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Who's this God of Abraham you keep crapping on about?. . .

The words "God of Abraham", can be read literally just like the fundamentalist view of the words of the bibles. It is simply the God that Abraham worshiped.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think "God" is a status or rank rather than a personal name. A bit like Arch Angel or Fallen Angel. Abraham, whose religion founds the basis of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, had a God who is referred to by the name Yaweh or YHWH sometimes pronounced Jehovah (9,000 times).


The (Greek) Christian translators substituted the more familiar "Lord" for Yaweh which had too much of a Jewish ring to it. A bit like the way they lightened his skin and gave him red-brown wavy hair to look more Eurpean. Similarly, the Arabic translators ripped off the name of an existing pagan, pre-Islam God (Allah) and recycled it for the far too Jewish Yaweh.


This trick of using previous pagan gods and festivals is a widely practiced piece of political correctness. People did not want to give up their pagan mid-winter festival and kept it but changed the name to "Christmas", falsifying the Nazerene's birth certificate in the process. Similarly, they didn't want to give up the extra long weekend over Easter and made that into Christian holy-day(s). There is nothing new under the sun, Horatio.


The confusion suffered by GG over God = Jewish Jehovah = Christian Lord = Muslim Allah is down to mischievous translators. The Christians went on to soften their God and make him much more likeable. The Muslims went the other way and made him even vainer and meaner. Still, whenever men are involved, there will be interpretation and re-engineering to suit their purposes. There are aspects of the Islamic interpretation that are pure heresy to the original Jewish texts. For example, you get no schizophrenic "three Gods for the price of one" (buy one get two free) in Islam. Muslims have the equivalent of a religious ACCC to eliminate such false and misleading advertising.


Oh, and Turbo, "crapping on"? That sort of remark could see you in the sin bin at the downtown Melbourne debating society. Try logical debate instead of "beneath you" aspersions.



Regarding why does God allow suffering there are many articles about this if you would care to look into it, perhaps your teachers may have brushed it aside as they didn't really know. I understand it relates to what took place between God and Satan back near the beginning of creation, rather than immediately crush him time was given to demonstrate to all the goodness and justice of God vs the destruction and evil Satan has brought into the world.

Just on that point Gnu, why does satan exist? Did god make a mistake, in which case he's not omnipotent, or did he create him evil on purpose, in which case god bears ultimate responsibility for all evil?



why does satan exist?

It's like if you only had perfect weather everyday you wouldn't appreciate it. Now we get lots of sh!tty weather so the rare good day we can appreciate and thank God for. Of course you can blame all the cross winds and thunderstorms on the devil or FT.




Already had the last post twice today. It came over our PA system at work at 11:00, then an hour later we had a video conference with the QLD team so got theirs as well!




As exciting as it is to see Atheists coming out way ahead of Christians in quoting bizarre Bible passages, an Atheist is one who doesn't believe in God, rather than a person who doesn't believe in Christ, and the good news is that if we go back further than the time the Bible was written, all that forking through the fog of who begat who, who was gnashing his teeth and whether the Battle of Jericho was simply a football match.


Egypt is more interesting, since the Neteru, the people who arrived at Zep Tepi (The First Time) were not gods at all.


The Pharaonic culture took off in the third millennium BC.


John Anthony West: “Every aspect of Egyptian knowledge seems to have been complete at the very beginning.


“The sciences, artistic and architectural techniques and the hieroglyphic system shown virtually no signs of a period of “development”; indeed, many of the achievements of the earliest dynasties were never surpassed or even equalled later on.


“How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of ‘development’. Bit in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is obvious, but because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered.


“Egyptian civilization was not a ‘development’; it was a legacy”


And that leads to a whole new ball game.



“How does a complex civilization spring full-blown into being? Look at a 1905 automobile and compare it to a modern one. There is no mistaking the process of ‘development’. Bit in Egypt there are no parallels. Everything is right there at the start. The answer to the mystery is obvious, but because it is repellent to the prevailing cast of modern thinking, it is seldom considered.

“Egyptian civilization was not a ‘development’; it was a legacy”


And that leads to a whole new ball game.

To historians in 7014 the short history of the development of the modern automobile would also convince them that it must have been a `legacy', if all they had to work with were the limited records that we have today of the ancient Egyptian civilisation.





To historians in 7014 the short history of the development of the modern automobile would also convince them that it must have been a `legacy', if all they had to work with were the limited records that we have today of the ancient Egyptian civilisation.rgmwa

.........Other than the 5,000 years or so of carvings, drawings, plans, recorded statements, and photos of the car from the time it had it's dashboard stain by the source of its motive power.




Before I get on to the real reason for getting into Egyptian History, here's a litte snippet which might provide some insight into the later activities of Moses. Maybe they had one, maybe they were as ubiquitous as the Hilux with a machine gun in the rear.


