have to do it yourself but the proviso is always that you have to have the drive and energy to do it. My experience is in the last 10 years I see very few young ones with those attributes. The guys we have working for us are great workers but it took some weeding through a lot of chaff to find them....we also pay them appropriately to make sure we keep them too because good ones are hard to find
  9. My son lives and works in China. He used to teach chinese kids how to speak english. He has been there for 11 years now. He left here just when he turned 20 after doing a course here so he could do the job. He taught for about 8 years He now looks after all the teachers in the 9 different schools the company runs over china so he travels a lot within China. He speaks chinese very well. When you live and work with the locals then its easier but he did do a batchelor of linguistics at Griffith Uni then a scholarship at Bejing university for a year. He likes it over there I dont expect to see him back for any time soon but I keep telling him to get a translator job for meets and such. He used to do chinese to english translations for a few companies in his spare time to earn some extra cash. I told him he will be able to get a job anywhere he wants with those skills and when he gets tired of all the looking after other staff and people..go and find a better job using those well earnt skills.
  10. I have had NBN at my city home for about 3 years which by the way was 3 years earlier than proposed....Wyatt Roy got our area into the stage luckily by crawling up Malcolm Turnbulls backside..and I am grateful. The only issue is it is FFTN and being about 1km from the node the best I can expect is 25mb and thats what I get. Up here at the farm halfway bet Childers and GinGin the only internet was wireless broadband from Telstra and even then I had to use my 30years in the radio business to get a system of RF together to make it work reliably but best speed ever seen was around 5mb. NBN do satellite internet so I chased Skymesh after some online research and got them to do it..it would have been installed in about 8 days but I pushed them out for a month until the next trip up here. The guy came and installed the dish on the roof...he gave me a DC to 48 supply so I can run the sat modem off my battery backup system so it doesnt stop when the power goes out as it does up here from time to time. I didnt want to reconfig the commercial wireless router I had here so had to wait until I came back up in another month with a normal router to attach to the sat modem. Came up that month setup the modem and bingo straight online. I have to admit I was impressed. I get a pretty solid 25mb from the satellite and 5mb upload speed. The ping isnt great so no good for gamers at about 600ms but it has to be that way with any asynchronous data link over 72,000 km twice a time. The price is about the same I pay for the 5mb wireless from Telstra but instead of 30gb per month I now get 45gb peak and 90gb off peak. The ping time is not a issue either for my security cameras I log into and also have PTZ as well its just a little delay when you command something...Netflix and any streaming is fine with no buffering either. Just like all NBN the speeds and other issues others have and usually blame the NBN is NOT the NBN its your service providers equipment they use with their interface with NBN or their own network equipment. At home I am with TPG and it has worked brillantly for 3 years yet all the locals around Burpengary connect to telstra on the NBN are squealing all the time...the same with other ISP. Similar with the satellite stuff...some ISP there are lots of complaints about "The NBN" but its not them usually its the crap ISP. Skymesh so far for the past 3 months has been excellent
  11. I agree about privacy issues for a lot of reasons especilly with govt interference but also I dont care about all the CCTV out in public areas either. Its only a issue if your doing something wrong....I couldnt care less if someone was watching me scratching my bum. Face recognition will be a thing of the future anyway so it is what it is Unless of course it becomes a crime to scratch your bum
  12. Back to the useless tits.....You are right the ute of today are a show thing and not practical at all. We have a Isuzu tray back at work we use...it is useful but thats all it is used for is deliveries. We can fit 2 full pallets on the back to do deliveries of the product we manufacture and pickups that we need to get. It really is the only thing you can use nowdays. These twin cab show ponys are just that....just for the city dwellers to think they are cool
  13. I have been to Bayeux and have seen the Bayeux Tapestry. It was quite interesting. They had headsets you put on and as you walked down looking at it the various sections were explained to you. It was the week after Princess Dianna was buried. I was doing a job for a couple of weeks over in Ottawa and the guy I was working with we had decided before we left here to have a 7 days off in England and France on the way back. I wanted to do the aircraft museums like Yoevilton and Duxford etc and he wanted to do the beaches at Normandy as we was a war/military fan. It so happened I was having a drink at the bar next door in Ottawa when the news came through on the tv about Dianna. Could not believe the flowers everywhere in England after the funeral. I find it interesting how many people dont know about the Tapestry and the story of it. Sorry for the ramble here but the Tapestry bought back memories that at the time was a very important time in my life
  14. integrity???? LMAO governments dont know that word None of them do
  15. Well I dont think we are afraid of change as in my 60 years there has been a lot of change....the change that Labor wanted to envoke was way too much and way too fast. There is the old attidge of the young bull and the old bull. The young bull says to the old bull lets run down there and knock off one of those cows..the old bull says lets walk down and knock them all off We can certainly make the changes necessary to get things done but if you are really honest with yourself Marty is it going to make any REAL difference to the world problem?. We could all convert to renewables right now and you may as well be pissing in the ocean for all the good it will do for the current CO2 issue the whole world has. It is akin to going into the outback with a can of Mortein and spraying a few flies...it might make you feel all warm and fuzzy but in the scheme of things it didnt do anything. Is it a matter of wanting to be seen to be done ?...because the real facts are it wont make any discernable difference on a world scale...and its a world problem. Again I am not saying dont not do anything we all need to do something but everyone in the world needs to be doing something. Labor's agenda would have broken this countries economy and there would have been a lot more on the poverty line than there is now. Status quo is also not a option for th long term either. The country needs to grow especially if you want to add 200,000 extra people in immigration every year...we dont have enough in place now for the piddling 25 million we have here now let alone adding a million extra every 5 years added then on top of population growth by natural means. They say the world can only really support 6 billion people and we are almost up to 8 billion now...so maybe we may have to take the fast approach here and put a age limit on people and euthenais them as well to get things done fast to help the earth. The debate is not sensible anymore not only in this country but also around the world. The process of getting the change to our environment should have started 40 years ago but it hasnt so trying to fit 60 years of improvement into 20 years just does not work mathmatically or practically.
