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In a similar vain as this post (https://www.socialaustralia.com.au/topic/742-i-find-myself-agreeing-with-pauline-hanson/), I find myself agreeing with ScoMo. OK, unlike Pauline Hanson, as far as Aussie politics is concerned, ScoMo is far more mainstream and moderate, and on balance, he is not a bad leader. After all, if things were getting too hot for me as a PM with an issue like bushfires early in my term, and I could at that point not really do anything about it, I too would ship myself and my good family off to a tropical holdiay paradise where I could sip pina coladas next to a pool and when it was a little too warm there, retire to the comfort of my luxury air-conditioned condo and catch up on the news of what was happening to the country I decided was better to deputise leadership to for the time being.


And, then, when I realised that people worked out where I was despite the most incompetent denials of me going on holiday, I would return and visit the scenes of carnage; proffer a couple of half-hearted attempted handshakes in the full knowledge I would be left hanging, which is fine by me as I don't really like touching the dirty hands of commoners, er citizens.. I might get dirty peoples' germs or soemthing... Yuk! After a couple of rejections, I would not be expected to have to proffer these neanderthal greeting methods, again, whihch is fine by me. Although it wouldn't look good, I'd still have a few years to go before the next election (assuming my party don't backstab me, as I had done before, as he had done before, as she had done before, as he had done before, etc etc). By then, If nothing came up, I could use that time to the next election spreading all sorts of lies about the opposition or our learnings and how much we had improved.. And the people would still vote for me. After all, if they they voted for Tony, surely I would be back in like Flynn! No worries!


Of course, what I would really hope for was some world pandemic where I could take credit for all the state premiers' and CHO's work, mutter a few words in support and because of the requirement to socially distance, not even bother about visiting the hotspots, let alone have to endure shaking commoners, er, citizens hands and then secretly disinfect myself afterwards. I would see my popularity rise and pray to my gods to keep massive bushfires at bay for at least another few years so I could continue leading this great country against all odds, shroing up my powerbase ready to fight another election. So, as a PM, I think ScoMo is a leader of standards we have come to expect, no, demand. And therefore, it should be easier for me to agree with what he has to say or do... Right?


Well, as it transpires, yes.


One of our former great PMs, Tony Abbott, looks set to become a British Envoy for Trade. These envoys are advisory in nature and also help negotiate trade deals, etc, with areas/regions they have expertise. I have to admit, I was a little puzzled by this move by Boris Johnson and UK Trade secretary, Liz Truss, after all, Tony had only been a PM for two years before his party got rid of him (actually for the LNP, that is curerntly normal), he is one of only two Aussie ex-PMs I could find who lost their seat rather than resigned their seat (the other being Johnny Howard).. but I am sure someone will stump up others; and his view of international trade of his own country was to continue promoting fossil fuels like coal and gas, both of which are experiencing reduced world demand rather than fostering a sustainable renewables industry which would secure a better economic future for many more Australians than the corproate donors to his political party.


However, I can see he  has some attributes that make him perfect for the role. Originally a relucant supporter of the UK to remain in Europe (words to the effect that the EU isn't great, but Britain would much worse of outside of it) and then when it became a liability to contibue that line, an abrupt backflip - much like BoJo. A self-stylised sophisticated mysoginist - just like BoJo. A right wing, trumpophile who would kow tow to his overlaord press and commercial masters.. just like BoJo. A devout Christian who thinks that god will save us from his reckless stupidity.. Well, OK, BoJo doesn't agree with him there. So, he obviously has the requisite talent required of a "good conservative" according to Liz Truss. Naturally, they are counting on him to help with brokering a positive trade deal with Australia, because with Australia's GDP at whopping 1.5 trillion USD, the UK government hoping to bridge the gap left by leaving the bloc, which only has a GDP of 18.3 trillion USD. By the way, I am not drawing a Brexit/Remain debate... Sometimes, money isn't everythign and I can see why a lot of people voted to leave.


