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Gnarly Gnu

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Just for you too, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment; it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter.There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.


Just for you two, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment, it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter.There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.


Just for you two, and perhaps I should have allowed for that when I made my comment, it's up to him TO GET HIS OWN MIND out of the gutter.There is potential for this thread to be very informative, but it's not going to get there with this crap.

Say it as many times as you like but I doubt that any person here will have changed their position. Me? I think I will keep believing the earth is more than 6,000 years old and that there is no God worthy of my honor.



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Watching an old earther and a young earther go at it is rather amusing, in a sad sort of way. Basically comes down to the young earther arguing they are the "better" or "truer" Christian.


Interestingly, young earth creationism is overwhelmingly Christian in nature. Very few other religions subscribe to it (including Islam - Muslim scholars quite bluntly reject it). The official church bodies which subscribe to it are 100% Christian too.


Young earthers cling so much to it that they created their own "creation research institutes" to scientifically show that the Earth is only 6000 years old and was made in 6 days. Oddly, these institutions have produced no Nobel Prize recipients among their alumni and made a sum total of zero revolutionary scientific discoveries.



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There is potential for this thread to be very informative,.

You have thrown out some tidbits of excellent historic information, but you have also had chances when prompted to have further discussions from myself and others and you take a high road like we aren't worth the effort, so your complaint here is water off a duck's back for me.



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Young earthers cling so much to it that they created their own "creation research institutes" to scientifically show that the Earth is only 6000 years old and was made in 6 days. Oddly, these institutions have produced no Nobel Prize recipients among their alumni and made a sum total of zero revolutionary scientific discoveries.

Most young earthers believe that the world is more than 6,000 years old: 6,020 to be precise. This is because by as accurate a reckoning as possible, using biblical genealogies, it has been calculated that the earth was most likely created 4,004 BC.



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.....which of course creates a bit of a problem given that advances in scientific knowledge of genetics shows that DNA sequence divergence in numerous flora and fauna (rice, canines, etc) goes back way beyond 6000 years (100,000 years in the case of canines).


The YECs would argue that obviously our understanding of genetics, DNA sequencing, and so on is grossly mistaken. Again, strangely, there is a paucity of genetic research breakthroughs coming from their side showing exactly how it is wrong.


The human brain sometimes fascinates me. The extraordinary effort it takes to cling to something like that and not only resolutely ignore enormous volumes of evidence to the contrary, but to actually spend a lot of time coming up with fanciful, poorly conceived and badly justified explanations of why you are right and the rest of the world is wrong. The deeply ingrained fear that, if you change your views and accept that it isn't right and maybe the Earth, other planets, and stars are actually very, very old, your entire existence will suddenly become worthless. Just fascinating.



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Very well stated.


And that is why certain politicians who are also religious, exemplify your statement.


There is no level they will not sink to, no expense or pain suffered to others, no manufactured fear they will not do. All in a effort to maintain power.


Religion is a stupid answer to a stupid question.



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Most young earthers believe that the world is more than 6,000 years old: 6,020 to be precise. This is because by as accurate a reckoning as possible, using biblical genealogies, it has been calculated that the earth was most likely created 4,004 BC.

...all those continents must have been p1ssing along to have moved so far in such a short time; instead of drifting about 50mm per year (about as fast as your fingernails grow) they must have been skating across the oceans at about 3 metres per day!



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Most young earthers believe that the world is more than 6,000 years old: 6,020 to be precise. This is because by as accurate a reckoning as possible, using biblical genealogies, it has been calculated that the earth was most likely created 4,004 BC.

Oh well then, I'm glad they calculated it...



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Most young earthers believe that the world is more than 6,000 years old: 6,020 to be precise. This is because by as accurate a reckoning as possible, using biblical genealogies, it has been calculated that the earth was most likely created 4,004 BC.

Most young earthers? What do the others believe then? Shouldn't they all be on the same biblical page?



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Guest Nightmare1
Most young earthers believe that the world is more than 6,000 years old: 6,020 to be precise. This is because by as accurate a reckoning as possible, using biblical genealogies, it has been calculated that the earth was most likely created 4,004 BC.

Does the "world" include the rest of the universe as well? The light coming from some of those galaxies that we see in the night sky have been traveling for millions of years or more.
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Does the "world" include the rest of the universe as well? The light coming from some of those galaxies that we see in the night sky have been traveling for millions of years or more.

Well, not if it is all just a lovely pretty backdrop provided nearby by the creator, to please and amuse his chosen (homo sapien) creatures. He made it look like all those stars are a long way away, to give us a sense of awe and wonder for his abilities. Cool, eh!


Besides, light can travel as fast as He wants it to.



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