Old Koreelah Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote ...Most scary thing was our Dashound Jake, he would be sitting beside us up stairs and then all of a sudden he would go ballistic barking and looking up at someone or something, his hair would stand up on the back of his spine as he bailed up the ghost or spirit or what ever it was. He used to growl at them and his eyes would follow the thing around the room. He would bailed it up in the corner of the lounge room once and go absolutely ape $hit at it. Of course we couldn't see anything."... I must say, we were glad to get out of the joint. These type of events would happen two or three times a week. We kind of got used to it. It seems that quite a few people experience unexplainable things like this. Their reaction says more about them than the experience itself.
Keenaviator Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Read the part where I said I took people off ignore for the sake of safety discussion. But it's typical of Bible readers to only read the bits they want to rather than the lot. Mate, the only problem I have with it is how and who is at front teaching it. If it was presented via a neutral medium as a course of how and why religion is studied, I wouldn't have a problem with it but when it is taught with bias that's when I say no. Lets pretend there was a God and he did make everything, well I understand you're not pretending but allow me to. Where is it (that God) now? I am under the distinct impression that he has deserted you a long time ago, maybe off to build a new world and has a new favoured lot? Maybe they are still useless individuals who are scared of a storm ripping through their crop so slaughter a virgin in his name and he is pleased? Sounds quite conceited if you ask me. Seriously, where was the Almighty when the Nazis and Japanese were ripping through all those millions of God following innocent people? If there was ever proof that it has deserted mankind, it's right there. It certainly looks like the subject of God's existence is of great interest to many on this forum. Some believe, some don't. There is much in this world which is not known nor understood. Faith is a very personal matter - my business and I make no apology for that. I have no interest in forcing my beliefs on others. If me standing up for my beliefs and faith in the face of those arguing their atheistic opinions offends, then too bad. There's no denying that for a subject under 'aviation laughter' there's a lot of serious discussion going on. Laurie
facthunter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Bex My brother can translate hieroglyphs and all those early writings. The word virgin and young girl are identical in one of the early languages of the period. Having to be a virgin shows the church has a lot of difficulty with human sexuality and they show it in much of their behaviour and attitudes even today.. If we are made by god the dirty bits must be OK. surely. Nev
bexrbetter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote We would go to bed with the bedroom at the end of the hallway and there would be loud foot steps from someone walking up and down the hall way at night. Trouble was, is that we were the only people living there. The footsteps would stop outside our room, we were farking peaking when this happened. You should share stories with me and my family! Grew up in Mornington at 61 Hampden St, the oldest house (huge 2 story house) in the area over 100 years old at the time (1960/70s) and happenings aplenty. Footsteps starting halfway down the stairs in the middle of the night, turning into the front hall and stopping outside of Mum and Dad's bedroom door was the most common, once or twice a week. Dad would get up sometimes. My sister and I sitting in the kitchen one evening and the back door opened and closed, footsteps clear as to the bathroom and nothing. Never any fearful feeling, in fact the house was always gave a warm friendly feeling when there although some of our friends refused to sleep overnight after a few experiences! (3 teenage boys and our teenage sister).
