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  On 26/08/2021 at 11:44 AM, Marty_d said:

Penny would be my choice to lead Labor.  She strikes me as having an iron backbone as well as a brain…


I totally agree, Marty. Penny Wong certainly stands out as a natural leader, but there are two small problems:

     She claims to not want the job.

     Kevin 07 tossed a hand grenade over his shoulder as he left the ALP leadership- he got the rules changed to it would take many weeks for a new leader to be chosen.
As a result we will never again see the sort of rapid switcheroo that saw Bob Hawke replace Bill Hayden while Malcolm Fraser was on his way to see the GG.

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  On 26/08/2021 at 12:04 PM, Old Koreelah said:

I totally agree, Marty. Penny Wong certainly stands out as a natural leader, but there are two small problems:

     She claims to not want the job.

     Kevin 07 tossed a hand grenade over his shoulder as he left the ALP leadership- he got the rules changed to it would take many weeks for a new leader to be chosen.
As a result we will never again see the sort of rapid switcheroo that saw Bob Hawke replace Bill Hayden while Malcolm Fraser was on his way to see the GG.


She may be being honest, but every politician I've ever heard asked about wanting the top job has claimed they don't, and/or they support the current leader.  (Usually while sharpening a knife).  I think it's just the done thing.

Yes Kevin did do that, and after the revolving door of Kevin/Julia/Kevin/Tony/Malcolm/Scotty (have I missed anyone?) I think the party would be reluctant to roll Albo anyway, especially since he was widely supported for the job when Bill got it.  

Perhaps when they lose the election and we get another 3 years of Scotty or, worse, his jackbooted buddy, then they'll go through that process and get a leader who can mount an effective opposition instead of a disappearing act.

  On 26/08/2021 at 12:12 PM, Marty_d said:

…Perhaps when they lose the election and we get another 3 years of Scotty or, worse, his jackbooted buddy, then they'll go through that process and get a leader who can mount an effective opposition instead of a disappearing act.


Can Australia afford another three years of this corrupt mob?

The ABC is firmly in their sights, then Murdoch and his mates will have total control. 


Having the LNP in power for another 3 years would be unpleasant but survivable, kind of like sharing a small tent with a flatulent person.

Rupert is 90 years old.  Hopefully he won't last another election cycle.  

But yes the ABC is always under threat from this rabble and all Australians who believe in the benefits of good investigative journalism (ie, anyone with half a brain) - should be supporting them.  

  On 24/08/2021 at 11:31 AM, onetrack said:

Jerry, the Australian Democrats folded up in 2009


I knew they were decimated but didn't realise they had folded.


Although 90, Rupert is pretty fit and I would not be surprised if he held on a bit longer than we think. Although, it is immaterial, as, I think it is Lachlan, is a chip off the old block, while James has a more centrist approach to everything. Lachlan looks to be taking over the reins (or reign), anyway.


Re Penny Wong, I haven't seen her much, but she does seem to be honest and have a spine. So, when she says she doesn't want to run, I would be inclined to believe her. This may be because she may be aware of her limitations and knows that from the senate and that being a leader of the opposition in the Senate is a different ball game to being the leader of the opposition, and ultimately, the PM. It is easier to be have integrity and a spine when you aren't managing the many conflicting vested interests while maintaining a grip on the greasy pole while everyone else is trying to climb it with daggers aimed at your back.


Talking of Bill Hayden and Bob Hawke, I was reminded of this:


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Hayden was an unbelievably HONEST Qld Cop. . Keven 07 can't work with a team. That's his main problem and he's a bit up himself.

    The person likely to succeed Morrison is Friedenburg but all in good time..

PM's cant come from the Senate'

  Anthony Albanese is an ok  and genuine bloke but Sco Mo and the press always try to "invisible " him and discredit him and they put a lot of effort in. A federal ICAC would scare the pants off this current Government.. Anyhow it's a CO alition of convenience not without serious problems with each other. Barnaby can virtually blackmail the Libs any time he wishes .Nev

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  On 27/08/2021 at 4:02 AM, facthunter said:

Anthony Albanese is an ok  and genuine bloke


Albanese has the mentality of a dead rock, not one molecule of a working brain, just a century old program in his head that could never work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Murdoch's agenda seems to be part political but mainly financial. He's worked out that there's not much money in fact based journalism. As time has gone by, he has realised there's money in fear, conspiracy, paranoia and BS, and has marketed accordingly. That's his business model now. He knows he publishes bullshit, but he knows bullshit brings in the cash. Non-factual journalism is in the main worldwide now, not just in Rupert's cesspool.

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Getting back to Scotty, I reckon I know what he is up to.

If a woman says to her woman friends that she is being disadvantage they will Ooh and Aah and console her, if she says it to her man friends they will come up with ways to do away ith the disadvantage. that is a difference between men and women.

Now we have Scotty who keeps popping up on TV and in the news with woman like answers to things. He consoles us when we are beset by problems form Covid. He consoles women with agreeing that they are treated badly by men.

