turboplanner Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Quote Turbo, while I appreciate the lengths you've gone to, I still disagree that there needs to be a conspiracy theory behind this. Throughout history there have been periods of sudden improvement and innovation. What about the Enlightenment? The industrial revolution? More recently, the leaps in computer design? In the last 200 years, mankind has gone from the speed of a galloping horse to accelerating a particle to 99.99% of the speed of light. When you look at that, why is it so amazing that in a 100 year period the design of a stone and glass building had a period of innovation? It wasn't 100 years. The Knights Templar left Jerusalem in 1128 Building started on the first Gothic building in 1135 - so that's just seven years for the Planning and Design phase It's not really a conspiracy, someone just found some existing plans which had been produced a long time previously.
Marty_d Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Quote It wasn't 100 years. The Knights Templar left Jerusalem in 1128 Building started on the first Gothic building in 1135 - so that's just seven years for the Planning and Design phase It's not really a conspiracy, someone just found some existing plans which had been produced a long time previously. Show me the plans and the carbon dating results and I'll believe it. Until then, it's just conjecture.
turboplanner Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Quote Turbo, I just looked up your sources. Some might be a bit shonky. Graham Hancock: "...his methods and conclusions have found little support among academics, his work being labelled "pseudoarchaeology"." Robert Lomas & Christopher Knight: "Elements of his work have been described as 'hoaxes' by members of the Freemasonry community. For example, the redaction of a document called "The Masonic Testament" by Lomas and co-author Christopher Knight, in their Book of Hiram (2003), from fragments of old manuscripts and ritual,[7] has been described as "An invention by the highly imaginative authors ... which has no historical validity". Louis Charpentier: "..In his book, The Giants and the mystery of origins, it postulates the existence in France of planning a huge board game that grows in a spiral whose "cases" are marked megalithic monuments, places which still bear the name of the god Lug and his consort Lusine..." (translated from French by Google Translate) Point is, I enjoy a Dan Brown novel as much as the next bloke, but I don't mistake it for reality. Two things: 1. I just grabbed information from where I could find it over the last couple of days 2. In several posts on this thread people have googled and found controversial issues with some authors - that doesn't necessarily damn them and negate the parts of their works which are corroborated. Graham Hancock Archaeology is a very formal doctrine which primarily looks for physical remains, and sometimes draws conclusions A branch of this, Egyptology was finding artifacts and buildings that couldn't be rationally explained, and bred a branch of archaeologists known as Egyptologists Those people made a series of assertions when they found things that couldn't be explained, and for years they closed ranks on anyone who chose to disagree. In Chariots of the Gods, Erich of Daniken went round the world looking at archeological anomalies, and postulated that aliens had built them, since we couldn't produce most of them even today. Around 1989 Graham Hancock went round the world looking at many of these anomalies, and tried to find rational explanations which didn't involve aliens. As part of this he found a lot of porkies, particularly in relation to Egypt. The Egyptologists descended on him like a pack of locusts, with denials and alternative explanations, and it was hard to know who was telling the truth. The comment you quoted would be one of the mildest insults levelled at him. His work seems to have inspired a lot of work from a lot of people, the digital age has sped up release and correlation of new data, and he has a different standing today, although he's till out there at the cutting edge of controversy. I find his work entertaining, but still look for confirmation. Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight Christopher Knight goes way out there, but the things he finds encourages people to dig for more data - look at him that way Louis Charpentier What he said about Gothic design was about what everyone else was saying, and as posted elsewhere a new Cathedral design in 7 years qualifies as sudden in my opinion.