There has been a bit of a furore in the UK about his appointment (and I am sure there is a bit of a furore in Aus, too) because most people not in the UK government can't see how an ex-PM with poor credentials at almost everythign he has touched and no real trade negotiation experience would do any good at advising an equally accomplished British trade secretary in negotiating good deals for Britain, notwithstanding his climate credientials are poor and there is some global climate conference coming up in the UK; nor the fact his other personal views are probably as repulsive to people he will be dealing with (remember, they won't just be Australian government officials) as are Trumps.. and that never sets a good backdrop for negotiations when your country doesn't have the economic might of the USA that can bully them into submission.


And to cap it off, the head of the Aussie Border Force to approve an exemption of Aussies leaving the country for COVID-infested foreign lands. like the UK for him to do a new job for the "benefit" of a foreign power. Allowing Aussies special dispensation to visit dying family? Nah... but facilitating the benefit of another country is definitely a worthwile endeavour.. .well, that is an absolute necessity, isn't it...


Amidst all of the furore back home and here about his (lack of) credentials and poor character to represent a mafia boss, let alone an integral nation like the UK, ScoMo/SFM has remarked what a great hire it is for the UK Trade Envoy. And of course, it would not be beyond the realms of the most cynical to imagine Scotty was consulted about the exemption of the Aussie cretin, er, citizen being banned from leaving the country and hom giving his seal of approval. But while everyone is saying how unfair it is and that this is mates looking after mates, it is actually a deft move by the PM..


You see, Abbo has been on record stating he will continue serving the public, even if not as a parliamentarian. And what better way could he do this (in his mind) than be a trade envoy for Australia.. knocking out deals on coal and gas for the UK at knock down prices while keeping it expey for Aussies.. He probably tapped up Scotty for the Aussie job and threatened if he didn't get it, he would sook to his mates in the LNP.. And since the LNP Prime Minsisterships are the closest thing to a revolving door of the Trump administration, that probably got Scotty a little worried. So he probably gave BoJo a call and let BoJo know there is a great ex-PM with solid consevative (LNP) credentials who is looking for a job as a trade envoy, and that Scotty would have hired him if he hand't just hired some Coal company ex-CEO for the last position available. But to sweeten it for BoJo, Scotty probably offered to go easy on Abbott's more rational advice/negotiations with Australia, which he secretly knows there won't be anything rational at all coming from Abbo at all. So, Scotty saying he is a great hire to the UK Trade Envoy is spot on - for Australia, that is..

And of course, on the assumption he may have explicitly or implictly given the nod for Abbo to head off to COVID nirvana - well... what a relief that is for Australia!

Way to go, ScoMo!


Although I should be worried as I live in the UK, we think he is in Wales and will be addressing the Welsh assembly tomorrow, thinking it is Westminster and won't be a bank (public) holiday.





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Everything is going fine for Sco Mo. The Covid 19 was a gift from heaven or wherever. It is a pity that our pool of politicians is so poorly stocked that we have to put up with him, but who else could do the job. Nobody comes to mind and some of the past contenders are appalling. How would you fancy Dutton? He does have one thing going for him, nobody could take him for a Jew, He looks just like a pig.

Albo is yesterdays failure, but I have just realised that there does appear to be one competent person there at the moment. How about Penny Wong?

  On 30/08/2020 at 3:12 AM, Yenn said:

Everything is going fine for Sco Mo. The Covid 19 was a gift from heaven or wherever. It is a pity that our pool of politicians is so poorly stocked that we have to put up with him, but who else could do the job. Nobody comes to mind and some of the past contenders are appalling. How would you fancy Dutton? He does have one thing going for him, nobody could take him for a Jew, He looks just like a pig.

Albo is yesterdays failure, but I have just realised that there does appear to be one competent person there at the moment. How about Penny Wong?


I agree, Yenn. Penny Wong has been consistently outstanding for years, head and shoulders above the pack.

One of the  impediments to her being the national leader we should have is that she doesn't want the top job; she saw what Abbott and his backers did to our last outstanding female leader.

