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White invaders

History is full of "invaders" from the dawn of time (Sunday, October 23, 4004 B.C), that's what we do, conquer in order to expand our race be it Romans, Mongolians, Vikings, Anglosaxons, Spanish, etc, etc....


I would appreciate the title "Conqueror" in future as it's more heroic and manly, thanks.




...................Still going back in history with references in belief in God




Plato (Source, Wikipedia)


The book “The True History of Mankind over the Last 100,000 Years”, housed in the Great Library of Alexandria, would have been very helpful to us to track mention of God back in history, but it was destroyed when the library was burnt down. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Library_of_Alexandria


However there are still a lot of valuable references.


Plato wrote Timaeus and Criticas c360 BC


He was a Greek Philosopher and Mathematician, a student of Socrates, and was significantly influenced by Pythagoras [who was taught by Egyptian Priests]


He founded the Academy in Athens, the first institution of higher learning in the western world


Plato travelled to Egypt


Source: Wikipedia


I wanted to find out more detail of Atlantis, so I bought the book


It was an eerie feeling to be reading words written over 2,300 years ago (albeit translated from Greek).


Here’s a segment confirming a reference to God when discussing the creation of the world:


Socrates: Excellent, Timaeus; and we will do precisely as you bid us. The prelude is charming, and is already accepted by us -- may we beg of you to proceed to the strain?


Timaeus: Let me tell you then why the creator made this world of generation. He was good, and the good can never have any jealousy of anything. And being free from jealousy, he desired that all things should be as like himself as they could be. This is in the truest sense the origin of creation and of the world, as we shall do well in believing on the testimony of wise men: God desired that all things should be good and nothing bad, so far as this was attainable. Wherefore also finding the whole visible sphere not at rest, but moving in an irregular and disorderly fashion, out of disorder he brought order, considering that this was in every way better than the other. Now the deeds of the best could never be or have been other than the fairest; and the creator, reflecting on the things which are by nature visible, found that no unintelligent creature taken as a whole was fairer than the intelligent taken as a whole; and that intelligence could not be present in anything which was devoid of soul. For which reason, when he was framing the universe, he put intelligence in soul, and soul in body, that he might be the creator of a work which was by nature fairest and best. Wherefore, using the language of probability, we may say that the world became a living creature truly endowed with soul and intelligence by the providence of God.


He goes on to describe the world as a sphere.


Atlantis is discussed in the second, “Criticas”, section and can be briefly summarised:


· Atlantis was the home of the god Poseidon, the god of the sea (so one god)


· It was an island


· A temple was built on the central hill, housing a gold statue of Poseidon riding a chariot pulled by winged horses


· The people traded with Europe and Africa


· The island had rings of canals with other radial canals


· The City of Atlantis was outside the outer canal and was about 1.7 km in diameter


· Beyond the city was a fertile plain 530 x 190 km


· There were mountains to the north


· Among the animals living on the island were elephants


· Atlantis was destroyed by warring and sank beneath the sea


I bought the book in 2003, and my first reaction after reading it was that it was just a work of fiction, a bit of a laugh.


I’ve started to look more carefully now, since more and more circumstantial evidence is emerging.


Its location has been described in several writings as ‘beyond the Pillars of Heracles’ (today known as Hercules).


The European pillar is the Rock of Gibraltar and the North African pillar is Jebel Musa, at the junction of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.


However so far no one has found solid evidence, however, for this thread we don’t have to go to that detail, and nor do we have to discuss their laser weapons, or central power source which drive their Vimanas in which they could travel through the air and under the water, because we already have the esteemed historic quote by Plato.



...their laser weapons, or central power source which drive their Vimanas in which they could travel through the air and under the water, because we already have the esteemed historic quote by Plato.

...so the Atlanteans were using aircraft from India?




You might have me there, I thought, should I look it up, isn't that the Lemurian aircraft?


I thought about Lemuria, but not sure if they believed in God. It starts to get a bit tiring wading into historic data when first you have to find out what God's name was in Sanskrit.


