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I've forgotten the last time I heard a politician give a speech. "Speech" (noun): a form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an audience for a given purpose. A speech is an organised presentation of an idea. The presentation expresses the idea by moving from point to point, each point building on its predecessors so that at the end of the speech the listeners have sufficient information to form a firm opinion of the idea.


However, all we get from politicians nowadays are sound bites.  "Sound bite":  a short phrase or sentence that captures the essence of what the speaker was trying to say. In his book The Sound Bite Society, Jeffrey Scheuer argues that the sound bite was the product of television's increased power over all forms of communication, and that the resulting trend toward short, catchy snippets of information had a significant negative impact on political discourse.

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  On 20/02/2022 at 11:18 AM, Marty_d said:

What I find annoying is that they come out with some "talking point" that's obviously been workshopped with a focus group and approved by the PM. 


That's why he's "Scotty from Marketing".


  On 20/02/2022 at 11:18 AM, Marty_d said:

Wouldn't it be better to say "Right, folks, this is the idea we want to get out to the public.  Here's the concept, make sure you talk about it, try to seem enthusiastic..." and let them pick their own words? 


"Concept": an idea or invention to help sell or publicize a commodity.

"Policy": a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization



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One of the few Nats not obviously following the party line is Adam Marshall, state member for Northern Tablelands. The kid from Gunnedah always sounds sensible and has publicly supported striking nurses. Never seen him endorse coal and he’s been very supportive of renewables. 


When the COALition has been swept into the dustbin of history, he may lead the survivors in a (re)newable future.


It's a wonder they haven't "GOT" him already, though the NSW gov't has a few that are way ahead of the Feds. They have stuffed up the preselection though for the federal elections, It's a disaster with time running out to carry out the process  of selecting  candidates by the rules for the upcoming election. IF they can't do this right what can they  do right? Nev

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I was thinking about ScoMo's attack on Labor in the House the other day. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Scott Morrison went so far as to call Labor Party leaders “Manchurian candidates” — a comment he then was forced to withdraw.


First, I reckon ScoMo got his reference wrong. In the current climate, he was obviously implying that members of the Labor Party are subservient to the Chinese Communist Party. But The Manchurian Candidate is a novel by Richard Condon, first published in 1959. It is a political thriller about the son of a prominent  U.S. political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy.


The story reveals that the Communists have been using a sleeper agent who, activated by a post-hypnotic trigger, immediately forgets the assignments he carries out and therefore can never betray the operation either purposely or inadvertently. The sleeper agent's KGB handler is his domineering mother, who is married to a McCarthy-esque Senator. She has convinced the Communist powers to help install her husband as president and allow them to control the American government through him.


I can't see any similarity between Labor today and the character in the book.


Second, ScoMo hit below the belt. We all know that a Member of Parliament cannot be sued for slander for anything said within the Chamber. In Question Time on Wednesday, Mr Morrison accused Mr Marles  (Labor)of being a puppet of China. "We've got another Manchurian Cand..." the PM said before his microphone appeared to cut off. Mr Morrison withdrew his comment but continued to allege that China's Communist Party wanted Labor to win the upcoming federal election. He has given no substantial evidence to support these claims.


While we thinkers might dismiss the comment as schoolboyish, the comment was widely reported in the Media. The Point is that the Parliamentary Leader of Australia made an accusation which could imply treason on the part of its target. How many non-thinkers heard of that comment, and since it flowed from the mouth of "our country's Leader", how many would form an opinion adverse to the Labor Party from it?


The only recourse that the Labor leader could have is the equally schoolboyish retort, "Go on, Prove it!" Since ScoMo hasn't provided the proof, we thinkers know teh accusation is untrue. But with an election coming on, there's going to be muddy walls aplenty, and this was the first handful thrown.

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The Libs have found that major fear campaigns win hands down every time, as they found with Bill Shorten. But this time, there could be a lot of wild cards in the votes due to the unusual situations created by the pandemic. Some people have done well out of the pandemic, but many people have come out poorer.


The areas where the suffering has been the greatest during the pandemic are going to be where the swings against the Govt will show where this Govt has failed to meet the peoples needs and desires.

I personally think the Govt will come up well short of the mark - but it needs a number of the current leading Labor senators to start adopting more prominent profiles, and start distinguishing where their policies will be better for their electors, than the Libs/Nats policies will ever be.


The greatest need we have at present, is for the next leader of the country to show us their well-thought-out roadmap out of the pandemic, and onto recovery. I don't see that happening, they all seem to be content to blunder along, and make up plans as they go along.

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What the Labor party needs to do is learn from the last election.  It should have been theirs - the LNP was on the nose and lost votes in most of the electorates that didn't count (safe Labor or safe Liberal), but they concentrated their campaigning in the marginal seats.

Anyone except rusted on LNP voters or idiots already know Scomo is a lying scumbag, no matter how much ukulele playing he does.  So Labor doesn't have to spend a dollar in any seat that is already safely theirs or safely LNP's.  (And by "LNP" I include the crazies like Palmer and Hanson, whose voters will never vote Labor or Green anyway).


They should be hitting any swing seat or anything where they trail by less than, I don't know, 8% - with everything they've got.  Volunteers pounding the pavement, knocking on doors, answering questions, pointing out the government's f*ckups and how Labor would do better.  Targeted advertising campaigns.  