  • Agree 1

Anyone who doesn't have the gritty determination and persistence to reach top dog position in the country, doesn't have the necessary traits and drive to make a good leader for the country. Wong is an "also-ran".


A highly successful business friend had a quote on the wall of his office, attributed to the American President, Calvin Coolidge.


“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts."

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Posted (edited)
  On 29/08/2020 at 9:30 PM, nomadpete said:

BTW, looks like you got a fresh case of fine reds!


Normally, yes.. but this time, no. I am in a "pact" with my son to get myslef fit and him fitter. We set each other challenges.. and the cost of my challenge to him this week was not to drink for a week.. So, I guess, I was not chomotosed, and with so much time of sobriety on my hands, I was a little bored 😄


p.s. I am not really a pi$$pot... I only normally have a few on the weekends and when I am in London (rarely these days, although the 18 months prior to Feb much more often). Today, though, on account of driving 500 miles round trip to Snowdonia on non-motorway roads, my son exempted me from the pact for today and I am having a nice Aussie red (Sainsbury's taste the difference Padthaway... £6.75 and worth about twice as much). Imagine driving Sydney to Melb on roads mainly equivalent to the Great Ocean Road.. I think I deserve the finest Scotch (but, I don't like Scotch). But, it is still Sunday Eve when I write this... so within my nortmal drug abuse time allocation.

  On 30/08/2020 at 3:12 AM, Yenn said:

Everything is going fine for Sco Mo. The Covid 19 was a gift from heaven or wherever. It is a pity that our pool of politicians is so poorly stocked that we have to put up with him, but who else could do the job. Nobody comes to mind and some of the past contenders are appalling. How would you fancy Dutton? He does have one thing going for him, nobody could take him for a Jew, He looks just like a pig.

Albo is yesterdays failure, but I have just realised that there does appear to be one competent person there at the moment. How about Penny Wong?


Hmmm... I am not sure about the comment re mistaking identity re Dutton, but I agree with your sentiment about alternatives.. .Selecting a PM (president, etc), is not about choosing the most competent, but the least incompetent.. (that, I got from one of those old 80s flip desk calendars). If one could go back to relatively recent leaders of either of the big 2 parties, I am going on a limb and would bring back Julia Gillard... See below re Penny Wong.

  On 30/08/2020 at 4:12 AM, willedoo said:

A better job for Abbott would be consular assistant to Iceland. But the U.K. is far enough away for now. With a bit of luck he'll stay there.


Oh, please... don't wish that on a small and peaceful nation... If you had of said Secretary of State of Justice to Trump.. yes... But Iceland is a nice (albeit expensive) place where the people are friendly and they have a nice local vodka type drink called Brennivin (did I say I wasn't a pi$$pot?). Actually, I hear the Icleand ladies like Aussie men, to boot! Abbo will destroy it for the rest of us! So, no.. Abbo! Keep your mits of Iceland! As in the UK, I am known as a JAFA (just another f'n Aussie), I am very comfy with Abbo screwing what left we have...


  On 30/08/2020 at 11:03 AM, Old Koreelah said:

I agree, Yenn. Penny Wong has been consistently outstanding for years, head and shoulders above the pack.

One of the  impediments to her being the national leader we should have is that she doesn't want the top job; she saw what Abbott and his backers did to our last outstanding female leader.



  On 30/08/2020 at 12:35 PM, onetrack said:

Anyone who doesn't have the gritty determination and persistence to reach top dog position in the country, doesn't have the necessary traits and drive to make a good leader for the country. Wong is an "also-ran".


A highly successful business friend had a quote on the wall of his office, attributed to the American President, Calvin Coolidge.


“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts."


Just look at some of the top sports-people in team sports, some of the top businessmen, some of the managers you have worked for who are as useless as teats on a bull, but have got ahead through sheer determination and, sometimes cheek to cover the fact that they don't have talent. OK, at the risk of libel, Eddie McGuire.. He actually is a very average presenter (though a great journo and commentator). I can't speak for his business skills, but he didn't last too long at the helm of channel 9; yet he runs a very successful media company and still presents TV shows (or did).


