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You are certainly getting into atheists GG.

I like freedom and Atheism is a belief system for those with totalitarian views. Plenty of examples on this thread how they want to impose their faith and doctrines on everyone else, just because they smugly claim to know better.


Dawkins is a pompous fool (Ps 14v1) but I'll credit him with honesty in that at least he says 6 out of 7, he realizes that to claim 7 (as the Athi's here apparently do) requires scientific proof of which there is non and this puts Atheism firmly into the position of being a faith.




I am informed ( I was going to write believe), that at some border check point years ago a westerner was asked his religion and replied "atheist" and the check point person persisted, till he said "Church of England atheist" and that was OK. A muslim atheist has a bigger problem as you are not permitted to renounce Allah. Nev




Pure rubbish GG. Logical? Not even slightly. The total absence of something is not another version of that something. Totalitarian???? Any thing but. The absolute antithesis of it. The ultimate freedom. You can even think freely. The monkey on your back is gone. Atheists don't band together and communicate their GODS word (gospel). There's nothing to say. If some want to debate it as Dawkins does He becomes an ADVOCATE for that position . Not everyone wishes to be so public but debate is not feared by those who are not insecure. It's a healthy thing for the mind. Thinking is good for you. Nev




Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ( i don't care which GOD, any one of them will do) created the universe including Earth ? And no, quoting from the bible isn't concrete proof.




GG you have NO idea what I think, but I'm not trying to convince myself of anything. If you are happy with your god, that's fine but you HAVE made some crazy statements really insulting to them who don't share your view of things.. You are not atheist so how would you have any idea how it feels to be one? I know I'm not going to heaven, but that is something I will have to cop. If a lot of the bigoted people that profess religion (Not ALL of them. I have some very pleasant god fearing friends) but many are people I would not like to spend time with here or in heaven. Trying to save your own miserable soul might not be the best motivation alone, and the promise of eternal life is pretty attractive if it can be delivered. Of course there is eternal damnation too so it is a carrot and a BIG stick as well. Very persuasive but not being clear to think on all things is too high a price to pay for me. I can probably quote the bible better than you too but I am not interested in the contest. I mention it because you may not know that I have been there.. Nev



Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ( i don't care which GOD, any one of them will do) created the universe including Earth ? And no, quoting from the bible isn't concrete proof.






Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ...

I'll answer a similar question, Dazza. On Xmas Eve, on our annual family visit to church, a stunningly gorgeous young blonde walked past. After recovering my composure I informed my church-going wife that, yes there is a God.


The bandages come off next week.



Mike,...When, and who created HIM (god).? How old is your universe (roughly) Plenty KNOW it is 6,300 years OTA. Nev

Im happy to continue the discourse ,


I just dont think i can give the argument the weight it deserves on an i phone key pad .


Come visit .


Cheers mike


Over and out



Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ( i don't care which GOD, any one of them will do) created the universe including Earth ? And no, quoting from the bible isn't concrete proof.

Well so far no one has proved he didn't, and since Atheists don't believe there's no point wasting time on it.




I notice the Atheist posters seem hell bent on censorship of other people's children, particularly the very light religious instruction in schools.


I can't ever remember anyone telling me to study any gruesome stories as if my life depended on it take religious materials home etc. and that I must believe what I was told because that was true.


On the other hand I can't remember ever being told the fairytales that were read to me were pure fiction. In fact I was a lot more scared of them.


Here's a link to ten of the worst: http://flavorwire.com/344667/the-disturbing-origins-of-10-famous-fairy-tales


I think some of the people here might just be a little insecure with their non-beliefs.



Those of you who have been literally quoting the King James Bible, are walking on very shaky ground. The Old Testament was .....

Exactly my point earlier, one's man religion isn't the same as another's even under the same God and Jesus - and you'll kill each other to prove who's is better.


An Atheist is a person with no "invisible" means of support. Nev

A 'born again' christian Mate of mine used to call me "hope - less" spacer.png Great guy except for the obvious fault. Facthunter, you may even know him, Laurie Dragget of BJ's Bikes and Bits in Brisbane, was there for 20 years selling Brit bike spares. Sadly his God didn't stop the Toyota Corolla that turned right illegally in front of him on his bike about 5 years ago.


I am informed ( I was going to write believe), that at some border check point years ago a westerner was asked his religion and replied "atheist" and the check point person persisted, till he said "Church of England atheist" and that was OK. A muslim atheist has a bigger problem as you are not permitted to renounce Allah. Nev

I often over many years stopped at a Muslims bbq street stand in Chengdu until one day he asked me what denomination I was. The reply of "none" was a bad move, while he continued to sell me the worlds best lamb skewers, he never spoke to me again.


I like freedom and Atheism is a belief system for those with totalitarian views. Plenty of examples on this thread how they want to impose their faith and doctrines on everyone else, just because they smugly claim to know better.

You are one very confused individual who seriously has that around backwards.


I took a few people off ignore for the sake of the "improving safety" thread because that's really important stuff where no bias should be entertained, but I guess you'll be going back on now.




