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Maybe we could afford a better health system here in Australia if we got the registered religions to pay their fair share of taxes ?

But then, how do we make the Atheists pay their fair share?




I agree.. Nomadpete.. But who would be game to end the current rort? How do others in the same game (health) compete with them. A CHARITY ACTION should be exempted no matter who does it, if defined and accredited. There's some real shonky shows have tax deductable donations in this country.. Tax is voluntary for a lot in this place.


80 K atheism is not a religion . Doesn't get any tax rorts. under the cloak of being an established Church . Nev



For those who are interesting in going spacer.png, here is an article published today by a fellow Australian:


ah sorry i couldnt reply earlier, I was laughing so hard at the purile rant in that link.


I think one of the real problems god-botherers have, is that they can only view things from a god-centred point of view, and are forever worrying about their karma point totals. They just DON'T GET IT that an atheist doesn't care at all about such things. Play your heaven and hell routines, your fear of divine retribution amongst yourselves, and that's altogether fine. But I personally couldn't give tuppence about such nonsense.




Just read the article 80kts. Thought it was pretty poor to be honest. He's got a very biased point of view, therefore not convincing at all.





For those who are interesting in going spacer.png, here is an article published today by a fellow Australian:


OK the logic of this article seems to be hell will be populated only by selfish people at each other throats etc . Christians say to me that it doesn't matter how many good works you do or how selfless you are you will still end up in hell if you don't believe in god. Presumably hell is not only full of selfish horrible people. Fred Hollows often proclaimed his atheism and although he restored the sight of many hundreds of the worlds poorest people he is still, according to many christians in burning in hell.



Reference? which christians said that? I'd say he has a front row seat in heaven personally.

So in your understanding Turbs belief in god is not necessarily a prerequisite for going to heaven. Most of my christian friends say that good works are not enough and the only way is salvation by accepting christ. Also this seems to be the line most churches take. Cool, I will just concentrate on the good works thing then spacer.png



Absolutely, your CSG job is likely to vanish in the next few years and you will too old for any meaningful work

Nope I work in operations and not in construction. My job will exist for another 25 years. But thank you for your concern.




"But as long as they keep rambling on about God and the next world, I guess I am entitled to do the same"


This is exactly why Atheists quote the Bible to Christians. You lot keep banging on about stuff and quote the Bible at us to support your argument. Turning your own source back on you seems totally fair to me.


But really, I'm with horsefeathers "an atheist doesn't care at all about such things. Play your heaven and hell routines, your fear of divine retribution amongst yourselves, and that's altogether fine. But I personally couldn't give tuppence about such nonsense."


And Turbo, while I'm proving to you that God doesn't exist would you also like me to prove to you that the Tooth Fairy, the Abominable Snowman and the Easter Bunny, Thor and Odin, Zeus and his lot also don't exist. And while I'm at it should I also disprove that a human is an immortal, spiritual being, that is in a physical body and that the thetan has had innumerable past lives and that in lives preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth, lived in extraterrestrial cultures?


Would it be OK if I used quotations from the Bible to disprove all that?


Or would it be OK if I just continue to ignore all that the supernatural nonsense and live my life obeying the laws of physics?


p.s. If the Theory of Evolution had been proved would it not be called a Law rather than a Theory?


Are you OK with the Theories of Relativity? or are they not really true and just theories?



So in your understanding Turbs belief in god is not necessarily a prerequisite for going to heaven. Most of my christian friends say that good works are not enough and the only way is salvation by accepting christ. Also this seems to be the line most churches take. Cool, I will just concentrate on the good works thing then spacer.png

The reason most churches take that line is because if people stopped believing in god, they'd see churches as unnecessary, and their goes their income.




[quote=If the Theory of Evolution had been proved would it not be called a Law rather than a Theory?


Are you OK with the Theories of Relativity? or are they not really true and just theories?


Hit the nail on the head Don!


Seems to be an inconvenient truth or perhaps ignorance when some refuse to acknowledge that a theory is just that - a theory.


The theory of evolution included. This particular theory will evolve, be adapted or be discarded one day as we discover more.


You can't effectively believe in a theory. You can only accept it as being valid or not.


Believe in universal laws. They're absolute, infinite and inarguable. They transcend anything someone can tell you.


For me, religion and belief in a deity/deities are firmly in the realm of hypothesis - one step lower than a theory.


When we hypothesize, we are imagining a situation.



...one of the real problems god-botherers have, is that they can only view things from a god-centred point of view...

That reminded me of the oft-used line from The Gruen Transfer: "What would Putin do?"