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ScoMo professes to be a Christian, and revels in its aura when he's shown at some Happy Clapper event. However, in his case, words speak louder than actions. ScoMo has been shown time and time again to have abandoned the Ninth Commandment - Exodus 20:16: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.” 


I recently said that we should ignore what is contained in the Old Testament as that is the record of the covenant between the Hebrews and God, but follow what is recorded in the New Testament because that is the new covenant between Mankind and God, brokered by Christ. However, we carry into the New Covenant what we call The Ten Commandments because they still encapsulate a guide to a peaceful life. Event those whose intellect rejects the idea of gods can be happy to live by Commandments 5 to 10. In fact those six (plus the fourth which deals with the Sabbath) form the trunk of the tree which is our legal system.


The commandment covers lying under any circumstance, including hypocrisy. That is, it covers anything said that is not true that would tend to injure. The ninth commandment is in a similar position in man's relationship to other men as the third commandment is in man's relationship to God. This commandment directly involves faithfulness and loyalty in our speech.


When we hear a  person's name, images of that person and what he or she represents immediately spring to mind. This is where the rest of us start judging the truth in a person's words begins. If truth does not form the foundation of a person's life, hey are already behind the eight-ball to some extent. At the base of this problem is a deceitful heart. This is the day-to-day "stuff" on which trustworthiness and reputations are formed. They are built on the examples of what we do before others. 

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Scumbag has shown his support for the Ukraine by worshipping in a Ukrainian church.

What the hell! He would have done better to talking to Biden to stop him telling Putin that the West was not going to put troops into the area.

I said earlier that I would’ve surprised if Putin invaded, but that was the invitation too good to miss.

What it shows is that the West cannot be trusted, us included. We are repeating the appeasement of Hitler. I hear that our schools do not teach history, but it is sad to see it being repeated.

Where are our leaders? Hiding so they cannot be held accountable?


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He has announced that Aus will make taking or assisting Ukrainian refugees a top priority in Aus' humanitarian allocation...


Only showing up in Fairfax media outlets when searching google..


Interesting line from SMH:

!He flagged a special intake of refugees on top of Australia’s existing annual humanitarian allocation, as well as offering skilled migrants or students priority."


I guess it is more than the UK, who will only allow those with immediate family already settled in the UK.


Where is that hang your head in shame emoji?

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Meanwhile, Afghani refugees who had the temerity to arrive on our shores without permission are prohibited from being officially accepted as immigrants. Have the Conservatives reintroduced the Right Australia Policy?


And for all Scomo's born-again-Christianity, where's his application of the Golden Rule of Christianity, Mathew 7:12 " Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets."


  On 28/02/2022 at 3:43 AM, Jerry_Atrick said:

offering skilled migrants or students priority.


Typical of Capitalists. Pick the eyes out of what is on offer for their economic values and to Hell with the rest. The refugees who seek our protection and a place to live in peace might not have the education or skills to boost the Capitalists' bank accounts, but we Australians know from throughout our history, it is the children of the downtrodden who strive to raise their families from poverty through education or hard work.


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  On 28/02/2022 at 10:18 AM, old man emu said:


And for all Scomo's born-again-Christianity, where's his application of the Golden Rule of Christianity, Mathew 7:12 " Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and the prophets."



As he is a right wing nut job, that saying morphs into "Do unto others before they do unto you."

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Very well written article.


Seems he is more than the comedian, too.. An accomplished lawyer beforehand..

Was going to put this in the Sanctions thread, but here seems OK, too...






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$4.8Bn will buy a lot of disaster relief from the US Military-Industrial Complex for disaster relief on the other side of the world. 


"The Australian Government will continue to stand up for what is right when it comes to Ukraine," Morrison said today after a vigil at St Andrews Ukrainian Church.

"We are already providing significant support in terms of non-lethal aid but I've just spoken to the Defence Minister and we'll be seeking to provide whatever support we can for lethal aid through our NATO partners, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.


Meanwhile the average Australians will be packing up food parcels and clothing packages from their own bought and paid for possessions to give some relief to their fellows who have been caught in an Act of God disaster.


Mark 25

41 “Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.

44 “Then they will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’

45 “And he will answer, ‘I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’


I hit the wrong button so read on from here.

and Afghanistan. All of which were started on a foundation of US lies. Now when the US and all of the West should be aiding Ukraine we are wringing our hands and going to church to condemn Russia and nobody seems to see the similarity to Germany and Hitler in the 1930s.

Some say that for the U S to put troops in would bring China into the conflict and start WW3, but to act like an old woman as we are doing is not going to prevent conflict. 

Putin will not hold back after taking over Ukraine, he will have other conquests, meanwhile China will be eyeing off Taiwan, knowing that the US is a basket case and N Korea will also have a go at removing all the Yanks lined up on its border.

While scumbag plays it for all lots worth, we can rest assured that Australia is sucking up to the big bully who cares not one jot about us. All while we stop the French submarines, for god knows what and rely on military equipment that is only bolstering up US military business profits and doing us no good.

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I see he is now giving advice to China, not to copy Putin. Just another attempt  look good at home, while he does no good diplomatically.

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