Right o moving right along. I don't know what happens after death and I have never clamed to have any idea. But I will share a little story. No duff, this is exactly what used to happen.


My wife ( ex) & I rented a RAAF married quarter in a Ipswich suburb back in the early nineties for approx 6 months before we bought a house in Karalee. It started off when I picked up the keys to move into the joint, the Sgt gave me a big box with about 50 light bulbs in it. Old mate you are going to need these as the wiring must be old and you will blow a few light bulbs. Ok i said.


Yup we would blow around two a week but that wasn't the only strange thing to happen. The house was two story brick with the up stairs floor being Carpet over timber and vinyl over timber in the kitchen from memory.


I will list strange stuff not any particular order -


We would go to bed with the bedroom at the end of the hallway and there would be loud foot steps from someone walking up and down the hall way at night. Trouble was, is that we were the only people living there. The footsteps would stop outside our room, we were farking peaking when this happened.


One night I was up late watching TV and the kitchen is beside the lounge room. I heard plain as day somebody start washing the dishes and placing them in the rack. I yelled out to young love not to do the dishes as I will do them later the noise was pissing me off as I was watching the TV. Err she yelled out from the bedroom that she wasnt doing the dishes.


Other times light started coming out of the bedroom wardrobe in the middle of the night and you guest it, there is no light bulb in there.


Most scary thing was our Dashound Jake, he would be sitting beside us up stairs and then all of a sudden he would go ballistic barking and looking up at someone or something, his hair would stand up on the back of his spine as he bailed up the ghost or spirit or what ever it was. He used to growl at them and his eyes would follow the thing around the room. He would bailed it up in the corner of the lounge room once and go absolutely ape $hit at it. Of course we couldn't see anything.


We had a internal wooden stair case and the same thing, footsteps with nobody on it and Jake going ballistic.


Funny thing is, the house felt homely. Anyway, we eventually bought our own home and moved out. I said to the Sgt in charge of housing, " this may sound crazy Sarg, but really weird stuff happenes in that house. " he said " well your not the first people to say that. We are handing it back to the owners .".


I must say, we were glad to get out of the joint.


These type of events would happen two or three times a week. We kind of got used to it.



Don't worry GG, I'm on his ignore list and he regularly comments on my posts that he doesn't see.

Read the part where I said I took people off ignore for the sake of safety discussion. But it's typical of Bible readers to only read the bits they want to rather than the lot.


I notice the Atheist posters seem hell bent on censorship of other people's children, particularly the very light religious instruction in schools.

Mate, the only problem I have with it is how and who is at front teaching it. If it was presented via a neutral medium as a course of how and why religion is studied, I wouldn't have a problem with it but when it is taught with bias that's when I say no.


Well so far no one has proved he didn't, and since Atheists don't believe there's no point wasting time on it.

Lets pretend there was a God and he did make everything, well I understand you're not pretending but allow me to.


Where is it (that God) now? I am under the distinct impression that he has deserted you a long time ago, maybe off to build a new world and has a new favoured lot? Maybe they are still useless individuals who are scared of a storm ripping through their crop so slaughter a virgin in his name and he is pleased? Sounds quite conceited if you ask me.


Seriously, where was the Almighty when the Nazis and Japanese were ripping through all those millions of God following innocent people? If there was ever proof that it has deserted mankind, it's right there.



Where is it (that God) now? I am under the distinct impression that he has deserted you a long time ago, maybe off to build a new world and has a new favoured lot? Maybe they are still useless individuals who are scared of a storm ripping through their crop so slaughter a virgin in his name and he is pleased? Sounds quite conceited if you ask me.


Seriously, where was the Almighty when the Nazis and Japanese were ripping through all those millions of God following innocent people? If there was ever proof that it has deserted mankind, it's right there.

He should be in the Ark of the Covenant last I heard.


Never heard of slaughtering virgins to boost the crop - they'd be hard to find anyway.


People get mixed up (justifiably) between God and Jesus Christ's feelgood era, which is why I posted some of the home truths about him.


When we peel back a little further God is not portrayed as a one sided forgiving entity and there are some gruesome stories in the Bible with some corroboration starting to come in as digital information is shared.




Virgin Birth



People who have studied those times from a historic perspective and nothing to do with Christ or religion will point out that woman who got married were refered to as "The Virgin Susan" or "The Virgin Rachelle" etc until they had their first child.


Crucifixion was very real and a nasty form of death that could take anywhere from a day to weeks depending on the individuals. It wasn't unusual if for instance if Dignitaries were visiting for the unsightly crucified to be pulled down and put out of sight and would be a foundation for any resurrection story.




The bible is a scary book. The God portrayed must be a very disturbed being if what you read about him is true. It seems every bad trait of the human condition has been inflicted upon him. Original sin Jealous God to be worshipped with all your might. Sets up someone to kill his child as a sacrifice then when it is about to happen says "I was just testing you" God's chosen people slaughtering all the others and taking it all. Pretty crook if you aren't the chosen ones and stiff bikkies for the others This is pretty disturbing stuff. A little kid is born with a better sense of right and wrong and justice than some of this. Nev



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