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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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What about the other 603?


And these are slightly different to some others I've seen. I'm familiar with No 10 is split into two with coveting wives and Asses separate.


If you were setting up a society on a desert island, it would not take a genius to have rules that said No killing and no stealing.


Adultery can be unsettling for any small community.


An absolute no lying would put you in the situation of the movie "Liar, Liar" and look what a social disaster that turned out to be.


A father recently doused his infant children in petrol and set fire to them. Nothing there worth honouring. Or the one that in the Bible was going to kill his son to satisfy a cruel and vindictive practical joking imaginary friend. Not my idea of an honourable Dad.


Only two positives all the rest negatives.



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Apparently on the next Census, "No Religion" will be placed at the top of the list.


This has infuriated some religious figures, who denounced it on RN's Religion and Ethics program.


(The reason it's now on the top is because it's the fastest growing group in the list, but don't let logic and reason get in the way.)



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The reason I heard for it being on the top is that it is consistent with the way they ask other questions. "None" comes as first option.


Can you imagine your kids telling their kids that once upon a time, back in the olden days, the Government used to print out on paper millions of census forms, deliver them to every dwelling and Hotel room in Australia, have them filled in with a pen and then come back and collect them a few days later?


They'll think they are having their legs pulled.



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Can you imagine your kids telling their kids that once upon a time, back in the olden days, the Government used to print out on paper millions of census forms, deliver them to every dwelling and Hotel room in Australia, have them filled in with a pen and then come back and collect them a few days later?


They'll think they are having their legs pulled.

A bit like telling them their Great-Grandfather rode on an animal to school.



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The reason I heard for it being on the top is that it is consistent with the way they ask other questions. "None" comes as first option.

Can you imagine your kids telling their kids that once upon a time, back in the olden days, the Government used to print out on paper millions of census forms, deliver them to every dwelling and Hotel room in Australia, have them filled in with a pen and then come back and collect them a few days later?


They'll think they are having their legs pulled.

Interesting - the guy from ABS they had on the program said that they moved it because there was a clear historical trend. Something like 5% in 1911, 15% in 1971 and 20% in 2011 - (but they suspect the real figure is more like 40%).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, it's been nice knowing you blokes, but according to a few christians the world is ending on 28th of this month.




Of course, the moon might just be turning red because it's passing through the Earth's shadow and as sunlight is scattered through our atmosphere only the colour red is left....


Or... (as posted in the comments of the www.space.com article about lunar eclipses...)


Greg Clark


got bad news for you the blood red moons are the handywork of God warning of inpending judgement upon the earth of all the nations of the earth oh GODS JUDGEMENT IS COMING IN ALL OF GODS WRATH AND LOVE BEWARE YOUR DOOM IS NEAR REPENT TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS OR YOU WILL BE CRYING AND WORSE



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If you look in any Bible, there are very few words which are all in capital letters, even where God is speaking.

Well, for the first three or four thousand years it was handwritten and not in the vernacular.


There is no original version in the ancient Hebrew extant. All versions of the Bible currently available (you did say any Bible) then are copies of copies of copies of God knows what. For thousands of years there has not been one error in transcription nor one error in translation nor one error in interpretation and not one embellishment, not one addition nor one deletion. Every single Bible on Earth is exactly the same, word for word. It is the inspired word of an omnipotent being and is not subject to ambiguity or misunderstanding and contains no conflicting, mutually exclusive instructions. It is up to date as Kansas City and as relevant as Donald Trump. Not even the D3vil can quote the Bible to prove his point.


I can accept that, if that were true, it would indeed be a grade one miracle.


Sadly for the thumpers, it ain't true and they will tell you it ain't true.


So how do you know which of the scores of Bibles is THE Bible and which are not THE Bible?


Easy peasy . . . just find any minister/rabbi/sheik of any of the hundreds if not thousands of variations on Christianity, Hebrew and Islam and they will tell you it is their version and that all other Bibles are, God forbid, FALSE Bibles. Many will be prepared to put you to death just for asking the question so do be careful.


So, where does that leave us? A whole bunch of people trying to tell us how to live our lives based on a book lacking provenance and known to be utterly false by many who have a similarly named but utterly false slightly different book. Many will not just tell you but happily kill you because you choose to think rather than believe everything a man in a frock tells you to believe.



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A relative of mine does a lot of digging in the middle east, and is familiar with hierogliphs and hebrew and some other very early languages. Interestingly the word for young girl is the same as virgin. Funny that. Nev

That is because in quite a number of ancient societies, a girl was meant to stay a virgin until she married which was usually when achieving womanhood.



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Well, for the first three or four thousand years it was handwritten and not in the vernacular.

There is no original version in the ancient Hebrew extant. All versions of the Bible currently available (you did say any Bible) then are copies of copies of copies of God knows what. For thousands of years there has not been one error in transcription nor one error in translation nor one error in interpretation and not one embellishment, not one addition nor one deletion. Every single Bible on Earth is exactly the same, word for word. It is the inspired word of an omnipotent being and is not subject to ambiguity or misunderstanding and contains no conflicting, mutually exclusive instructions. It is up to date as Kansas City and as relevant as Donald Trump. Not even the D3vil can quote the Bible to prove his point.


I can accept that, if that were true, it would indeed be a grade one miracle.


Sadly for the thumpers, it ain't true and they will tell you it ain't true.


So how do you know which of the scores of Bibles is THE Bible and which are not THE Bible?


Easy peasy . . . just find any minister/rabbi/sheik of any of the hundreds if not thousands of variations on Christianity, Hebrew and Islam and they will tell you it is their version and that all other Bibles are, God forbid, FALSE Bibles. Many will be prepared to put you to death just for asking the question so do be careful.


So, where does that leave us? A whole bunch of people trying to tell us how to live our lives based on a book lacking provenance and known to be utterly false by many who have a similarly named but utterly false slightly different book. Many will not just tell you but happily kill you because you choose to think rather than believe everything a man in a frock tells you to believe.

Not to mention all the bits they left out when the Council of Nicaea in AD325 decided what should be included and what shouldn't. One legend goes that Constantine couldn't decide which writings were "sacred" and which weren't, so he threw all the papers on a table. The ones that stayed on the table went in, the ones which fell off stayed out. (This could explain why it reads like a dog's breakfast and the plot line is appalling.) Of course, I don't give that story any more credence than the book itself.



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Guest Nightmare1

Love the joke,


I'm an atheist, not because I know shit, I actually admit I don't know everything, not even close. But to me, there seems to be no positive evidence to persuade me to accept the existence of any deity. Sorry, I am not prepared to believe any ancient fairy tale, compelling my absolute loyalty and dedication, under threat of punishment, eternal or otherwise, without any proof that can be measured in human terms. Good joke though....



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Guest Nightmare1
Come to think of it, that reference seems to say that the only commandments that came directly from god were the two selfish paranoid ones about god and that the other popular eight were invented by earthlings to control general behaviour.

Agreed, why would an all-powerfull, all-seeing, eternal deity even be remotely interested in what people do or don't do? But the leaders of an ancient civilization wanting to control it's population would, considering the best it had in a police force was a few scrawny men with pointy sticks. What better way to enforce law and order than with the threat of fire and brimstone if your laws were broken.
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