I don't know Penny Wong from a bar of soap (has never come up in my feeds, and only heard her name mentioned on these forums). But I agree.. If you really want anything, whether it's to lead the country, or to get to fly a Cirrusjet when you're a factory worker, you will find a way, or at least not give up trying...

Edited by Jerry_Atrick

Sorry Jerry, no personal offense was intended. I couldn't resist because my SWMBO says she can always tell when I've had one glass too many - I get verbose (well she says that. And who am I to attempt to disagree?)


As for Ms Wong, I'd say that I can't recall her ever suffering footinmouth like just about every other Polly I can think of. Nor have we had to listen to stories of scandal nor other transgressions. In fact, on the rare occassions that she speaks, it seems to make good sense.

Just maybe she can see the top job as being a poisoned chalice, and she can do more good where she is?

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Penny Wong is no dumb-dumb. At the moment, as Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, she's virtually No.2 in the Parliamentary Labor group. She is probably one of the few people for whom "working for change from within" really applies. As well as her status in Australia, she is well respected by the leaders of other governments. 


She has been pretty-well rock-steady ever since she entered the Senate. She seems prepared to let public sentiment and custom override her personal point of view when the topic is not critical. (She was initially against same sex marriages. On the issue of marriage, I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious and historical view around that which we have to respect."  That was ten years ago, and we all know how the community's opinion changes since then.


There is only one reason why people would want to give her an ambassadorial role, and that's to remove a thorn from someone's side. That's a standard political practice.



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I am surprised that Penny Wong was against same sex marriage. I have heard that she is a lesbian. If that is correct it raises her even higher in my esteem. I could never see the reason for same sex marriage, except for homosexuals to get the rights to bring up children and I dont go along with that.


She never really hid the facts of her sexual orientation. At the time of her saying that, it was ten years ago, and I gather that she was suppressing her personal feelings for party unity. No doubt that when the population turned in favour (or at least didn't care one way or the other) she would have been to the forefront in supporting the change to the Marriage Act. 


She and her partner (now probably legal spouse) are raising two children conceived by IVF. My hetero daughter is having her last go at conceiving that way.  Who has the greater right to conceive children? 


The alteration to the Marriage Act was a restitution to that Act from a change made arbitrarily by Little Johnny. The Marriage Act is a Law of Man. It allows certain legal flow-ons to be available to everyone in the community.  The same flow-ons that are available to heterosexual couples, whether they have availed themselves of the provisions of the Act, or choose to maintain a relationship without the formalities required by the Act. Acceptance of same sex marriage should not have any affect on you. Just because it is a possibility, doesn't mean that it's compulsory.


Have you ever had your sexual orientation used as a determinant of your worth as a person in Society? Personally, I'm more interested in your worth as a contributor to the wide range of topics we discuss here and on the other site than I am in who you share your bed with.

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I have to revise for a test I have to take tomorrow, so I shall look up Penny Wong tomorrow...


@Yenn, I understand intuitively the apprehension of gay parents raising children. I will admit, I also had an initial apprehension over it. However, I have seen a gay couple who, I think went through surrogacy to obtain their child. They seem to be very good parents; equal measures of doting and lessons; balanced, well behaved kids, etc. I at least have not seen them pressuring their child to be homosexual and their child does not at a young teenage age appear to be outwardly gay. In fact, I am not sure anyone can pressured into being one way or another; utlimately, we are wired as we are wired (abusively forcing acts on people is different, but actually being of a disposition is within the person, otherwise there would be no gay people because, until very recently in terms of humanity, all children were born to hetro parents, unless, all the way back to, I guess Adam and Eve - taking the biblical approach).