rgmwa Posted November 8, 2014 Posted November 8, 2014 Quote I just had a quick look but couldn't see his book on Amazon. There's one about him ("Spitfire Ace of Aces: The Wartime Story of Johnnie Johnson by Dilip Sarkar") and one BY him (" Cassell Military Classics: Full Circle: The Story of Air Fighting by J.E. ('Johnnie') Johnson") But not "Spitfire Pilot" (although there are a couple with that title, by other people). Thanks for the offer Phil but don't go posting it over, I've got a heap of reading material already and am already burning the candle at both ends (with 3 small children my free time starts around 8:30pm until bedtime, and that includes working on the plane, reading, and any TV I might want to watch). But I do appreciate the offer! It could be this one: Johnson, J.E. Wing Leader (Fighter Pilots). London: Goodall Publications Ltd. 2000 (original edition 1956). http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1246813.Wing_Leader Possibly re-titled for the later release? rgmwa
dazza 38 Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote It wasn't 100 years. The Knights Templar left Jerusalem in 1128 Building started on the first Gothic building in 1135 - so that's just seven years for the Planning and Design phase It's not really a conspiracy, someone just found some existing plans which had been produced a long time previously. They definitely mustn't have had unions back then.
nomadpete Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Press Release This thread is soon to be released in paperback. Ian, please start negotiating the movie rights.
rgmwa Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote Press Release This thread is soon to be released in paperback. Ian, please start negotiating the movie rights. I heard that Mel Gibson might be interested. rgmwa
dazza 38 Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote I heard that Mel Gibson might be interested.rgmwa And Russell Crowe.
Old Koreelah Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 I guess we'll have to start suggesting actors to play the various characters.
turboplanner Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 All offers welcome but we're not going cheap
Old Koreelah Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote All offers welcome but we're not going cheap Hollywood will just deny that characters in the film bear any relationship to real world people- and you'll get nothing.
AVOCET Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Whats to stop some one using this stuff and other posts to use a basis for a script. ??? Does Ian have a leagal hold ? Mike .
turboplanner Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Yes, he does, just try selling the rights.
AVOCET Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote Yes, he does, just try selling the rights. Im a bit slow , " just try selling the rights " Is that a threat to me , or ian ?
PA. Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Undecided which religion is for you? Use this flow chart do find out. [ATTACH]47492._xfImport[/ATTACH]
turboplanner Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote Im a bit slow ," just try selling the rights " Is that a threat to me , or ian ? Ian owns the rights to the content
facthunter Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 That chart PROVES that atheism isn't a religion. It wasn't an option. Nev
Guest Crezzi Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote J. E. ( Johnny ) Johnson mentions this a couple of times in his book "Spitfire Pilot" . . . . he was one of Douglas Bader's wingmen in the early stages of the BoB . . .he said that by the time you'd been "Bounced" from above by a couple of 109's, there simply wasn't the time to roll inverted and pull. . . . .since a lot of the pilots were fairly low time on Spitfires, and the 109 could get away towards the ground very quickly, making it inadviseable to break formation and go on a solo chase excercise. . . . by which time your quarry was out of sight or into lower cloud. . . . bloody good book that, Johnson took a cannon shell through the left wing which failed to go bang,. . .he had it patched up then flew the same Spitfire for another 2 years. He was never shot down ( Lucky bugger ! ) I dunno if it is still in print, I'll dig it out later and look up the publisher. Worst case, I'll stick it in brown paper and save up for the postage to OZ, since I've read it about four times over the years. . . ! ! ! ! ! I wasn't going to contribute to the thread since it's pointless arguing with people who think atheism is a religion and Jesus was a capitalist. However I can't resist the opportunity to mention that the initial solution to the Merlins inverted carb problem was known as "Miss Shillings orifice". Google it (cautiously !) John
rankamateur Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote That chart PROVES that atheism isn't a religion. It wasn't an option. Nev If you aren't rich and insane you have the option of being an athiest on the right hand side.
