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How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal


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It's a polluted xxxxhole...yep.

Well that tongue in cheek backfired on me spacer.png


It's not perfect and it's certainly not Oz but it ain't a polluted shitehole either.


But it sounds like it is trying to do something about it.

More than any Western Government would like to have their populace know.


Xi Jing Ping just took all Government cars off Public Servants and told them to catch a bus or train to reduce pollution and congestion.



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Guest Captain1
Oh nose, not another GW battle .... spacer.png

Yes Bexy. You will surely be shocked that what is said in that link relates precisely to the topic of this thread.




Sorry about that.



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Geoff, Monkton is neither a Lord nor a scientist, he's a journalist. Just a crackpot cherry picking science relying on his audience's desire to believe and their "willing ignorance".


Wow Ft, you mean someone who doesn't agree with you is an idiot?


I predict you're going to start a whole new Worldwide Internet trend with that revelation. spacer.png



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he's not an idiot because he his getting paid very nicely to spout rubbish.

What a coincidence, that exactly my stance about the bulk of the Science community that are rolling in it from grants to spin the case "For GW" line (notice I didn't say Pro-GW because that would be biased) - the exception being that they are on a much better wicket than he is.


Exactly how has the GW affected you by the way, I mean I got a sunburned nose on the Gold Coast last year which made my case "There is no GW, we are in a natural warming cycle just look at the 600,000 years of ice drilling evidence" line a bit shaky for a couple of days, thank goodness for Aloe Vera, but what's it provably done to you?



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What a coincidence, that exactly my stance about the bulk of the Science community that are rolling in it from grants to spin the case "For GW" line (notice I didn't say Pro-GW because that would be biased) - the exception being that they are on a much better wicket than he is.

so what you are saying is CSIRO are rolling in grants money by "spinning the case for GW"? just clarify how that works, CSIRO in some grand conspiracy with NASA are just making it up so they can get more funds from our government? our government that does not believe the evidence any way, this seems irrational . I would of thought that if the CSIRO is so corrupt surely more funds could be raised by going to the government and big business an "spinning the evidence" the other way.



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so what you are saying is CSIRO are rolling in grants money

Where did I mention CSIRO, any individual or organisation anywhere?


I don't get a rat's ass who is smart enough to be the recipients of the funding and who isn't, I only care that it's happening and quoting the woes of one research organisation who missed out is a non-issue and has no relevance at all.


If it makes you feel better I can't get funding for my 1 meg wind turbine that costs 10% of a typical turbine to produce and, more importantly, locate, assemble and maintain either - but I'm not bitching about it, maybe because I take a teaspoon of cement with my breakfast every morning and harden up.



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so if you did not mean CSIRO who did you mean?


"I don't get a rat's ass who is smart enough to be the recipients of the funding and who isn't, I only care that it's happening"


Would you like it in rainbow?




"I don't get a rat's ass who is smart enough to be the recipients of the funding and who isn't, I only care that it's happening"






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Guest Captain1
I did mention that Monkton is neither a Lord or a scientist, right?

G'day FT.




Are you sure?




Re his peerage, Wiki says the following:



Viscount Monckton of Brenchley, of Brenchley in the County of Kent, is an hereditary title in the Peerage of the United Kingdom. It was created in 1957 for the lawyer, Conservative politician and former Minister of Defence, Sir Walter Monckton. His son, the second Viscount, was a Major-General in the British Army. As of 2013 the title is held by the latter's eldest son, the third Viscount, who succeeded in 2006. He is a journalist known for his climate change skepticism and as the creator of the Eternity puzzle.




Re his scientist-ificity, I am not aware of anywhere that he has claimed to be one and I have to say that it doesn't anyone to be a scientist in order to demonstrate the fallacy of another scientist's argument.




I was a Director of a company a while ago which employed numerous physicists with multiple degrees and PhD's and I was always amazing at how often they got it wrong.




You and others here might enjoy the following link:http://www.lordmoncktonfoundation.com


I don't believe too much that is on the internet, but IF the above is correct, I might need to include your posts in that category.




Regards Geoff



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The UN has deleted any record of "Christopher Monckton" ever graduating from a university, make of that, what you will.

Thank god for wikipedia eh?


Very disappointing of you FT, regardless of what you write and how you do it (that apparently irritates some), you generally stick to the subject and that's why I respond, not to or at you like some choice to do but to your subject matter and now here you are bagging out the person rather than his subject material (you must be an Australian Politician?), well you just drew the line in the sand and now it's free for all.



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Guest Captain1

I've looked at those links, so thanks for that FT.




So IF that data is genuine, he is a peer, he could call himself Viscount Monckton if he wishes, and I note that the letter from the House of Lords looks to be headed in handwriting "Dear Lord Monckton", but he cannot sit in the House of Lords. Hardly a castration offence.




IF that is the case it doesn't really diminish what he has to say, particularly if he has been genuine in his understanding of his use of the term "Lord". It doesn't appear to me to be fraudulent or they would have bounced him legally by now (I assume).




I must also comment that you appear to have a "University Fetish" (NTTIAWWT) and I say again that a degree is not a prerequisite to good debate, except perhaps in your case where you are insisting on playing the man in what appear to be personal attacks. In my experience, as late as yesterday in a NSW L&E Court case that I am running, that appears to be the tactics used by the environmental lobby or someone who is unable to reasonably argue the issues.




I'm certain that you are a great bloke, FT, and a valuable member of the Qld gene pool, however based on what has come from you and His Lordship, on balance I'd choose his side of a few of the arguments.




Regards Geoff



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I've looked at those links, so thanks for that FT. 


So IF that data is genuine, he is a peer, he could call himself Viscount Monckton if he wishes, and I note that the letter from the House of Lords looks to be headed in handwriting "Dear Lord Monckton", but he cannot sit in the House of Lords. Hardly a castration offence.




IF that is the case it doesn't really diminish what he has to say, particularly if he has been genuine in his understanding of his use of the term "Lord". It doesn't appear to me to be fraudulent or they would have bounced him legally by now (I assume).




I must also comment that you appear to have a "University Fetish" (NTTIAWWT) and I say again that a degree is not a prerequisite to good debate, except perhaps in your case where you are insisting on playing the man in what appear to be personal attacks. In my experience, as late as yesterday in a NSW L&E Court case that I am running, that appears to be the tactics used by the environmental lobby or someone who is unable to reasonably argue the issues.




I'm certain that you are a great bloke, FT, and a valuable member of the Qld gene pool, however based on what has come from you and His Lordship, on balance I'd choose his side of a few of the arguments.




Regards Geoff

Well said Captain!



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