bexrbetter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote If me standing up for my beliefs and faith in the face of those arguing their atheistic opinions offends, then too bad. So you're not going to let me smash you on the left cheek either? Not very Christian of you
biggles Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Right o moving right along. I don't know what happens after death and I have never clamed to have any idea. But I will share a little story. No duff, this is exactly what used to happen.My wife ( ex) & I rented a RAAF married quarter in a Ipswich suburb back in the early nineties for approx 6 months before we bought a house in Karalee. It started off when I picked up the keys to move into the joint, the Sgt gave me a big box with about 50 light bulbs in it. Old mate you are going to need these as the wiring must be old and you will blow a few light bulbs. Ok i said. Yup we would blow around two a week but that wasn't the only strange thing to happen. The house was two story brick with the up stairs floor being Carpet over timber and vinyl over timber in the kitchen from memory. I will list strange stuff not any particular order - We would go to bed with the bedroom at the end of the hallway and there would be loud foot steps from someone walking up and down the hall way at night. Trouble was, is that we were the only people living there. The footsteps would stop outside our room, we were farking peaking when this happened. One night I was up late watching TV and the kitchen is beside the lounge room. I heard plain as day somebody start washing the dishes and placing them in the rack. I yelled out to young love not to do the dishes as I will do them later the noise was pissing me off as I was watching the TV. Err she yelled out from the bedroom that she wasnt doing the dishes. Other times light started coming out of the bedroom wardrobe in the middle of the night and you guest it, there is no light bulb in there. Most scary thing was our Dashound Jake, he would be sitting beside us up stairs and then all of a sudden he would go ballistic barking and looking up at someone or something, his hair would stand up on the back of his spine as he bailed up the ghost or spirit or what ever it was. He used to growl at them and his eyes would follow the thing around the room. He would bailed it up in the corner of the lounge room once and go absolutely ape $hit at it. Of course we couldn't see anything. We had a internal wooden stair case and the same thing, footsteps with nobody on it and Jake going ballistic. Funny thing is, the house felt homely. Anyway, we eventually bought our own home and moved out. I said to the Sgt in charge of housing, " this may sound crazy Sarg, but really weird stuff happenes in that house. " he said " well your not the first people to say that. We are handing it back to the owners .". I must say, we were glad to get out of the joint. These type of events would happen two or three times a week. We kind of got used to it. Geez Dazz , just reading that was enough to make what little hair I still have left , stand up. No wonder you took up spellin' Just sayin' . Bob
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Geez Dazz , just reading that was enough to make what little hair I still have left , stand up. No wonder you took up spellin'Just sayin' . Bob Hi Bob, it was a interesting experience. It wasn't like the movies when the actors hear a ever so slight sound and say " what was that " and another actor says what was what etc. Or " did you hear that ?" etc. It was plain as day, very obvious when we heard footsteps etc. I know that many here are going to read my post and think BS. I typed my ghost post to show that I am a opened minded person and I have witnessed things that cannot be easily explained.
facthunter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Ghost story teller . Maybe you could do that for a living. We don't know a lot of things. How would we? But we know a LOT more than we did and there is a lot more coming. Those who built the astronomical and radio telescopes etc did well. This is the human condition at it's best. To explore seems to be inate in us. Could be dangerous in the primitive jungle. Nev
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 When we moved out I said to Carolyn. " I hope this thing doesn't like us and comes with us to our new home. Lol
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Anyway back to the thread. I guess when the Ark of covenant found, opened and the 10 comandments written in stone are found in there. I will start believing, I need concrete proof. Just dig up Mount Nebo until its found.
bexrbetter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote When we moved out I said to Carolyn. " I hope this thing doesn't like us and comes with us to our new home. Lol I was actually sad to leave our home, I miss the 'ghosts' (for want of a better word). Dazza, A practicing White Witch (not joking) once explained to me that these were highly emotional moments that get stuck in time - oddly, mathematicians have backed up similar hypothesis in theory.
bexrbetter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote When we moved out I said to Carolyn. " I hope this thing doesn't like us and comes with us to our new home. Lol I was actually sad to leave our home, I miss the 'ghosts' (for want of a better word). Dazza, A practicing White Witch (not joking) once explained to me that these were highly emotional moments that get stuck in time overlaps - oddly, mathematicians have backed up similar hypothesis in theory. Time itself is one of the greatest mysteries of all.
fly_tornado Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Wooden houses are great, they have a certain character because of the floors
Old Koreelah Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote ...Time itself is one of the greatest mysteries of all. I know a time traveller. He wears a big cowboy hat and walks from his cottage to the sheltered workshop each day. On the way he is often seen to stop and retrace his steps a number of times. Maybe he liked that bit so much he wanted to do it again.
