Bikky Posted November 12, 2014 Posted November 12, 2014 Antarctica is one place you won't get religious loonies knocking at the door. Bit difficult to come up with a list of atheist countries. Anywhere worth living has been dominated by religions and it's people indoctrinated and subjugated. We deal you out a plate of sh?t here, but don't worry, there's a better place waiting for you with all the virgins you want, or a big playground where lions sleep with lambs etc. Just do as you're told and above all, DON"T THINK! Don't forget, if you want to guarantee your ticket, convert as many as you can by whatever means possible - it's your duty. Fear rules!
turboplanner Posted November 12, 2014 Posted November 12, 2014 Quote Anywhere worth living has been dominated by religions and it's people indoctrinated and subjugated. Really? I don't think you've observed too well Bikky - for a start it's very hard to indoctrinate an Australian, and almost impossible to subjugate him. Sounds more like atheist denial to me.
turboplanner Posted November 12, 2014 Posted November 12, 2014 Disclaimer – I’ve looked for the books with this information for several days and have come up dry, so for continuity on this thread, with the exception of the three paragraphs I’ve quoted, I’ve written this from memory; it is probably very much abbreviated from the originals, and you’re welcome to research it for yourself, but I also searched for an hour or two on the net and came up dry. In any case it’s just something to think about. Definition of Matter An example of matter is everything we see made up of particles of elements and atoms The thing that forms physical objects and occupies space. Matter is a substance that has inertia and occupies physical space. According to modern physics, matter consists of various types of particles, each with mass and size. Einstein’s equation e=mc2 demonstrates that energy (e) is equivalent with mass (m). Energy can be transformed into massive particles and mass can be transformed into energy. (In the formula c = speed of light.) I find it very hard to get my head around the fact that I’m a collection of millions of particles and atoms somehow bound together and interacting with the speed of light as I move. Some movies have portrayed this and have the actors disintegrate and fall to the ground as a small pile of sand when things go wrong. Fingerprints of the Gods P381 Ref: Osiris And The Egyptian Resurrection, volume 1, p 352 “Kep Tepi, the First Time (around 34,525 BC) is described as a golden age, the waters of the abyss receded, primordial darkness was banished, humanity, emerging into the light was offered the gifts of civilization. There were intermediaries between gods and men – the Irshu, a category of lesser divinities whose title meant “the Watchers” The Neteru, who lived on earth, possessed a range of supernatural powers which included the ability to appear, at will, as men or women, or as animals, birds, reptiles trees or plants. Archaeologists claim this is myth. Ancient Egyptians, however, who may have been better informed about their past than we are, did not share this view.” I found reference to stories about the Neteru in two books which described the Neteru as becoming bored and starting to experiment in Egypt. They had the ability to “jump” into living things and experience life from the perspective of an animal, bird or human. They were warned not to do it, because it took enormous amounts of energy, and they would be weakened every time they did it and could reach a point where they couldn’t get out. Disregarding this warning they “jumped” into various animals, birds and humans, and then “jumped” out of them. Some liked the physical experience so much that they opted to stay as humans, others, becoming weak became stuck half way when changing from animal to human or vice versa and were forced to live out their lives with, for example the body of a human and the head of a bird. Still others really got caught out and finished up without some organs, and they were known as “things” and used as servants. Examples: S2760 Thoth (Ibis) S2761 Horus (Falcon) S2762 Anubis (Jackal) The reason I posted this, is that if you visualise the Einstein equation, and apply it to what was going on with the Neteru, it almost suggests a collection of particles and atoms going in to a human body, and going out of it in the way we think about “spirits” or “souls” and may be where this thought originated. [ATTACH]47498._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47499._xfImport[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]47500._xfImport[/ATTACH]
facthunter Posted November 12, 2014 Posted November 12, 2014 You think too much and your head will hurt, A .Nev
Bikky Posted November 12, 2014 Posted November 12, 2014 Quote Really?I don't think you've observed too well Bikky - for a start it's very hard to indoctrinate an Australian, and almost impossible to subjugate him. Sounds more like atheist denial to me. I deny nothing. I just don't believe in deities. By the way, I am Australian too, but I obviously know nothing of my fellow countrymen. Why did I leave? Perhaps because I refuse to be indoctrinated or subjugated. Who knows?
