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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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The whole statement by John is loaded. Who decides what a smartass is. The "truths and realities of biblical creation" IF that's not contestable we are in strife. Does one humiliate someone with a different view as a matter of course? at religious INSTRUCTION lessons. This is an example of why that kind of thing is so objected to and rightly so. Nev



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The Hereafter:


The boyfriend & his girlfriend were down at the beach in the carpark gazing at the stars on the moonlight night & the girlfriend asked a serious question to her boyfriend about the hereafter. He thought for a moment & responded as follows: "If your not hereafter what I'm hereafter, you'll be hereafter I'm gone".spacer.png



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"Rational" and "religious" are two words that shouldn't be used in the same sentence ( ... except this one).


If a rational person is considered an impious fool by a religious person, it should be taken as a compliment of the highest order.



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. . . Psalm 53 verse 1 which read: "THE IMPIOUS FOOL SAYS IN HIS HEART, THERE IS NO GOD".

"Impious" simply means "not devoutly religious". If a not devoutly religious person DID believe in God then he indeed would be a fool. But the way this psalm is written it is the psalm-writer who has written something illogical and foolish - not to mention prejudicial and discriminatory. And worst crime of all is that it is just not funny!!!



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. . . the cry was Sola Scriptura . . .

My latin is a bit rusty and mostly derived from Catholic Church latin - their lingua franca until quite recently and perhaps still? So, I looked up a definition and came to this:


Sola scriptura (Latin ablative, "by Scripture alone") is the Protestant Christian doctrine that the Bible is the supreme authority in all matters of doctrine and practice.


So how should we understand the following as an authority on how daughters should regards their dads?


"The next day the older daughter said to the younger, "Last night I slept with my father. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father." Genesis 19:34


Is that better or worse than Mohammed marrying a 6yo and having the common decency not to sleep with her until she was 9yo?



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. . . if you live in a western country and are honest with yourself you would have to admit that you have personally benefited immensely from his teachings many of which are very much part of our western culture and laws which we tend to take for granted.

I like to think that our laws are based on logic, good science and ethics rather than the ravings of a bunch of ignorant (by today's standards) superstitious, desert dwelling, goat herders from several millennia past. Many of our laws are handed down from pagan Romans and adopted during the Roman occupation of Britain. In fact many of our laws are intended to keep church and state apart. Our Federal Constitution makes provision to prevent Churches having undue influence in our legal system. Our laws are to our benefit despite the attempts of bigots like Fred Nile and his fundamentalist cronies. When the Christian far right held sway, you had to drive 30 miles in NSW before you could have a beer on a Sunday. There were plenty of laws like that including incarceration of homosexuals and women choosing what happens in their own bodies. Fortunately for all, most of those stupid retrograde laws are now repealed.


So ask yourself: why would you curse and deride this man Jesus?

I wouldn't and don't out of regard for the feelings of others. But I would happily mock the inane rantings of some of his followers.


Why not also mock other historical figures or leaders?

Satirical mocking of historical figures and leaders has been an industry for hundreds of years. The question might better be put as to why a religious leader should not be satirised when all others are?


Could it be that there is something driving you to mock that particular person above everyone else?

What? Like the Devil? Beelzebub? Satan? Couldn't possibly because, sadly enough for Satan, I don't believe in him either. He's just the religious equivalent of the bogeyman under the bed.



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If having to travel 30 miles on Sunday was a stupid religous inspired law. What is the law that denies me a drink at 4am just about anywhere. It is not religion, but beaurocratic control. I see that a lot of the things that were regulated, such as milk production, are being de regulated. Maybe alcohol sales, prostitution, taxi driving, school teachers will be de regulated. Would that be a good thing.



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The theory was that a horse could about 30 miles in a day and after a long days ride, both you and the horse should be entitled to one to settle the dust even though it was Sunday.


Of course Christians are notoriously useless with Calendars (except for Gregory of course). How do they mix up the first and last days of the week? And surely Christians should be following the Ten Coomandments and keeping holy the sabbath day not Sunday?



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Geez I don't know Yenn. Keeping on the correct side of the road and obeying lights seems like a good idea. Surely there are others Don't pinch stuff. Molest Kids, sell adulterated food. Isn't a lot of it just living in a society that functions for the majority. Don't ALL tribes have RULES? Nev



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Geez I don't know Yenn. Keeping on the correct side of the road and obeying lights seems like a good idea. Surely there are others Don't pinch stuff. Molest Kids, sell adulterated food. Isn't a lot of it just living in a society that functions for the majority. Don't ALL tribes have RULES? Nev

Keeping under MTOW is another rule which is wise to follow...


So how should we understand the following as an authority on how daughters should regards their dads?


"The next day the older daughter said to the younger, "Last night I slept with my father. Let's get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father." Genesis 19:34


Is that better or worse than Mohammed marrying a 6yo and having the common decency not to sleep with her until she was 9yo?

So THAT's why kiddy fiddling is rife in the priesthood... it's in the bible!!



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There's lots of bad stuff in the old testament. Re the kiddy fiddling some seemed to treat it as a fringe benefit of being in the job. In fairness it's not only the priests. Sexual exploitation appears to be anywhere it could possibly be. Nev

True, saw Gary Glitter breaking down in court on TV the other day.



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I detest the term "kiddy fiddling" as it so understates the evil. I understand it is used widely and that nobody on here meant to trivialise it but I wish it would disappear both the molestation and that term for it.


I agree with Nev that it seemed to happen wherever there was the opportunity.



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I detest the term "kiddy fiddling" as it so understates the evil. I understand it is used widely and that nobody on here meant to trivialise it but I wish it would disappear both the molestation and that term for it.I agree with Nev that it seemed to happen wherever there was the opportunity.

You're right Don, we shouldn't trivialise what these sick b&stards do.



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Incidentally, the other Catholic Boys High School in Newcastle had two of the worst peadophiles and sparked the Royal Commission with some help from an honest, courageous Copper and an equally brave journo who ended up winning a Walkley Award for her tireless support of the copper. THe Detective copped nothing but abuse from the Police in the district and ended up a broken man. A damn shame.



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