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote I was actually sad to leave our home, I miss the 'ghosts' (for want of a better word). Dazza, A practicing White Witch (not joking) once explained to me that these were highly emotional moments that get stuck in time overlaps - oddly, mathematicians have backed up similar hypothesis in theory. Time itself is one of the greatest mysteries of all. It felt to me that it was somebody who was stuck in time and didn't realise they were dead. There is a shop here on the coast at old Burleigh Town which had a spirit/ ghost that was the ghost if a teenager who overdosed behind the shop. The little bugger was brushing past women in the shop giving them a bit if a feel up as the story goes. There were hundreds of complaints by women until they got in a expert who got the young bloke too pass over. It made the papers many years ago. Interesting, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't lived in a house with its own strange happenings.
bexrbetter Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Wooden houses are great, they have a certain character because of the floors There's a difference between footsteps and creaks. Some of our doors would pop open due to expansion/contraction/drafts, besides the many creaks, but again, that is not the same as footsteps.
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Wooden houses are great, they have a certain character because of the floors The house we were in was a two story brick house built in the mid sixties. The only timber was the internal stair case and the 2nd story floor. Plus my dog didnt bark for no reason.
M61A1 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote I notice the Atheist posters seem hell bent on censorship of other people's children, particularly the very light religious instruction in schools. I can't ever remember anyone telling me to study any gruesome stories as if my life depended on it take religious materials home etc. and that I must believe what I was told because that was true. On the other hand I can't remember ever being told the fairytales that were read to me were pure fiction. In fact I was a lot more scared of them. Here's a link to ten of the worst: http://flavorwire.com/344667/the-disturbing-origins-of-10-famous-fairy-tales I think some of the people here might just be a little insecure with their non-beliefs. If it is some of my posts you refer to, it is not the light school based stuff I refer to. While I strongly object to RI being funded by the public purse, I have no issue with students being educated about different religions in the same way that they may learn of other countries and cultures. My objection is to those parents who use the typical "how to mould your child's behaviour through guilt and fear" model used by many religious institutions. Personal choice has been raised as the issue here, but where is the personal choice of the child, who has no say in the rubbish fed as truth? Using the same argument, it would be perfectly acceptable for paedophiles to do as they please as long as it's their own child. I do not see how one is acceptable, and the other is not. They are the same in my view.
Dafydd Llewellyn Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Wooden houses are great, they have a certain character because of the floors We used to get that sort of thing in our twice-moved old QLD high-set house - until a large bush python moved into the ceiling. It used to move in at the start of winter; the cats were VERY polite to it.
Keenaviator Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Anyway back to the thread. I guess when the Ark of covenant found, opened and the 10 comandments written in stone are found in there. I will start believing, I need concrete proof. Just dig up Mount Nebo until its found. Have you ever wondered where the phrase 'doubting Thomas' came from?
dazza 38 Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Have you ever wondered where the phrase 'doubting Thomas' came from? I would rather be a doubting Thomas than a gullible person who laps up the stories in the book of fairy tales, also known as the bible..
AVOCET Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 What about AD 2014 .? Lets have referendum to get rid of any possible reference to the year ,we are basicly arguing about . Year 1 of the new order of disorderly conduct and" do and screw " , & "say and pray", what you like , Yea, thats a world to bring your lids up in .! Mike
Dafydd Llewellyn Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Mike, are you meaning to imply that atheists are lacking in ethical and/or moral principles? If so, I don't think you are correct; the most fundamental principles are, to my understanding, "everybody deserves a fair go" and "do unto others as you would have others do unto you". Those principles are not the exclusive prerogative of religions (quite the opposite, actually; Jihad or the old testament principles of murdering the unbelievers are as far away from this as you can get.) Atheists have to live with themselves; they can't go and confess and be forgiven.
Dafydd Llewellyn Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote Have you ever wondered where the phrase 'doubting Thomas' came from? Yes - it's a form of psychological blackmail used by the Church.
Keenaviator Posted November 1, 2014 Posted November 1, 2014 Quote I would rather be a doubting Thomas than a gullible person who laps up the stories in the book of fairy tales, also known as the bible.. I take it that you don't from your response. It wasn't meant as an insult, a genuine query.
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