Perhaps it's the human thing to look for outstanding people to model our behaviour on. Our mass media is filling that post -religion void with so many shallow, plastic celebrities that many young people turn back to religion. As a result lots of wacky and downright dangerous cults have sprung up- a threat to our society.


Much as I despise the worst of Christian excesses, as a role model JC doesn't look too bad next to the murderous alternative:







So in your understanding Turbs belief in god is not necessarily a prerequisite for going to heaven. Most of my christian friends say that good works are not enough and the only way is salvation by accepting christ. Also this seems to be the line most churches take. Cool, I will just concentrate on the good works thing then spacer.png

That won't do you any harm at all Octave. After studying the information about Saul making up the Jesus Christ story, and the Roman Catholic Church making a dollar on it, I would caution about getting too sucked in by the Christ story. If he was born in 8 BC it's start is problematic for one thing, and it only seems to get worse. I've never been given a push in the back in the direction of a church or prayer book.




Or would it be OK if I just continue to ignore all that the supernatural nonsense and live my life obeying the laws of physics?



The problem with "obeying the laws of physics" is that the laws of physics do not have moral facets.


One of the Ten Commandments says that no one should steal. What do the laws of physics say about stealing? Nothing ...unless you consider being 'light-fingered' a transgression of the Law of Gravity.


Another of the Ten Commandments says that no one should commit adultery. What do the laws of physics say about running off with someone else's wife? Nothing ...unless you consider being attracted to another man's wife a transgression of the Laws of Electric Charges.



"But as long as they keep rambling on about God and the next world, I guess I am entitled to do the same"This is exactly why Atheists quote the Bible to Christians. You lot keep banging on about stuff and quote the Bible at us to support your argument. Turning your own source back on you seems totally fair to me.


But really, I'm with horsefeathers "an atheist doesn't care at all about such things. Play your heaven and hell routines, your fear of divine retribution amongst yourselves, and that's altogether fine. But I personally couldn't give tuppence about such nonsense."


And Turbo, while I'm proving to you that God doesn't exist would you also like me to prove to you that the Tooth Fairy, the Abominable Snowman and the Easter Bunny, Thor and Odin, Zeus and his lot also don't exist. And while I'm at it should I also disprove that a human is an immortal, spiritual being, that is in a physical body and that the thetan has had innumerable past lives and that in lives preceding the thetan's arrival on Earth, lived in extraterrestrial cultures?


Would it be OK if I used quotations from the Bible to disprove all that?


Or would it be OK if I just continue to ignore all that the supernatural nonsense and live my life obeying the laws of physics?


p.s. If the Theory of Evolution had been proved would it not be called a Law rather than a Theory?


Are you OK with the Theories of Relativity? or are they not really true and just theories?

Don, you're the funniest atheist I've ever come across. You quote the Bible so often that I've started to hesitate, waiting for you to say, at the end of your sermons, "Let us pray"


You weaken your argument bringing in tooth fairies, abominable snowmen, Easter bunnies, Thor and Oden, or even Zeus, but I suppose everyone is entitled to his own collection.


Being a good Believer, I have no objection whatsoever if you live your life obeying the laws of physics, although I suspect mankind hasn't finished writing those laws yet.


As for the thetan's, I didn't watch that show.



That reminded me of the oft-used line from The Gruen Transfer: "What would Putin do?"

Perhaps it's the human thing to look for outstanding people to model our behaviour on. Our mass media is filling that post -religion void with so many shallow, plastic celebrities that many young people turn back to religion. As a result lots of wacky and downright dangerous cults have sprung up- a threat to our society.


Much as I despise the worst of Christian excesses, as a role model JC doesn't look too bad next to the murderous alternative:





Who on earth runs the bookstore in Quirindi? Don't you have television? Why this paraoia with murderer's?



Who on earth runs the bookstore in Quirindi? Don't you have television? Why this paraoia with murderer's?

The only bookstore is run by Christians. I have been away from home for months. Paranoia? Just watch the TV news.



Where I'm sitting you can still tell the truth, even if it's inconvenient.

Awesome, where are you exactly, being in the middle of China I'm only max 2 hours flight to you!



Awesome, where are you exactly, being in the middle of China I'm only max 2 hours flight to you!

...I've been watching China's awesome progress, but didn't know she had a supersonic passenger service to the Top End.





But then, how do we make the Atheists pay their fair share?

When the athiests start holding property portfolios and running educational institutions with incomes in the billions of course they can start paying their fair share. Until then, like any individual religious person they ARE paying their fair share through the taxation system ... well I'll hold off calling it fair, but its at least equal.





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