Anyway, the Lemurians (Lemuria is believed to be a sunken island to the set of Sri Lanka and the southern tip of India.


The Lemurians and Atlanteans fought aerial wars with advanced weapons.




of Theophilus of Alexandria "...the perpetual enemy of peace and virtue, a bold, bad man, whose hands were alternately polluted with gold and with blood." just about sums up all that is bad in the world done by man in the name of God.



Theophilus of Alexandria "...the perpetual enemy of peace and virtue, a bold, bad man, whose hands were alternately polluted with gold and with blood."

Gay name for a bad guy, did his father have a lisp?




Our BC calendar is continue to go backwards without a gorilla in sight.




800,000 Age of Double handed axes found Africa (Dr Thomas Strasser)


398,000 Oldest human remains http://news.nationalgeographic.com.au/news/2013/12/131204-human-fossil-dna-spain-denisovan-cave/


130,000 Age of quartz axes, cleavers, scrapers found southwest Crete (Dr Thomas Strasser)


100,000 People left Bogazkoy to populate Crete (Gavin Menzies)


34,525 Egypt: Zep Tepi golden age starts with arrival of Seven Sages, The Ancestor


33,000 First radio-metrically dated remains of cro-magnon man


28,000 First evidence of religious practice


20,625 Egypt: End of rule of The Ancestors, start of rule of Followers of Horus


12,000 Grindstones used for flour production


9,600 Egypt: End of rule of The Followers of Horus, start of rule of mortal kings


9,400 Atlantis destroyed (Plato)


9,000 Animal husbandry developed in Mesopotamia


7,000 Birth of Minoan civilization


5,500 Irrigation systems used in Sumer


3,400 First walled cities in Egypt


3,250 Earliest known writing in Sumer


3,200 Egypt: Secret king-making ceremony, beginning of Pharaonic system


3,000 First Egyptian hieroglyphics


1500-1450 Most Probable period for the Exodus under Moses


972 Solomon builds temple to Yahweh on Temple Mount in Jerusalem


c360 Plato writes Timaeus and Criticas, Atlantis story


300 – 100 AD Dead Sea scrolls written, discovered at Qumran Caves between 1946 and 1956 and are still being translated. About 40% relate to the Hebrew Bible.


187 Earliest date for Qumran Community


6 Probable date of birth of Jesus



34,525 Egypt: Zep Tepi golden age starts with arrival of Seven Sages, The Ancestor


20,625 Egypt: End of rule of The Ancestors, start of rule of Followers of Horus

Just after morning tea?


I'm genuinely curious as to how they know this to the exact year ....... ?




I told you all very early in the piece that a lot of information in the Bible has been corroborated in recent years (now it seems almost weekly).


[No the whole Bible has not been corroborated, just in case the same person tries to use that again]


Also being corroborated and discovered and dated on a massive scale is information about other civilizations.


With TV programmes, I think more people are aware that if they dig up a green bronze sword it might be worth telling something.


I did actually quote one exact date and time of day from the Bible and also the corroboration a few pages back, can't remember which one.


The exact dates are coming from written records (copper scrolls, clay tablets etc), or in some cases can be placed after one even and before another, placing them in that year.


In same cases carbon dating is used, and in some cases I'm reading about other dating methods.


The most amusing verification method comes from former submarine Captain Gavin Menzies who wrote the book 1421 when he says, after denuding China and much of Vietnam of timber to build the Forbidden City, Emperor Zhu Di despatched an armada of ships, many over 500 feet long to several parts of the world where they visited North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa India and then, when a lightning strike burnt down his new City, thinking he had offended the gods with such an ambitious project, stoped the project and destroyed all they they had found.


Menzies wrote circumstantially - for example he poinyted out as evidence they visited South America, Asian chickens which have a distinctly different crow to Europeans.


