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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Hi fellas, I just stumbled on to this thread. I don't have enough time to read it all, so just a couple of quick questions.Was /is Jesus real? yes/no


Was/is God real ? yes/no


Is the Bible fact or fiction or based on a true story ? Yes/no/ maybe


Thank you for your time.



Hi Dazza, I think the answers are...maybe, maybe, yes.


Hope that helps.







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(by cheating)

I give you a creative, rapturous crescendo such as the likes never been seen before and this is the thanks I get?


Envy is the fear of comparison and acknowledgement of the victorious.


I would also like to take this moment to thank my Parents and my Dog.



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I give you a creative, rapturous crescendo such as the likes never been seen before and this is the thanks I get?

Envy is the fear of comparison and acknowledgement of the victorious.


I would also like to take this moment to thank my Parents and my Dog.

Tasty, was he?



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I've always wondered, is that a biblical one too? I can just imagine the passage...


"...verily I say unto thee, whosoever polisheth the bishop will have his sight taken from him; for the Lord doth despise those who spanketh the monkey."



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I've always wondered, is that a biblical one too? I can just imagine the passage...

"...verily I say unto thee, whosoever polisheth the bishop will have his sight taken from him; for the Lord doth despise those who spanketh the monkey."

On ABC National radio yesterday they discussed a new device for collecting energy from jerkin'the gherkin. Apparently you could rechange an iphone or something similar using kinetic energy capture. This is something you can buy today and strap to your wrist. So if the phone goes flat in the middle of a call you might say "Sorry darling, I'll have to call you back in half an hour".



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On ABC National radio yesterday they discussed a new device for collecting energy from jerkin'the gherkin. Apparently you could rechange an iphone or something similar using kinetic energy capture. This is something you can buy today and strap to your wrist. So if the phone goes flat in the middle of a call you might say "Sorry darling, I'll have to call you back in half an hour".

Jesus, there's a replacement for coal, right there. Forget solar, if you could harness the power generated by the 5-knuckle shuffle the energy crisis is solved.



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Theres only two that count now .

Love the lord with all the heart .


Love thy neighbour as thyself . ( maybe thats the problem ,) we all hate ourselfs ! Dont we .


And hence , most hate god .

Smartest marketing move in the history of mankind! Does anyone believe christianity would be the worlds dominant religion if they didn't change their message to suit the masses??? This is a very recent phenomenon. A poor christian in 700ad Britain would think you were the a satanist talking that mumbo jumbo.



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They were talking about the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone on the radio this evening. Apparently one of the reasons they can't get the disease under control is because communities don't follow the rules about disposing of dead bodies; instead, they secretly wash them and bury them. And contract ebola from them.


Why do they do this?





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Why do they do this?



Not just religion, many cultures have very strange and ridiculous customs that date back forever.


I can never understand why us mostly Germanic descendants who have progressed and made the World what it is today, not only put up with this ridiculousness, but also often financially support it and are made to feel guilty and damned if we disturb or critisise it in anyway.



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Not just religion, many cultures have very strange and ridiculous customs that date back forever.

I can never understand why us mostly Germanic descendants who have progressed and made the World what it is today, not only put up with this ridiculousness, but also often financially support it and are made to feel guilty and damned if we disturb or critisise it in anyway.

In that particular case the reporter made the point that they were hiding the bodies in order to bury them "properly" according to their religious beliefs. But yes I agree that culture and tradition come in to it too.


Don't know that I agree with you on the guilt bit. According to some on this forum I'm a raving left-wing loony, but I believe some practices are just wrong, I don't give a damn if they're part of someone's "cultural heritage", and I don't feel guilty in the least for saying so.


Slavery. Child abuse. Female genital mutilation. "Honour" killings. Punishment for imaginary crimes like blasphemy. Forced marriage. Torture. Wrongful imprisonment. Capital punishment. Rape.


(On a lesser note, homoeopathy).



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