Yes, I would intuitively think that gay parents are likely to teach tolerance.. but is that a bad thing? We all tend to find Trump disgraceful, and aren't a lot of his actions and ideology borne from or use intolerance? I would expect there to be a proportion of the gay parent community, who, like a proprotion of their hetro counterparts ar abusive, intolerant, dominating, etc. However, without statistics, I can only say I would intuitively expect it to be less because as a proportion of parents who have children, I would expect gay parents probably adopt at a higher rate. And with any normal adoption process, strict protocols and assessments of being a suitable parent are required before being allowed to adopt. Although it won't guarantee perfect parents, it is likely to reject more unsuitable parents than the normal way of procreation... there is no licence or check that a couple who shag are suitable parents. And then bring step parents into the mix (on both sides), I really can't see how gay parents are necessarily worse than their hetro counterparts?


Are there any other factors that I have missed where gay parents may be more problematic for their children than hetro parents?


Posted (edited)

One issue is that the child has no choice to have same sex parents or natural male and female parents. It's pre determined from conception that they will always have either two mothers or two fathers, but never a mum and dad. It's always a tricky subject trying to balance the rights of children against the rights of adults.

Edited by willedoo
  On 29/08/2020 at 4:55 PM, Jerry_Atrick said:

In a similar vain as this post (https://www.socialaustralia.com.au/topic/742-i-find-myself-agreeing-with-pauline-hanson/), I find myself agreeing with ScoMo. OK, unlike Pauline Hanson, as far as Aussie politics is concerned, ScoMo is far more mainstream and moderate, and on balance, he is not a bad leader. After all, if things were getting too hot for me as a PM with an issue like bushfires early in my term, and I could at that point not really do anything about it, I too would ship myself and my good family off to a tropical holdiay paradise where I could sip pina coladas next to a pool and when it was a little too warm there, retire to the comfort of my luxury air-conditioned condo and catch up on the news of what was happening to the country I decided was better to deputise leadership to for the time being.


And, then, when I realised that people worked out where I was despite the most incompetent denials of me going on holiday, I would return and visit the scenes of carnage; proffer a couple of half-hearted attempted handshakes in the full knowledge I would be left hanging, which is fine by me as I don't really like touching the dirty hands of commoners, er citizens.. I might get dirty peoples' germs or soemthing... Yuk! After a couple of rejections, I would not be expected to have to proffer these neanderthal greeting methods, again, whihch is fine by me. Although it wouldn't look good, I'd still have a few years to go before the next election (assuming my party don't backstab me, as I had done before, as he had done before, as she had done before, as he had done before, etc etc). By then, If nothing came up, I could use that time to the next election spreading all sorts of lies about the opposition or our learnings and how much we had improved.. And the people would still vote for me. After all, if they they voted for Tony, surely I would be back in like Flynn! No worries!


Of course, what I would really hope for was some world pandemic where I could take credit for all the state premiers' and CHO's work, mutter a few words in support and because of the requirement to socially distance, not even bother about visiting the hotspots, let alone have to endure shaking commoners, er, citizens hands and then secretly disinfect myself afterwards. I would see my popularity rise and pray to my gods to keep massive bushfires at bay for at least another few years so I could continue leading this great country against all odds, shroing up my powerbase ready to fight another election. So, as a PM, I think ScoMo is a leader of standards we have come to expect, no, demand. And therefore, it should be easier for me to agree with what he has to say or do... Right?


Well, as it transpires, yes.


One of our former great PMs, Tony Abbott, looks set to become a British Envoy for Trade. These envoys are advisory in nature and also help negotiate trade deals, etc, with areas/regions they have expertise. I have to admit, I was a little puzzled by this move by Boris Johnson and UK Trade secretary, Liz Truss, after all, Tony had only been a PM for two years before his party got rid of him (actually for the LNP, that is curerntly normal), he is one of only two Aussie ex-PMs I could find who lost their seat rather than resigned their seat (the other being Johnny Howard).. but I am sure someone will stump up others; and his view of international trade of his own country was to continue promoting fossil fuels like coal and gas, both of which are experiencing reduced world demand rather than fostering a sustainable renewables industry which would secure a better economic future for many more Australians than the corproate donors to his political party.