  16. The media should be hung out to dry..they dont have real journalists anymore they only have headline grabbers ...it doesnt seem to matter if there is or is not any truth to what they print they live for this "news cycle" crap. Yes question time is just disgusting...I watch it occasionally until it get beyond stupid...maybe 5 or 10 mins max. As I said I hate bot major parties..also some of the idiotic minor ones but I am told I am a prick because I think we need a benevolent dictator for while to sort the wheat from the chaff. Too many cooks in the kitchen now...they either hate each others menu or want to buy different food for each others menu. My belief is to toss the lot out and try to start again but this time with real people...not lawyers and those straight out of uni that then join the "young" major party and become a union rep then into politics....most are silvertails...no matter if Labor or Liberal
  17. Seems there are a lot of disgruntled Labor voters on this thread :) My opinion is we dodged a bullet. The proposed Labor changes were way too fast and way too much and I think that is what scared people the most. As far as telling porky pies during the campaign geez there are a lot of short memories on here. The last election and also the local by election up here in my electorate produced some of the biggest lies I have ever heard being told by Labor. My best outcome for the election has happened here in Longman..we go rid of the laziest federal member ever...bye bye Lamb...thank god..she was just useless. My personal opinion is I dont like either major party they both tell lies and certainly have way different agendas. Labor have gone far left and are influenced by the lunatic Greens and the libs have gone too far right. What ever happened to a centre....cant anyone ever seem to use common sense anymore. If I was in power there would be lots of changes....admittedly I would be doing things that both major parties had on their agendas. This is what gets my goat. both of them re as bad as each other..just because one party thinks it up it seems the other party just has to oppose it
  18. The Bradfield scheme was proposed back in 1938..things are way different now and the technical details and what can be done is very different. The current govt back in 2015 allocated money for 100 dams but the qld govt will not allow it on "enviromental grounds" ..the greens influence as its a labor govt here. They piped water from Perth to Kalgoorlie a hundred or so years ago Here is a interesting article even done by the left biased ABC Giant new dams proposed for northern Australia I think there has not been any real investigation done on this. Surely there must be engineers out there that can come up with maybe different ideas
  19. Litespeed so a company you worked for and left more than 10 years ago makes you responsible now for decisions made now?????? how do you work that out. Glad I am not held responsible for decisions I made when I was working for Energex. Do you honestly think he would have had any input in that way in the decision...Oh by the way labour bought from the exact same company when they were in power...the price is only reflective of the market..supply and demand
  20. hahaha no way the ABC is so left biased now it is ridiculous. Its all a beatup for the election typical throw enough mud and it might stick...when was the last time you asked the company you bought stuff off where they put their money?...the land had to be in the right place to be able to buy it for a start...the murray darling is now so stuffed that buy back didnt make much difference....another argument was "it was flood water anyway" ALL the water is rain water so essentially its all flood water...water is water it depends how much falls. It was a buy of land/water to try to alleviate and unsolvable problem with the current stunted thinking by the idiots in power and not just the current ones all of them The issue wont be fixed until the stupid pollies and major parties finally get off their arse and dig a massive trench or two from NQ and send the water into that murray system...oh but the greenies wont allow dams...boo hoo friggin nut jobs as well. In the USA if you go anywhere near Hoover dam and Las Vegas and any of the desert places you see massive water canals done out of concrete walls going hundred and hundreds of km..you look at them flying or driving over the USA they are everywhere..how do you think these desert places all look green and have millions of visitors and locals living there in some of the worst places. Our pollies are too self absorbed in staying in power by giving all of the countries taxes to the bludgers not to the pensioners and the people that actually need it let alone the farmers. Water is life and they treat the issue like it is folly I am passionate about this one subject and I stick it to my local pollies every single time I see them...they run the other way now I am sure when they see me coming