facthunter Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Post 1030 and GG is still offensively atheist bashing. Nothing anyone has written has made one iota of difference to his bigoted outpourings and selective assumptions. If you have ALL the answers GG be cool and relaxed . You are going to a lovely place presumably full of people with the same attitude as you. What more could YOU ask for? Nev
nomadpete Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 It's hard to find a example of clean, honest government of any flavour. Adding religion to government process (and laws) only adds dissent. That's why I would like to see 'unreligious' government. I don't mind what spiritual following/belief the participants have as long as that was kept personal. It should not be assumed that Religions are the sole custodians of good moral fibre or of integrity.
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote Post 1030 and GG is still offensively atheist bashing. Nothing anyone has written has made one iota of difference to his bigoted outpourings and selective assumptions. If you have ALL the answers GG be cool and relaxed . You are going to a lovely place presumably full of people with the same attitude as you. What more could YOU ask for? Nev You make an important point Facthunter; atheists have to grapple with the point that after they die they aren't going anywhere except the cemetery or the crematorium - they don't get a seat on the bus.
facthunter Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Dissent and coercion. It's unnecessarily divisive. There is the assumptions this thread is full of. "WE" are the only nice caring ones, and the rest are god haters rapist molesters and worst of all ,A THREAT TO MY BELIEFS. Live and let live is a good start. Copped (sh)it as a kid and want no more of it . Are most believers insecure? Perhaps not, but one would think the most vocal are somewhat that way. Otherwise, why so hostile and angry? Long before I realised I had no real belief left, I noticed how many really decent people did not need a faith in the almighty. I was brought up to believe like GG does and it's great when your head clears. Nev
rgmwa Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote You make an important point Facthunter; atheists have to grapple with the point that after they die they aren't going anywhere except the cemetery or the crematorium - they don't get a seat on the bus. They will be on the one and only bus, same as everybody else, and going to the same destination, wherever that may be. It's just that some may be more surprised or disappointed than others. rgmwa
octave Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote You make an important point Facthunter; atheists have to grapple with the point that after they die they aren't going anywhere except the cemetery or the crematorium - they don't get a seat on the bus. I suspect you probably would not be an atheist if you could not cope with the idea of non existence after death (or for that matter before conception). We don't get a seat on the bus because we don't accept that the bus exists.
facthunter Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Turbs, whether my body goes to the cemetery or the crematorium is of no significance to me. It starts to rot the minute I die, and I will have no further use for it. I hope as little money is wasted on that as possible, because there are better uses for it. AS for not being on the bus, I don't believe it exists. I have had many occasions where I have had a lot of uncertainty as to whether I would wake up, and I haven't had to grapple with anything concerning my demise. We all hang on by the thinnest of threads.. On one occasion there was a clergyman near me, in a hospital where we both had to do complex, but not really life threatening procedures. I have NEVER seen anyone more scared of death. He seemed to be doing a bit of grappling. Hypocritical ? I reckon. My view of that being reinforced by his attitude expressed of me playing a game of chess with a nurse, being bad.. Nev
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 All correct FH, although there are a fair few fingers pointing at you on another thread, which we won't speak about in this atmosphere of harmony and friendliness. There is absolutely no reason why an atheist should not be a really decent person, and there's no reason why a person who believes in God might not be a really decent person. Many people are really decent, so to a degree it's a matter of how you look at things, and that is often decided by what experience you've had in your life. For example I was sent to the local convent for piano lessons when I was seven, and the Sister who taught me used to have a drumstick and hit me on the knuckles when I played a wrong note, and I still get very wary when I'm near a convent and have no time for nuns. In fact the South American Viracochas taught decency and so did Jesus Christ as a Nasorean (After he died as we have seen the money making machine was set up) Quote I was brought up to believe like GG does and it's great when you head clears. This also goes two ways, many atheists have turned to God later in life.
rgmwa Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote For example I was sent to the local convent for piano lessons when I was seven, and the Sister who taught me used to have a drumstick and hit me on the knuckles when I played a wrong note, and I still get very wary when I'm near a convent and have no time for nuns. Ha, that's nothing! You had it easy. My black robed nun used a brass edged ruler. rgmwa
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I'm suffering from scrotum restriction just thinking about that!
