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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Documented after the fact you say? Are you suggesting that the Bible may somehow be influenced by man himself?

Just to make it clear, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were one of the seven wonders of the world, and have nothing to do with the Bible, whether Facthunter's "Garden of Eden" or anything else.



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While I was drilling holes in my wing last night I had Radio National on in the background. Unfortunately some prick who deserves to be flogged had scheduled "The Spirit of Things" at the prime building time of 9pm.


Anyway the gist of it was there was this big "multi-faith" love-in talking about food in religion and trying to link up with conservationists and vegetarians.


At one point the presenter was talking to an islamic imam who was telling her of a few things muslims should do while eating. He said "If you spill food on the floor, for example a few grains of rice, you should pick them up, brush them clean, say the name of god and eat them. Saying the name of god will make them clean."




As silly as this is, it's no sillier than some of the christian beliefs that the eucharist actually transforms into the body of christ.


Now if these people truly believed in their religion, they should have no problem with a few scientific experiments to see if the number of bacteria on a dropped grain of rice reduces following the utterance of the deity's name, or if at any stage a cracker takes on human cell structure and the wine suddenly develops red blood cells.



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Since those who have read this thread all know the fraud of Christ now Marty, even you, you shouldn't be wasting your time on nonsensical minutae.

Very true TP, but by that logic, I'd extend that particular fraud to include all deities, but I'm guessing that would be a bridge too far for you!



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The whole fabric of Australian society is founded on Christianity. Our laws, morals, culture, etc. are all directly or indirectly based on the Bible, including decisions of going to War - regardless of the the Bible being a mythical steaming pile of ballshit.

Once you start breaking down or distancing our society's connection to Christianity and the Bible, you start opening doors that will break down the very foundations that support what has made Australia what it is today. So let the 30% believe what they want to and let them have their input when and where it's asked for and required, understanding that to have balance you need to take from both ends of the spectrum, otherwise anarchy ensures.


So if you're not religious, that's fine, just don't be ignorant in the same breath, simply step back and enjoy the benefits of Australia that were in part afforded to you by the religious end of the spectrum - and a holiday every now and then due to them is just a small part of those benefits.

Sorry Bex, I also have to disagree.


The fact is we have the ordered society we have despite the efforts of religious zealots. We have so many laws that contradict the laws of the bible I would not like to count them all. We have a great society because we are an ethical society. In our democracy, what all people think matters not just the theocrats. Oddly, we actually live in a form of governments similar in principal to that of the Islamic State of Iran. We have as head of the State religion as our political autocrat. Sound like Iran? Because the majority of Australians (and the Brits for that matter) were unhappy with that form of government it exists only figuratively but, nominally that is still where we are - kowtowing to a bunch of inbred German nobles.



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Just catching up and the standard of humour on this thread, I see, remains at a sensationally high level. I went off to check the score and this is what I found:




Looks like confirmed religious now qualify as minorities and the non-religious as the majority - just have to get the politicians to recognise where the strength really lies. To me this spells nothing but good things for the future of our civilisation. Makes me wonder how long the ignorance and inbreeding can continue for followers of Islam before the penny drops that there really is a better way to live and die.





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Religion is a man made thing to allow some in the community to control others, mainly it is an insurance policy they are peddling, but the spin offs include interfering with young people and making believers feel guilty. The big insurance copany of course has its headquarters in Rome.


If God did come back I can imagine the Rome branch would denounce it as a fraud.



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