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Well, no, not really. What is means is that some of us like to see evidence, rather than blindly believe what some psychologically suspect people tell us. You like to see real statistics, and real results, you frequently bring these things up, when talking regulating stuff, why shouldn't the same degree of proof be required for something that's supposed to be so important?

I read a joke recently, which has a lot of truth to it.....


Does anyone see the irony of Christians claiming to abhor gambling, then bet their whole life on there being a god and an afterlife?


Not believing in a god, doesn't mean you don't believe in anything.

Which leads to another laughable argument - "Pascal's wager" (or Religion Lite) - the premise being that either god exists, or he doesn't. If he does exist and you don't believe in him, then you're going to hell, whereas if he doesn't exist and you do believe in him, you've lost nothing anyway, so why not believe.


Of course the logic falls down when you consider if there was a god he'd have to be more intelligent than the beings he created, so would see through this reasoning. (Plus, he'd be above petty things like requiring belief in himself).



I believe in research, and research is not a scam, so you'll have to go keep looking.

That's reassuring to hear. I can safely assume then that you don't believe there is a god.




A woman is standing in front of a mirror and says "does this dress make my bum look big"


Hubby replies of course not its the chocolates that do that



If he does exist and you don't believe in him, then you're going to hell,

Knowing that there's a "Highway to Hell" and a "Stairway to Heaven", seems indicative where most of us are headed ....



Today sometime quite literally a tree or a dog can be regarded as more valuable than a person, ^ this is why. Many people now worship nature. Also themselves.


Correct me if I am wrong, but weren't people worshiping nature long before the concept of a single god?


Not exactly a new trend. I can't see a problem with regarding nature as a sacred thing. In my opinion, things started to go downhill rapidly when we were given an excuse to dominate rather than respect it.




Today sometime quite literally a tree or a dog can be regarded as more valuable than a person, ^ this is why. Many people now worship nature. Also themselves.

Hmmm, US spelling of "worshipped", wonder where that little bit of brainless twaddle was made.


Couple of interesting things in it though. One is the similarity to the language of islam, which always seems to put a "blessed be his name" or something after any mention of allah - the other is that the writer feels the need to affirm their own statement by bunging an "amen" at the end. Insecurity?



Knowing that there's a "Highway to Hell" and a "Stairway to Heaven", seems indicative where most of us are headed ....

If there was a heaven and hell, you could bet your ar*se the most interesting people would be in hell. Imagine the boring smug bastards sitting around strumming harps for all eternity up in heaven.



Since science has been able to explain the phenomenons that early religion relied on, most of us have enough information to be able to figure out they're all scams, not just Christianity. So what's your scam?

half of us don't believe the bernoulli effect of lift - the other half think it is majick - sometimes it is all down to blind faith and trust.




I watched it and after a while I read it. You always learn something even if it is only that it's easy to waste time.


Live like you have a year to live. No one can buy time. It's there and it's gone whether you use it or not, but if you only live for the moment you may deny yourself some "more developed" success. Longer term hedonism is better, because planning always gives a more substantial result.. Nev



...Longer term hedonism is better, because planning always gives a more substantial result.. Nev

...trouble is Nev, that I've spent so much time planning and preparing for hedonism, by the time I get there I won't recognise it!




Worship/whorship . . . Requires the mindless, unquestioning adoration of something beyond comprehension. People do it because people before them did it and told others they must do it. Might have been useful in suppressing scientific curiosity in the intellectually challenged 3000 years ago but serves no use in the 21st century other than giving people who live at the top of a pyramid scheme what they crave, viz., power and wealth and with that status. The world would be such a better place if all religion disappeared and everybody lived by logically deducible ethics.



But it would be dull beyond belief.

Have you been to a church service? Not exactly interesting. The happy clappies try to jazz it up a little but I'd rather go somewhere you could have a drink while listening to the band.



I've heard that Atheist "churches" have sprung up to provide the social element you mention. Music, beer, food. comeraderie.

The "Public Unabashed Bonding" group? PUB for short.



Knowing that there's a "Highway to Hell" and a "Stairway to Heaven", seems indicative where most of us are headed ....

That is interesting, because that is just what Jesus said (as recorded in Matthew chapter 7 verses 13 and 14): "Enter ye in at the strait (= narrow) gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it".



Have you been to a church service? Not exactly interesting. The happy clappies try to jazz it up a little but I'd rather go somewhere you could have a drink while listening to the band.

See - boring and unimaginative. Who said anything about going to a church service?



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