"Geb, the third divine Pharaoh, duly succeeded Shu to the throne. His reign was also troubled and some of the myths describing what took place reflect the odd idiom of the Pyramid Texts in which a non-technical vocabulary seems to wrestle with complex technical and scientific imagery. For example, one particularly striking tradition speaks of a ‘golden box’ in which Ra had deposited a number of objects – described, respectively, as his ‘rod’ (or cane), a lock of his hair, and his uraeus (a rearing cobra with its hood extended, fashioned out of gold, which was worn on the royal head-dress). A powerful and dangerous talisman, this box, together with its bizarre contents, remained enclosed in a fortress on the ‘eastern frontier’ of Egypt until a great many years after Ra’s ascent to heaven. When Geb came to power he ordered that it should be brought to him and unsealed in his presence. In the instant that the box was opened a bolt of fire (described as the breath of the divine serpent) ushered from it, struck dead all Geb’s companions and gravely burned the god-king himself."



.........Other than the 5,000 years or so of carvings, drawings, plans, recorded statements, and photos of the car from the time it had it's dashboard stain by the source of its motive power.

I think you may have missed the point. Historians in 5,000 years time will obviously have access to a lot more information about cars, including photos and detailed drawings etc, than we do about about what the Egyptians were doing 5,000 years ago. 100 years represents only 2% of a 5,000 year period - a very brief moment in which the `sudden' appearance of a new technology in ancient Egypt could easily be misinterpreted as a `legacy' from some mysterious unknown civilisation. Especially if you're looking for `evidence' to support some exotic theory. Historians 5,000 years from now won't make that mistake about cars.






Manetho’s “History of Egypt” written around the third century BC, has been proved accurate by the Palermo Stone, Turin Papyrus, and Abydos king-list.


Manetho writes that the Ancients ruled for 13,900 years, the Followers of Horus ruled for 11,025 years and the mortal kings ruled for 31 dynasties, giving a total of 36,525 years.


According to the Edfu texts the Seven Sages (the Ancients) came from an island, the “home of the Primaeval ones”. The texts are adamant that the agency that destroyed this island was a flood. They also tell us that it came to its end suddenly and that the majority of its “divine inhabitants” were drowned. Arriving in Egypt, those few who survived then became “the Builder gods, who fashioned in the primeval time, the Lords of Light….The Ghosts, the Ancestors….who raised the seeds of gods and men… the Senior ones who came into being at the beginning, who illuminated this land when they came forth unitedly……


These were known as the Neteru


It is not believed that these remarkable beings were immortal. On the contrary, after they had completed their tasks they died and their children took their places and performed funerary rites on their behalf.


….their special gift was knowledge – including, but not limited to architecture. The Sages are said to have specified the plans and designs that were to be used for all future temples. For example, the temple of Dendera (a little north of Edfu) is inscribed with Building Texts of its own which state that the “great plan” followed by its architects was “recorded in ancient writings handed down.


The “Followers of Horus” were descendents of this group.


Neteru is universally translated by Egyptologists as gods, but from about the mid ‘90’s we have become more educated in the symbolism and quirks or the Egyptian language, and these days we might see them more as “Industry Leaders or Mentors” like Einstein.


However that is not so with the word Neter


One meaning for Neter is: “the great and supreme power which made the earth, the heavens and the sea, the sky, men and women, birds and creeping things, all that is and all that shall be.”


In the Pyramid of Unas, it is said to the deceased: “un-k ar kes neter (Thou exsistest at the side of God)”


In the Pyramid of Teta it is said of the deceased “ut'a-f met neter as set'em-nef metu (He weigheth words, and, behold, God hearkeneth unto the words.”


The Stele of Canopus shows that in Ptolomaic times Neter meant holy or sacred


So we now have God mentioned in human history as far back as around 34,525 BC


This material comes from “Message of The Sphinx: Graham Hancock and Robert Bauvall, and other sources.






I'm starting to think that you are really working for the telcos. Your posts are sending countless forumites scurrying for their favorite search engine to check up on your postings.


And, that is MY belief!


Oh, only 32 posts to go to the magical 1000th




Oh, oh, looks like all those old bibles will have to be thrown in the rubbish and make way for the truth ...




A 1, 500 year old manuscript has claimed that Jesus Christ married the prostitute Mary Magdalene and had children.




The so-called "Lost Gospel", which was unearthed at the British Library, has been translated from Aramaic and has revealed that Jesus had two children and the original Virgin Mary was Jesus's wife and not his mother, the Independent reported.




Professor Barrie Wilson and writer Simcha Jacobovic, who spent months translating the text, said that many experts have downplayed the biblical figure's historical importance but and she is of much greater significance than previously thought.




Further revelations from the book, including the names of Jesus's children, will be released on Wednesday.




Mary Magdalene already features in the existing gospels and is present at many of the important moments recorded in Jesus's life and earlier Nikos Kazantzakis in his 1953 book "The Last Temptation of Christ" and Dan Brown in "The Da Vinci Code" had made the same allegation.



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