DonRamsay Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote . . . It's not a problem for God that you don't believe in him, He doesn't believe in Atheists. The question related to "respect" not "belief". Once again, GG your comprehension skills seem to have let you down. Are you saying your God doesn't believe Atheists exist? What about all the children who have never heard of any god? They wouldn't even know they are supposed to believe in a god or gods unless somebody tells them they better or else. GG, no matter how often you assert that the God of Abraham is not a.k.a. "Allah" the only person you are kidding is yourself. It is not disputed by any Muslims, Christians or Jews, not even you, that they and you worship (and fear) the God of Abraham. I don't know who told you Allah resides in Hell but you really need to go back and ask any priest, minister, sheik or rabbi and they will relieve you of that misconception. It is true that Muslims and Jews do not recognise Yeshua (JC) as Barabas (Son of God) but they do worship the same God of Abraham, just with some different ceremonial practices. They just call Her different names. Get over it. Turbo, feel free to arbitrate on this and tell me if I am misunderstanding something.
Marty_d Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote I wasn't going to contribute to the thread since it's pointless arguing with people who think atheism is a religion and Jesus was a capitalist.However I can't resist the opportunity to mention that the initial solution to the Merlins inverted carb problem was known as "Miss Shillings orifice". Google it (cautiously !) John That's GOLD. I can just hear the conversation in the officer's mess. "Oh I say, chaps, has anyone else tried out Miss Shilling's orifice? Quite amazing, what?" "Yes Bertie, I gave her orifice a good run yesterday! The performance issues I had before were simply gone!"
DonRamsay Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote Most of what you've said here is baseless, and based on the human inability to restrain themselves from looking over a fence designed for privacy. Yes it is baseless because of the covert nature of stone cutting there is no reliable base to work from. However, it is, I believe, a widely held view that the advantages that flow from mutual back-scratching is the big attraction for many masons. No, I haven't looked over the fence and am not about to pay a couple of ex Masons for the privilege of looking over the fence. When they take the fence down and operate in an open way I probably still won't look to see what they are up to because they have become irrelevant and destined to fade away. Have a look at the demographics of their membership - older even than Recreational Aviation and getting older by the day. Quote . . . If Knight and Lomas have their research correct, the William StClair was a brilliant strategist who was able to operate under the radar of the Roman Catholics who were hell bent on killing anyone they felt had different information to Saul's invention of Christianity. Not invented by JC and carried on by Peter and those who walked in the shoes of the fisherman? Been any recent examples of persecution of Masons by Catholics recently? I know there is no love lost between them but shouldn't both sides just get over it now? Quote . . . Knight and Lomas both went through the Masonic process and have very carefully tried to ensure they kept to their vows as Masons. A bit like Cosa Nostra and the code of silence. Mostly worked for them why wouldn't it work for the Masons? So, all we need is for Gorbachev to join the Masons and introduce them to the concepts of Glasnost (openness) and Perestroika (restructuring)? Perhaps it is time to lose the silly dress-ups and secrecy.
turboplanner Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Quote The question related to "respect" not "belief". Once again, GG your comprehension skills seem to have let you down. Are you saying your God doesn't believe Atheists exist? What about all the children who have never heard of any god? They wouldn't even know they are supposed to believe in a god or gods unless somebody tells them they better or else. GG, no matter how often you assert that the God of Abraham is not a.k.a. "Allah" the only person you are kidding is yourself. It is not disputed by any Muslims, Christians or Jews, not even you, that they and you worship (and fear) the God of Abraham. I don't know who told you Allah resides in Hell but you really need to go back and ask any priest, minister, sheik or rabbi and they will relieve you of that misconception. It is true that Muslims and Jews do not recognise Yeshua (JC) as Barabas (Son of God) but they do worship the same God of Abraham, just with some different ceremonial practices. They just call Her different names. Get over it. Turbo, feel free to arbitrate on this and tell me if I am misunderstanding something. Several faiths can be traced back to the same God, (which strengthens any doubt about God existing) Both the Imperial and Metric systems, and some other trace back to a single system (ironically the Imperial system is far more realistic than metric) As studies continue, language is tracing back towards a possible source language However, arguing over the religions is a time waster, since the definition of Atheist is "one who denies the existence of God" It's God we need to be talking about, not the Pope v the rest
facthunter Posted November 9, 2014 Posted November 9, 2014 Which one? You can't avoid the essential problem, if we are going down that road. There's lots of different gods, but the people differ very little. Nev
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