However, I can see he  has some attributes that make him perfect for the role. Originally a relucant supporter of the UK to remain in Europe (words to the effect that the EU isn't great, but Britain would much worse of outside of it) and then when it became a liability to contibue that line, an abrupt backflip - much like BoJo. A self-stylised sophisticated mysoginist - just like BoJo. A right wing, trumpophile who would kow tow to his overlaord press and commercial masters.. just like BoJo. A devout Christian who thinks that god will save us from his reckless stupidity.. Well, OK, BoJo doesn't agree with him there. So, he obviously has the requisite talent required of a "good conservative" according to Liz Truss. Naturally, they are counting on him to help with brokering a positive trade deal with Australia, because with Australia's GDP at whopping 1.5 trillion USD, the UK government hoping to bridge the gap left by leaving the bloc, which only has a GDP of 18.3 trillion USD. By the way, I am not drawing a Brexit/Remain debate... Sometimes, money isn't everythign and I can see why a lot of people voted to leave.


There has been a bit of a furore in the UK about his appointment (and I am sure there is a bit of a furore in Aus, too) because most people not in the UK government can't see how an ex-PM with poor credentials at almost everythign he has touched and no real trade negotiation experience would do any good at advising an equally accomplished British trade secretary in negotiating good deals for Britain, notwithstanding his climate credientials are poor and there is some global climate conference coming up in the UK; nor the fact his other personal views are probably as repulsive to people he will be dealing with (remember, they won't just be Australian government officials) as are Trumps.. and that never sets a good backdrop for negotiations when your country doesn't have the economic might of the USA that can bully them into submission.


And to cap it off, the head of the Aussie Border Force to approve an exemption of Aussies leaving the country for COVID-infested foreign lands. like the UK for him to do a new job for the "benefit" of a foreign power. Allowing Aussies special dispensation to visit dying family? Nah... but facilitating the benefit of another country is definitely a worthwile endeavour.. .well, that is an absolute necessity, isn't it...


Amidst all of the furore back home and here about his (lack of) credentials and poor character to represent a mafia boss, let alone an integral nation like the UK, ScoMo/SFM has remarked what a great hire it is for the UK Trade Envoy. And of course, it would not be beyond the realms of the most cynical to imagine Scotty was consulted about the exemption of the Aussie cretin, er, citizen being banned from leaving the country and hom giving his seal of approval. But while everyone is saying how unfair it is and that this is mates looking after mates, it is actually a deft move by the PM..


You see, Abbo has been on record stating he will continue serving the public, even if not as a parliamentarian. And what better way could he do this (in his mind) than be a trade envoy for Australia.. knocking out deals on coal and gas for the UK at knock down prices while keeping it expey for Aussies.. He probably tapped up Scotty for the Aussie job and threatened if he didn't get it, he would sook to his mates in the LNP.. And since the LNP Prime Minsisterships are the closest thing to a revolving door of the Trump administration, that probably got Scotty a little worried. So he probably gave BoJo a call and let BoJo know there is a great ex-PM with solid consevative (LNP) credentials who is looking for a job as a trade envoy, and that Scotty would have hired him if he hand't just hired some Coal company ex-CEO for the last position available. But to sweeten it for BoJo, Scotty probably offered to go easy on Abbott's more rational advice/negotiations with Australia, which he secretly knows there won't be anything rational at all coming from Abbo at all. So, Scotty saying he is a great hire to the UK Trade Envoy is spot on - for Australia, that is..

And of course, on the assumption he may have explicitly or implictly given the nod for Abbo to head off to COVID nirvana - well... what a relief that is for Australia!

Way to go, ScoMo!


Although I should be worried as I live in the UK, we think he is in Wales and will be addressing the Welsh assembly tomorrow, thinking it is Westminster and won't be a bank (public) holiday.






On behalf of a grateful nation, I would just like to offer our sincere thanks for taking custody of this unwanted and unemployable citizen, and hope that the sheltered workshop of trade envoy keeps him happily occupied while not allowing him any actual power or influence.


I know it's unfair for us to send you Tony while you already suffer with Boris, but hey - he was born there - it's more like "returning" him!


(By the way, probably want to think up a better nickname for him, that one means something quite different in Aus...)