  21. In metro QLD basically if the electricity is running past your house it doesnt matter if you pull your service down or disconnect from the mains you get charged the access fee its a day rate borks out about $120 a quarter. You can see mine is 112 cents per day plus the solar meter charge etc...pricks. Its the same as the water rates here ..you can disconnect or not use the mains water but they charge you about the same because town water runs past your house [ATTACH]50040._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  22. Talking about powerfactor correction the distribution and generation authorities have always done PF correction. There are large capacitor banks installed for just that purpose and have been ever since I was a apprentice back in the late 1970's. More of them have been installed...well that is up here in Qld not sure about you mexicans south of the border. Our grid has always been far more robust than any other. The solar feed into the grid is causing major issues though and is costing a lot to alieviate it Case in point is right outside my house. Energex installed a 200KVA pole transformer just for the purpose of handling the reverse power (for a better word that is easier to understand for non electrical people). The normal transformer around the road is a 300kva it can only pass that amount of energy and more it will overheat and crap itself eventually. There is so much solar in our area what happens during the day is that solar power generation doesnt disappear it goes out to the grid on youe low voltage connection and gets inverted up to the 11kv back out to the distribution mains. A transformer passes it both ways so there is more going back out to the grid than 300kva so the transformer is stressed. The installed the 200kva about 500 mtrs away for it...outside my house to deliver that backfeed into the grid as well so it unloads the 300kva around the road...so now we have 2 transformers and its not for the download of power to the grid its for the upload. Now this is daytime NOT nightime..at night of course its totally different all that power is being fed from the grid back into the houses. I have lived here now 15 years and I can tell you that all the houses in my street do NOT have any form of battery attached and from my driving around the area I have not seen any batteries at all externally..thats not to say they are not there of course but the amount of them around would be very very small I can tell you now I am not spending 10k on a crappy bank of batteries that is max rated for 2.5kw only output or there abouts at any one time..yes it maybe a 10kw bank but thats all it can deliver....a kettle is 1200 watts thats 1.2kw....Also the time that battery lasts has to be taken into account...most forget that batteries have a cycle time usually 3000 or a bit more cycles in them. 3000 days (as they get cycled every day) is 8 years and then batteries start falling off in what they can deliver in their capacity it doesnt take long to look at the figures to see you need a crap load more of batteries......to run my house I need a heap more capacity. It is no where near cut and dried at all this argument...people need to look behind all of the hype and actually look at what it takes to run the system and all the other problems associated with it all. There are so many factors involved that people are not told or they dont know or dont want to know because its great to jump on this new tech bandwagon. I am a realist about it all and we do have to change but that rate of change can not be at the speed that all these new age people seem to want or expect
  23. " Blinded by ideology... A environmental vandal... Prepared to impoverish the future for the present... Have a extremely poor understanding of economics, even if just free market capitalism. Or to paraphrase, Evil." I am none of those by the way I am a realist not a pesimist..my point is that as our population is continually growing at a unsustainable rate for our current infrastructure and there are many power outages now well certainly down south there is how do you propose we solve the power issue for the next 30 to 40 years without spending trillions of dollars into green tech to keep the lights on ? Qld is feeding our power generation down south by huge amounts..remembering that I was involved in the electricity generation and distribution here in a former life.....so I still have many friends in that industry and at AEMO who do all this selling and distributing for the national grid We are running out of baseload power in a very big hurry and I dont see any solutions currently that will suffice...as I said in that post its a stopgap the clean coal power until a better solution can come into play There is NO storage even anywhere near developed or proposed that can carry over the night time usage....you maybe able after spending so much money its mind boggling to supply what is needed every single minute of the day in sunlight not to mention the physical space to do this and the hardware to convert the DC into AC for transmission of this power all over the place like it is now. How much power you have to generate if you had that storage capability to use what you need during the day AND store for the overnight usage it just a unbelievable situation...I really dont think you grasp the amount of numbers we are talking about they have so many zeros on the end of that KW number. Add say another 500,000 EV onto that list and the energy required to charge all of those EV..throw that onto the top of what we already are using.....lets face it most EV will be charged overnight so where is all our storage capacity during that time to charge from a "green source". EV are a great thing and will be fantastic ...in the future when the tech can catch up but as I said drag this thread back out in 10 years or even 20 and lets see where we actually are.
  24. You also cant tell this later generation that the new clean coal power station can actually be way cleaner than what we have now and would be a good stop gap until something better comes along but no...we are all evil masters and should die a dirty death because we are older than 45
  25. Fuel cells are a whole different matter and I think they should have been developed a lot faster and implemented long ago. They have been around for a while now..of course you can believe the conspiracy dudes that the big oil companies keep buying out the IP for it. They make far more sense for storage and energy use
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