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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Octave, I, in good faith gave you enough material to follow up which would keep you busy for months, particularly things that were FACT and on this theory you keep talking about, so if you're not prepared to do a little work to educate yourself, you lose your credibility when you keep on asking other people to research it for you.



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Octave, I, in good faith gave you enough material to follow up which would keep you busy for months, particularly things that were FACT and on this theory you keep talking about, so if you're not prepared to do a little work to educate yourself, you lose your credibility when you keep on asking other people to research it for you.

Not ONE of your references follows a standard, scientific, peer-reviewed methodology, but are the ramblings of simplistic thought, often coupled with religious fantasies (how long do we gotta listen about the Knights Templars' activities, FFS).


Show us ONE paper from your multiple 500 page volumes that would stand scrutiny in "Science" magazine, New Scientist, or Scientific American.


Until then, they are meaningless drivel, and unworthy of devoting time to.



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Octave, I, in good faith gave you enough material to follow up which would keep you busy for months, particularly things that were FACT and on this theory you keep talking about, so if you're not prepared to do a little work to educate yourself, you lose your credibility when you keep on asking other people to research it for you.

I don't want you to do research for me. I was asking GG to support his assertion that modern science had disproved the theory, this is a bold claim that does require evidence. I know for a fact the within science and education the theory is still the cornerstone of Biology and other disciplines. If you and GG don't accept the evidence that is fine but it is intellectually dishonest to suggest that the theory of evolution is a quaint old idea that has been superseded. All I am asking is for this assertion to be supported with evidence because I do know for sure that it is still being taught within Australian Universities within Biology and in the Medical Science Degree. Again you can say that you don't accept the evidence but you can't say that it is doubted amongst scientists without evidence.



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Can you name a university Biology that teaches that evolution has been superseded?

The alternatives are altogether unpalatable for them so like you they cling on to their failed theory by faith and like intolerant atheists will sack anyone that dare raises questions. There is no mechanism in place in any living thing to add genetic information to DNA necessary to improve or change a species. All mutations are now known to be a corruption of the genetic sequence. Like they say keep the faith octave....


Quite a bit of stuff still being taught we now know is rubbish - global warming (didn't pan out as expected), 'fossil' fuels etc but I digress. The latter aren't so much faith issues so the science textbooks will likely be updated in a generation or so.



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Funny daz... in seriousness though can you explain how his prophecies to date have come true exactly as he said?

GG, in seriousness, how do you know exactly what he said or what he meant? I assume you weren't there at the time.





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If you are honestly wondering rgmwa (I'm not sure) please don't take my word for it, instead there is a wealth of evidence and information out there for you to consider - the reliability, integrity and historical accuracy of scripture has been examined by many, many people. If instead you mean to mock the book you've not studied then it also has relevant passages that apply like this.


2Peter 3 "knowing this first, that there shall come at the close of the days scoffers, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for from the time the fathers fell asleep all things remain thus from the beginning of the creation"



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Funny daz... in seriousness though can you explain how his prophecies to date have come true exactly as he said?

The same way as Nostradamus , some people are physic. And when exactly is old mate supposed to turn up. All I hear is that he is going to return but I wont hold my breath waiting.



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It bothers me because I was one of them, the crap spoon fed from a young age still affects me as an adult. The years of my life I will never get back, I will not go into details, but I was once religious, and now my eyes are open.

Being religious (i.e., going 'through the motions' of religion) is different from being a believer. A believer has internal peace because she (or he) knows that they are forgiven because Christ died for them so that the believer won't be punished. Additionally, they live a life of peace in this world too. The gospel is simple and straightforward and does not need a PhD to understand or work out.



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That's an argument that denies Agnosticism.

And of course Religious Agnostics, who would otherwise be Atheists, arises from children given no choice in having it rammed down their throats from an early age and leaving some doubt or fear not to believe in something.


Of course it's different in China where they don't have it rammed down their throats from childhood but surprise, surprise, they believe Dragons once existed and that ghosts do exist (serious) and other cultural beliefs because that's what they are exposed to as children.

They believe that dragons (now usually known as dinosaurs) existed because many Chinese have seen them in the past. Just because they have been hunted to extinction doesn't mean that they didn't once exist in the past. The Chinese chose twelve animals, then visible for all to see, to construct their calendar. The dragon (dinosaur) has now become extinct but remains in the calendar. If the tiger* became extinct in, say, 2035 the tiger would remain in the calendar (without being removed) just like the dragon has stayed in there. There is plenty of proof that the dragon existed in all forms of art. No photographic evidence exists because the dragon (dinosaur) became extinct before cameras were invented in the 1800s.


* The tiger and dragon are in the Chinese calendar. Here is a full list of the twelve animals included in the calendar:




























This 1100 year old artwork dating from the Liao Dynasty (source: s8int.com) shows two dragons that represent ceratopsian dinosaurs



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Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ( i don't care which GOD, any one of them will do) created the universe including Earth ? And no, quoting from the bible isn't concrete proof.

Only God, a wonderful designer who created all the laws of physics and chemistry, the motions of galaxies (and the millions and millions of stars, planets and moons that make up these galaxies), as well as the tiniest parts that make up everything we can see, touch and hold with the building blocks (atoms) which themselves are composed of a nucleus and electron(s) orbiting around them. It takes a huge leap of faith that all this came (a) without a designer; and (b) from nothing. For instance, if the big bang caused the whole universe to come into being from a piece of matter the size of a basketball, where did this matter come from? Ultimately, for me, it is easier to believe in God making all this "by the word of his power", all from nothing ....rather than that everything came from nothing without any designer.



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Our brain cannot comprehend the forces involved. Matter and energy can be exchanged. There is evidence of very primitive life forms , some of which still exist today. There is also evidence of development into more complex organisms. With an incomprehensible period of time for things to modify, anything is possible except believing it was done by someone who resembles us, in a time of six days. so that he might be worshipped by us. If the design is done by the boss, how come so many imperfections?



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I wonder if some Egyptian went upriver on camping trip and got far enough south to see a Rhino, and came back telling a story about a horse with a horn on its head.

This is plausible and possible, especially if this was a creature never before encountered.


Believe it or not, there were tourists in the ancient world, although travel agents did not yet exist spacer.png. For instance, Herodotus, a Greek historian often referred to as the Father of History, did a bit of travelling around. He visited Egypt and won over the friendship of the local priests. He persuaded them to allow him to view the mummification process. Herodotus recorded the process and, if it wasn't for him writing these details, we would not have known how this was done.



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