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Facthunter. It is now accepted as a good theory that the sun will eventually burn out. When that happens, so will we.


Of course theories are only good until they are disproved.


Funny that we were never told by God that the sun would burn out, nor were we told that Noah took dinosaurs into the ark.



Fact is countries who cling to Atheism are universally noted for their misery, human suffering and loss of freedom. And this is to be expected. If you hold to no higher moral authority than yourself and a dogma of survival of the fittest you spawn brutality.

Sorry Gnu, you just need to live in China for a while to see just how true that isn't - as do a lot of people to understand what having a "Big Brother" running the country is all about.


It's very unfortunate that I use the term "Big Brother" in a true family sense, when it is of course expressed in a different way in some countries as a negative.


I am pretty annoyed at the rubbish sprouted about China and "Commo's" after living here and realising the lies that I have been infested with all my life. Can't wait to get over to North Korea eventually and see the truth for myself now - and sure, it may be all true, but I assure you I have no confidence in what Governments or Media say, again, after living here for 10 years.


Oh and after a few very large bourbans I am now starting my own "Oh Praise The Bourban Religion", our motto is;"I hate you all and gunna punch ya, but your wife is cute".



You beat me to it. Marty.

How about giving us all a list of places that embody atheist utopia? I'm only aware of all the awful ones.


No one cling's to atheism. It's a state you may arrive at or you may not. In olden times where there was not a lot of real knowledge about the universe, GOD was allocated responsibility for many "normal" events, like earthquakes Rain, Sunshine, the seasons diseases etc. Just about everything we didn't understand .The earth was flat because we regarded ourselves as the centre of God's universe, instead of what we are. Fragile Biological Organisms on a little speck of dust in a universe so large and that has existed so long we cannot comprehend it with our limited brainpower.. I also don't believe we are so important we must live forever. That seems like a conceit when clearly everything changes and every thing dies.

Ah, again we get the athi's favorite - flat earth / centre of universe nonsense. This is not in the Bible and has nothing to do with religion or Christianity. If you don't accept this please provide passages from the Bible that support your claim.


We have genetic commonality with many life forms. That can be clearly shown today.

Yes, same creator.


Facts that can't really be denied. We now live in a time when knowledge is coming at an almost overwhelming rate and the more we find out the more complex it appears, and the more there is still to know. It is there to be examined and discovered.

At last something we both agree on. Regarding you & Don's favorite topic of Galileo being persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church this was due to the RCC being strongly influenced by the earlier science of Aristotle, a pagan Greek. It had nothing to do with Christianity or the Bible (which does not teach this) they decided 'the science is settled' and would not accept any contrary views. We are seeing the same situation today with specific topics such as global warming and Darwinian evolution. Any scientist that points out contrary data or the lack of supporting evidence is howled down and in many cases their career is curtailed. In the latter case it is predominantly your side that is howling down the new science of course. Advances in the past thirty years have shown that life if so vastly complex that abiogenesis and macro evolution are scientifically and mathematically utterly impossible - that's in addition to having no observable evidence. The more complex detail we find the more evidence of design is everywhere you look. It is more credible to accept that we are the spawn of aliens than that everything 'just happened'.


Perhaps THEY are CLINGING to BELIEFS, not atheists clinging to not believing . Nev

Yes, as above atheists like you are indeed clinging to their beliefs despite scientific evidence to the contrary. The old doctrines are comforting to them. No creator means no judgement. You hope.




Whilst you are upright it's never to late to re-examine your ideas and change Nev. I do acknowledge it is difficult after spending years in a group with strongly conformist views.



Whilst you are upright it's never to late to re-examine your ideas and change Nev. I do acknowledge it is difficult after spending years in a group with strongly conformist views.

Gnu, are you saying your views are not strongly conformist?






Oh not nearly as much as the Athi's here! I feel it is healthy to examine what we believe in and why. As an example of alternate thinking take Ray Kurzweil:


"As technology visionary Ray Kurzweil put it, "maybe our whole universe is a science experiment of some junior high school student in another universe." (Given how things are going, he jokes, she may not get a good grade.)"

1) He considers alternate views.


2) He acknowledges this universe has some problems.


"Kurzweil's worldview is based on the profound implications of what happens over time when computing power grows exponentially. To Kurzweil, a precise simulation is not meaningfully different from real reality. Corroborating the evidence that this universe runs on a computer, he says, is that "physical laws are sets of computational processes" and "information is constantly changing, being manipulated, running on some computational substrate." And that would mean, he concluded, "the universe is a computer." Kurzweil said he considers himself to be a "pattern of information." "I'm a patternist," he said. "I think patterns, which means that information is the fundamental reality."

3) He knows there are patterns and a level of complexity in the universe that requires intelligence behind it.


All the sort of stuff Atheists have shut their ears and eyes to. Nah, nah, it just happened. Don't question. We are smarter than you.


Agnostics on the other hand are positionally more honest, logical and open minded.




1. Good. We should all do that.


2. Wrong, this universe does not have problems. It is evolving quite nicely.


3. He does not `know'. He has an opinion.





1. Good. We should all do that.2. Wrong, this universe does not have problems. It is evolving quite nicely.


3. He does not `know'. He has an opinion.

No problems in this world eh! Good to see a positive view, you should be in newsmedia.