He also claimed the Mahogany Ship buried at Warrnambool was one of the fleet, in fact 650 pages full of amazing facts and evidence about their discoveries.


His work on expanding their maps with longitude corrections, since he knew all the oceam currents, and the chinese didn't, expanded their maps from distorted lumps to the continents that we know today.


He was torn to pieces by the archaeological community, but having made millions from the book fought back with 25 researchers and DNA sampling in most of the countries, and has beaten the old boys senseless, For example the Chinese DNA in one group of American Indians was so strong they they would be more correctly called Chinese.




Turbo, I am always intrigued by your use of the singular when it comes to deities. Monotheism has been around for a long time but multi-theism has been vastly more popular even to the present.


GG: where were they all?



Well, Mungo Man was discovered in 1974 in the dry lake bed of Lake Mungo in west NSW. Mungo Man was a hominin who was estimated to have died 62,000 years ago and was ritually buried with his hands covering his penis. Clearly a Christian burial showing respect for modesty. He was not from the same genetic branch of the more modern aborigines who are thought to have emigrated from islands off Japan. May have been forced out by the invading Chinese/Koreans who founded Japan.


Wouldn't want you to die wondering what the second people were doing over the last 40 to 60 millennia.





I told you all very early in the piece that a lot of information in the Bible has been corroborated in recent years (now it seems almost weekly).

I don't know of specific examples that have been corroborated but, even if you knew down to the minute when some biblical event happened would you be able to corroborate the meaning of that event? Who said what to whom and what they meant by that? And you would still be looking at history written from the slant of the people who wrote it. No peer review of the writings would exist. And from that, can you logically extrapolate that other biblical events, for which there is no corroboration, would also be proven to be true?


When I was in Jordan in 2009, we drove past the site that is said to be the burial place of Aaron, Moses's brother. Anyone know where the mortal remains of Moses were/are interred?


. . . . For example the Chinese DNA in one group of American Indians was so strong they they would be more correctly called Chinese.

While in South America a few years back we were treated to a song by some women in native costume on the luxury train journey between Cusco and Puno (Lake Titicaca). They looked and sounded more Chinese than the Chinese. It was stunning. All on our tour were similarly struck by the amazing similarity. Easy to see that DNA sampling would support such an observation.


Unrelated to anyof the above, the train in Peru stopped along the way at a little place known as Agua Calientes (hot springs). The altitude of the station was 14,300 feet. So, I've been higher in a train than in any aircraft I ever have or will pilot. And I've ridden a motorcycle faster (257 km/h or 139 knots) than I've ever been in an aircraft of which I was PIC. Like I said unrelated . . . .



Turbo, I am always intrigued by your use of the singular when it comes to deities. Monotheism has been around for a long time but multi-theism has been vastly more popular even to the present.

Fortunately I don't have to think up names for my belief, but I can understand you atheists get confused.



...The most amusing verification method comes from former submarine Captain Gavin Menzies who wrote the book 1421 when he says, after denuding China and much of Vietnam of timber to build the Forbidden City...

I thought most of the timber went into shipbuilding. Either way, it was a momentous time in history: it sure boosted Vietnam's struggle for independence.


...Emperor Zhu Di despatched an armada of ships, many over 500 feet long to several parts of the world where they visited North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa India ...He also claimed the Mahogany Ship buried at Warrnambool was one of the fleet...

Cook's Endeavour could have been carried on one of those treasure ships as a lifeboat.


I was on the lookout for references to this continent but can't recall him saying the fleet actually got here. He seemed to be saying they knew of this place and traded with people who came here regularly. If he is right about the extent of Chinese exploration that may give Beijing added leverage in future dealings... Perhaps reason enough for the west to downplay his theories.


Their map of ice-free Northern Greenland sure got my attention; it deserves more study.



That reminds me, after some of you atheists endlessly demanding proofs, I'm yet to see any proof from you that God doesn't exist.


World War 2 did a pretty good job of it.


As I wrote that we had an earthquake, am I being punished ..... spacer.png



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