Typical womans response and that response used by women for so long is one of the reasons that women are sexually harassed. They Ooh and Aah about it but don't go to the police. I know they feel they won't be believed or they will be belittled, but it doesn't help their cause. Now we have a PM who is going down the same road.

It really upsets me that nothing is getting done to solve problems such as the exploitation of women and now it is running over into everything. So easy for a politician to say how bad life is, but not do anything about it.

Our media don't help, they cannot look at what is going on and report on it. All they do is report on what others say, never give any analysis or even question what is happening.


  On 07/09/2021 at 2:27 AM, Yenn said:

Now we have Scotty who keeps popping up on TV and in the news with woman like answers to things. He consoles us when we are beset by problems form Covid. He consoles women with agreeing that they are treated badly by men.


Yet his own faction of the cult the pentecosts, has a different view to what they try to display to the public. They ordain women, but they can't preach unless there is no male pastor available. They send the women out to try to con people into joining them, calling them missionaries and in the home the man is the only master. 


Rich in this world and secure in t he next and with obedient women who  think that's the way Dog meant it to be. What could be nicer? If you are the type of person who thinks that is OK but in my  view is a  total $#!t out of touch  with reality, unacceptable  attitude. . I'm amazed any woman would vote  for him..  Nev

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But gee, Scotty's got the slogans hasn't he. His latest and greatest was regarding the Pfizer deal with Boris - "from Downing Street to Downunder". What a maroon. His judgement must be so far off beam to truly think the public would be impressed by the infantile slogans that constantly churn out of that blob of porridge that he passes off as a brain. The condescending clown should stick to clapping and give us all a break.

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  On 07/09/2021 at 12:47 PM, Marty_d said:

Can y'all please remember all of these points when we go to the next election?


Problem is there's only labor they will vote for and they are no different to the libs.

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It's a matter of degree, Dax.  Are they pretty much the same?  Yes.  In many areas are they a tiny bit better?  Yes.  No one is going to change the world in either party, but they can make it a little bit better/fairer/more progressive.


I said elsewhere that a story is only disinformation if it comes from you opponent. The problem we have is that the Opposition parties don't get equal exposure in the media. Watch the News. It's Scotty and Gladys all the time. Elbows doesn't get the screen time to say much more than a rebuke of Scotty's blathering of the day. Gladys is telling us how bad COVID numbers are, but who the hell is the leader of the NSW Opposition? That person is not even ghosting on a B&W TV.

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  On 08/09/2021 at 1:16 AM, Marty_d said:

No one is going to change the world in either party, but they can make it a little bit better/fairer/more progressive.


How do you get them to do that, when they both have the same corporate vested interests, same religious ideology and virtually the same policies. The difference between them is in the semantics they use, nothing more and when they get into power they act the same and when in opposition they act the same. They make all these promises of what they will do if elected, but when they are, they just continue down the same road no matter what.


What progressive steps has either party introduced this century, it's all the same approach to the last century. They bang on about climate change, yet neither do anything when elected, in fact regarding climate change they both are going in the same direction, the opposite to what's needed to tackle climate change and are same with renewable energy and Ev's.


Take the billions they've given to major corporations during this epidemic, yet they refused to ask for it back from all the companies who made huge profits, yet they hunt down ordinary people for small debts government incompetence created for people. What's progressive in that approach. Happy to hear the progressive things they've done this century, compared to the never ending disaster after disaster they create.



  On 08/09/2021 at 1:36 AM, old man emu said:

The problem we have is that the Opposition parties don't get equal exposure in the media. Watch the News. It's Scotty and Gladys all the time


Maybe its because they have nothing of worth to say, because their approaches are the same with each party. Neither party in state governments have approaches different to each other, they still have done nothing to establish proper quarantine facilities outside CBD's and they still hire idiots for security.


From what I've read those they hire for hotel security come from the muslim community and overseas people who have poor english skills, none have the best interests of Aus at heart. They work in more than one job and spread the disease everywhere, but the pollies stick fervently to their idiocy.


We don't hear any opposition demanding proper quarantine facilites outside CBD's, which would give them lots of exposure, not even the insipid greens have stood up for a rational long term approach. This virus is not going away and even if it does, there will be another more deadly one right behind it because human population continues to grow rapidly and that means more and more intrusion into nature, which is fighting back.

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Your last para just is not true. Labor has been crying for better quarantine all along. Queensland is going it alone in frustration.  This is just a game to Morrison. His so called CABINET was created to remove the Parliament (and the federal opposition) from the equation. Under ScoMO the parliament sits as little as can be arranged.  Dutton says there's no need for it to sit at all once people have been elected. They have so much to hide they  don't want to answer questions. Over 20 times they obstructed any inquiry into the Banks and look what that turned up.  They don't want a Federal ICAC established . Labor today promised to prioritise it in their first year of office.  Federal ICAC Now  FIN is now an official Political Party.

  They are both the same is a default position for many but it's not true. Morrison is good at spinning and wedging.but the facts are catching up with him. He's not up to it. and he's not actually very nice according to a few on his side of the fence, even. Nev

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