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"A few hot days...", actually equates to the hottest decade since records began. "facts, much overrated!", as FT says. You deniers are probably stocking up on coal for the summer.



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Those cartoons attempt to confuse and mislead. I don't try to mislead anyone. All I said was the records broken are all at the high end. Your talk of high horses is BS of the first order, and I utterly reject it. If there was no threat for the future I would be one of the happiest people around. I suppose the ocean acidity is imagined also. Nev



"A few hot days...", actually equates to the hottest decade since records began. "facts, much overrated!", as FT says. You deniers are probably stocking up on coal for the summer.

This Decade (2000 til now to be a bit wider) has been cooler than the last (1990 t0 2000), please try to keep up.



Guest Captain1
I find little difficulty keeping up with the obvious. When I mention deniers its not a compliment.

I see that the MethsOozer is up on the moral high ground too.



I find little difficulty keeping up with the obvious. When I mention deniers its not a compliment.

Neither was "please keep up".


What's being "denied" here exactly? Global warming isn't.


If you kept up you would find that people not flying on your side are merely disputing the cause and effect and most especially, the "Drama Queen" hype with the billions of our money being thrown at it - not if the temps are changing or not, that's nature.



Guest Captain1
If you kept up you would find that people not flying on your side are merely disputing the cause and effect and most especially, the "Drama Queen" hype with the billions of our money being thrown at it - not if the temps are changing or not, that's nature.

Spot on Bexy,




The missionary zeal of the climate change flunkies is way over the top.




As is the pompous nonsense to think that by chucking billions of our money at the issue, the Aussie people are going to change the world's climate systems. What feel-good nonsense. The minute that anyone even slightly accepts that, then they will appreciate that it is ridiculous to shackle our economy just so the climate hysterics can feel good about themselves.




Just look at what the ratbags are trying to do to coal exports. Pull those billions of OS earnings out of the OZ economy and it will go backwards quickly. But the rag & tube boys will be happy as we'll all be back to flying them because that is all that will be affordable.




What the ratbag greens want to do in actioning global warming is similar to their solution to the problems of the indigenous population here. Chuck bucketloads of money at the problem and they haven't realised yet that that approach hasn't worked either.




Woosie politicians and their acolytes 1st approach is always to throw somebody else's money at a problem that they don't understand and can't find a solution to. But they all feel good as a result.




Regards Geoff



Guest Captain1
All political hype .Just what you accuse others of Geoff. Nev

Thanks Nev,




Now please explain how the shutting down of the coal industry, one of Australia's major earners of foreign funds, is "political hype".




Please keep it a simple but expansive explanation, as I am just a simple guy.




Then you might please explain how you would make the wind-power industry sustainably economic ........ as the current model has proven that millions if not billions $ of subsidy here and elsewhere still can't make it work on any rational economic basis, even when your policies cranked up power bills to an unacceptable level. I find it fascinating that the Greens and Labour Do-Gooders stick their snouts in the public money trough and pay windfarm speculators a public subsidy to allow them to make a guaranteed profit. A specific example from me to you of weak politicians just chucking money at an issue without any real and/or rational plan for the long-term future. But they all feel-good until the bill comes to the people.




Regards Geoff




WE know which side you are on. so what's the point? . The messenger gets shot. You are peddling distorted figures. The massive cost rises in electric.power are with the distribution overkill. (poles and wires) Everyone who has bothered to look knows that. Australia will have a tariff applied by many other nations to their exported products if it doesn't do it's part. Tell the Pacific Islanders who came to Newcastle that you don't care what is happening to their countries. too. Nev



That argument is spurious Flighty as it was 5.5 C here in Echuca last night and those of us without a jumper decided that the world is definitely cooling. 


If one or 2 hot days is your basis of wrecking the Aussie economy to build windmills and kill eagles, then I can't help you any more.

The greens mate, what are they doing to this country?



Guest Captain1





Well if you can't debate it rationally I'll give you another example of your type of do-gooder thinking.




The Greens and Labour did such a great job saving the asylum seekers and making it easy to come here, that the Greens and Labour killed almost 300 of them while saving them.




That is another example of pathetically weak do-gooder politics. And look how the boats have stopped now that rational management has been applied.




And re your example of "Pacific Islanders who came to Newcastle", those poor bastards had the fear of god put into them about sea level rise and the sky falling in by WankPeace using the arguments that you choose not to argue when asked to here.




Regards Geoff



All political hype .Just what you accuse others of Geoff. Nev


If you tell lies, GOD will get you. HE knows what you are thinking. Be very afraid. Nev

You're lucky Geoff, look what us God fearing people are copping on the Atheist thread; I wonder if he's growing long white hair?



...A bit of global warming would not harm the planet despite what all the doom sayers say to gain government grants to support the "Climate Change Industry" of which they are a part. Global warming would only bring it back closer to where it was in the past.

If only it were that simple 80kt. Several hundred million people would be displaced by even a slight rise in sea level. It's started already. The tiny trickle of people currently seeking asylum in our country, Europe and North America would become an uncontrollable flood. Lesser migrations ended the Roman Empire, and you are unconcerned?




If you're talking about Pacific Islanders, I was present in a meeting when a Community leader gave a slide show showing kids walking to school in knee deep water.


The community bought an island off New Zealand where they all intend to move to.


However later information of the flooding of their island, which we all used as the litmus test example, including myself, has show the problem is subsidence of their land rather than a major rise in ocean levels.


Ocean levels are very easily verified.


For example, in Australia land levels and tide levels are measured from datum points such as the Williamstown obelisk in Melbourne which has a vertical shaft linked to Port Phillip Bay, and the sill of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.



...later information of the flooding of their island, which we all used as the litmus test example, including myself, has show the problem is subsidence of their land rather than a major rise in ocean levels.Ocean levels are very easily verified...

It's due to both, but either way, the poor buggers have to move. Several low-lying countries are looking for somewhere to migrate to, and our big, empty, rich continent -which is a world champion, both at exporting coal and denying it's impact- will be asked by the global community to accommodate them. Happy days ahead.





If only it were that simple 80kt. Several hundred million people would be displaced by even a slight rise in sea level. It's started already.

They can move to the lands freed up by ice recession, see how nature retains a balance spacer.png



Forced to move to Antartica or Siberia without committing a crime?

Ahh, well you see it's not like that, you are trying to hoodwink everyone to make me look bad by suggesting that I would send people to cold, bitter lands as they are today more or less to die, but the fact is the new warmer world will make those places like Queensland.



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