Actually on point 3 he does indeed know, there is undeniably an abundance of complex patterns and fractals in creation (or nature if you prefer). You can look at this mathematically also as Newton did when he discovered calculus.




I didn't say there were no problems in this world, Gnu. I said the universe does not have problems. On point three, you're being a bit selective aren't you? Read the whole sentence that you wrote and don't just pick out parts of it. He does not `know' that patterns require intelligence. That may be his opinion, but that's all it is.






I did spend years in a group with conformist views. Going from agnostic to non belief was a moment of truth for me. It took about 40 years of thinking about it. It's not about what you want it to be It's about what it is. Gg you are like the people I was surrounded with when I was about 16 years old. They had all the answers like you do. So sure of themselves and their "faith". I embraced that well and truly at the time. Books aren't the word of god. They are compiled by HUMANS . Seeking to save your miserable soul is a bit self serving. If there is a God I'm sure you can't fool him. By definition HE ( masculine which fits the mostly patriarchal nature of most religions ) Knows your every thoughts and can't be fooled. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Nev



All the sort of stuff Atheists have shut their ears and eyes to. Nah, nah, it just happened. Don't question. We are smarter than you.

Sorry GG. I think you have it a**e about here.


It's difficult to have an inquiring mind when you think you already know the answers.


"Nah, it just happened", is just as ignorant as proclaiming, "God did it!" It just closes the door on the topic.


Fortunately, atheists are permitted to ask "why?" because they don't have a religion to stop them.




Does anyone actually consider how scary it is that so many people believe in a mythical cloud surfing being without a shred of evidence other than some stuff written in a book - and to think that from time to time they go around killing anyone who doesn't agree.



I did spend years in a group with conformist views..... Seeking to save your miserable soul is a bit self serving.

Basic Christianity 101 - you can't save your own soul. See this is the whole problem here Nev, you are arguing from a position of ignorance. Your comments repeatedly show absolutely don't know the fist thing about the most basic of doctrines and sadly appear to have no interest in 'fact hunting' on this one.


"Nah, it just happened", is just as ignorant as proclaiming, "God did it!"

So as you know better tell us all exactly what happened Bikky.



See this is the whole problem here Nev, you are arguing from a position of ignorance.

No, the whole problem here Gnu, is that you are arguing from a position of intolerant religious belief, which amounts to much the same thing.






We're going to get yelled at by TP for piling onto Gnu in a minute.


Gnu, you seem to think that atheists are overly sure of themselves, think they have the answers, are smug and superior.


Have a look at yourself. You assert there is a god without one shred of evidence. You are absolutely convinced of this fact and nothing anyone says will ever change your mind.




So it's Christianity is it GG? All other religions are wrong. What about the variations of christianity? Which one has your special tick of approval? Can you narrow it down a bit more for us so we understand YOU and where you are at . The bible says that you must have faith and not seek facts to find eternal life. Don't trust man to have the answers. I keep getting told atheists can't quote the bible, which I probably at one time had more knowledge of than you do.


Very selective approach to the issue, and a waste of time as you don't engage, you attempt to denigrate from an assumption you have all the cards and the others are lacking in any knowledge whatever. You commenced this thread on the assumption atheists are ignorant and a legitimate object of ridicule as you inserted it in Aviation Laughter. You are not funny. You are and have been consistently offensive and insulting, and not respectful or tolerant of others views, so what is the point of all this.? . It's been rant against atheists, which you have constantly and deliberately misrepresented. Aren't they welcome here? Do you a want a Christian Recreational Aviation Policy to be mandated? NEV



So it's Christianity is it GG? All other religions are wrong. What about the variations of christianity? Which one has your special tick of approval? Can you narrow it down a bit more for us so we understand YOU and where you are at . The bible says that you must have faith and not seek facts to find eternal life. Don't trust man to have the answers. I keep getting told atheists can't quote the bible, which I probably at one time had more knowledge of than you do.Very selective approach to the issue, and a waste of time as you don't engage, you attempt to denigrate from an assumption you have all the cards and the others are lacking in any knowledge whatever. You commenced this thread on the assumption atheists are ignorant and a legitimate object of ridicule as you inserted it in Aviation Laughter. You are not funny. You are and have been consistently offensive and insulting, and not respectful or tolerant of others views, so what is the point of all this.? . It's been rant against atheists, which you have constantly and deliberately misrepresented. Aren't they welcome here? Do you a want a Christian Recreational Aviation Policy to be mandated? NEV

You don't engage either (#2505), and this piece of fiction looks very much like an atheist rant against believers with a bit of Miss Marples thrown in at the end.



So as you know better tell us all exactly what happened Bikky.

Missing the point I think. I don't know better, but I'm not going to blindly accept that god did it and close the door to any further investigation.



Not when you're producing such funny and lightweight stuff.

Aww thanks, it's good to feel appreciated. All the heavy-weight stuff has already been said, in any case.


Five points for you to rebut, and you went to water.

Pffft - pots and kettles



Five points for you to rebut, and you went to water.


and you went to water with your promised report on mitochondrial DNA (#2154) that was supposed to blow evolutionary biology as we know it out of the water. - still waiting.



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