rgmwa Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote I'm suffering from scrotum restriction just thinking about that! I can confirm it's a common reaction. rgmwa
Chird65 Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote I suspect you probably would not be an atheist if you could not cope with the idea of non existence after death (or for that matter before conception). We don't get a seat on the bus because we don't accept that the bus exists. So the question I have; can you be an Atheist and believe in a pre and post existence after life? Chris
rankamateur Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote So the question I have; can you be an Atheist and believe in a pre and post existence after life? Chris Absolutely, you just are not attributing the credit to a particular deity, but rather relying on the energy that is the greater part of your being. Everyone spiritual path is different, some just buy the retail version, and marketing is hard on your individual confidence to take your own path, keeps the customers in line that way.
octave Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote So the question I have; can you be an Atheist and believe in a pre and post existence after life? Chris from the Oxford Dictionary Atheist - A person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods: I would imagine atheists would tend not too believe in pre or post existence, I personally don't. By the strict definition of the word you could believe in an afterlife but not a god.
rankamateur Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote I would imagine atheists would tend not too believe in pre or post existence, I personally don't. By the strict definition of the word you could believe in an afterlife but not a god. I don't believe that belief in god or God has anything to do with belief in the life energy of a living being carrying on after the worldly corpse has given out.
bexrbetter Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote Whilst neither Australia (secular democracy) or the USA (republic) could really be called Christian societies (eg there are many more Christians by number in China than AU) to raise but one point the number of unborn butchered in China is horrific largely due to the single child policy for city people. I agree some aspects in China are conservative (same as in Iran etc) but this does not make them Christian. Besides many Christians are still being persecuted there so I think you may be confusing the two aspects. I do note that despite the bluster none have offered an alternative list of atheist run countries that are free and tolerant. Some years ago I watched a report of a bunch of Protesters outside the Australian Embassy in America damning Australians for "The slaughtering of kangaroos to extinction". Now of course most of us here in Oz know that is ridiculous and laughable (among other examples) - it's the same when I read stuff about China, I laugh sometimes but often feel sorry for the ignorance and bigotry that is thrust onto us by various Governments. Like the Kangaroo Protesters, you know nothing about China and you know nothing about the One Child Policy. This is a wonderful loving society and it's not acceptable at any level here to "butcher babies" or to harm children who are revered here in anyway. BTW, the official birth rate here is around 1.7:1 which is higher than Oz, England and many Euro countries. I honestly worry for you GG that your Pastor(?) is using examples such as this to damn Atheisism, if so I honestly urge you to find a more loving, and factual, spiritual Mentor.
Gnarly Gnu Posted November 13, 2014 Author Posted November 13, 2014 Thanks for the advice comrade, the party line is always quite predictable - although I admit somehow comparing infanticide / forced abortion and gendercide to culling animals was quite unexpected. Sad you would even begin to think like this. I don't think it would appreciated if I posted graphic evidence of what is happening but folks that would like to know can search for it.
facthunter Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 You are very judgemental GG. "Judge NOT lest ye be judged". is advice from your good book. There's other references too mote in your eye etc. We all existed before birth and after death as the molecules and atoms we are constructed of. The earth is a pretty much closed system. Not much is added or removed even over a very long time. Nev.
turboplanner Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Quote You are very judgemental GG. "Judge NOT lest ye be judged". is advice from your good book. There's other references toomote in your eye etc. We all existed before birth and after death as the molecules and atoms we are constructed of. The earth is a pretty much closed system. Not much is added or removed even over a very long time. Nev. In the light of my post about Souls, Spirits entering and leaving the body, and the definition of matter, that's a tantalisingly interesting comment of yours. I'm not making any claim of connection, just interesting.
Gnarly Gnu Posted November 13, 2014 Author Posted November 13, 2014 Quote "Judge NOT lest ye be judged". Care to give us the rest of that passage Nev? Didn't like me mentioning the killing? I get the impression you feel I should meekly accept any crud the fundamentalists here throw up. What everyone needs to know is we are all to be judged. Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Quote The earth is a pretty much closed system. Not much is added or removed even over a very long time. Yet in contrast to this belief science confirms the universe had a beginning and is expanding, both points aligning with what the bible describes.
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