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There's a hell of a lot of kids who don't have both a father and mother in the home at the same time, or have Mum's house and Dad's house.


There's one thing you can say about kids coming into a same sex family - they are really wanted, not simply the result of an unused condom.

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@Marty_d, no problems... On a marginal basis, he can only add a little more to the dopey drongos we have here...


Also, I am born and bred Australian; emigrated when I was 30 years old.. I am well aware of the derogatory term of "Abo"... and the nickname is indeed meant to be derogatory to the person I have given it, with a twist of irony thrown in on the basis that I am sure the person to whom it is addressed does not have the welfare of indigenous peoples at the forefront of his mind.. If it is offensive to the first nations peoples, it is not meant to be...

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Penny Wong is probably the only politician in Australia since I have been here (15 years now) who  would be a true leader if given the opportunity even though she says she doesn't want it. I think that like Jacinda she would be able to command respect and provide empathy in any of the crises there have been and are yet to come. She always seems calm and with just a few well chosen words seems able to disarm loudmouth critics with ease. The transition to a renewable energy economy would actually be led by government rather that individuals and companies.


Such leadership is rare in the world of today with populist fossil fueled loudmouths getting far more attention than they deserve hastening the climate tipping point that Covid has so conveniently slowed in the last 6 months.

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Jerry I don't know where the Abbo came from? He"s universally known as the "MAD MONK" or Phoney the WRECKER..and that's being generous.  (OR the world's longest Dummy Spitter) .  Keep him. He loves Oxford,( like BORIS) and he came out as a ten pound Pom. I'll double that for you to keep him .

     His Party didn't dump him. An independent beat him at an election and SHE is  (wait for it) a...."WOMAN" He hates being beaten, but by a woman is just too much for a rugged good Type A male, who loves the company of men in uniform (or priests, PELL and Tony are close) to have to bear.. Be gentle with him. He's definitely damaged goods. He's not a Boomerang either.  HE doesn't HAVE to come back. HE is now where his heart always was and where HE was born.  When the Museums of the UK return all the artifacts belonging to the Australian Aborigines, Phoney can come back because THEN HE will have done SOMETHING for them, which never happened when HE was minister for them. He was minister for WOMENS affairs too Isn't .THAT strange? . and he just got a high award for "SERVING" Australia .(without consent.)  Nev

  • Winner 1

If wingnut is going to be a trade envoy to the U.K. he will need to think up some new three word slogans to chant to the Poms. Something in line with his walnut sized brain like "send the clippers, buy the wool, pay the cash".


I am starting to get sick of hearing Sco-Mo read from the Clive Palmer songsheet. "It's all about trade and economic activity, we need to get back to intensive economic activity". All for Clives and his mates in the Liberal party, benefit, of course.

The worst part is, Sco-Mo is making out the health risks are now minimal, and the economic risk is a greater threat. I, and a lot of others, believe otherwise.

As Palmers puppet, and with the debt that the Liberals owe to Palmer for getting them re-elected, when they stood to lose the election, I guess we can't expect much else.

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  On 09/09/2020 at 3:07 AM, onetrack said:

I am starting to get sick of hearing Sco-Mo's "It's all about trade and economic activity, we need to get back to intensive economic activity".


If Both sides of politics were fair dinkum about boosting the economy, they might grow a pair and legislate for "Australia Ahead of Everyone Else"


Simply looking forward to winning the next election, but not developing a plan to improve things is the fatal flaw of democracies. Just think where the Totalitarian regimes have success. Russia and China had their Five Year Plans which were successful, at least in part for increased production. While dictatorship, and WWll knocked Russia around, China seems to have raced forward.  Things were planned and carried out. Both countries came from behind to reach the top three of indistrialised nations.


If either of our main parties could develop a political platform that benefited those who work to produce tangible things, then in ten years we could stop bowing and scraping before globalised corporations, and stand on our own two feet in the World.


However, the easy thing to do is to prick and prod at the foibles of the other mob and recoil with shock and horror when assumed misbehaviour come to light.

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