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Correct.   301 x 1,  0 x 192, all others x 300



If a flea likes to sleep on a leaf and a hornet likes to sit on a throne, a horse likes to gallop along a what?





If you were to fill a chessboard with the letters of the alphabet, starting back at A each time you get to Z, what letter would be in the 64th square?


Correct again. That was the second-last (5%) question. The 1% question was one used in the Australian version of the show, and I presented it to you earlier in this thread.

That's all the text based questions. I have photographed some of the graphic questions.




The device with 2 remotes is a Wii, the guy is Will Ferrell. So the image is Wii Will Wii Will Rock Ewe.


ie., We will,we will rock you, by Queen.  Now, how about the arrows?







  • Informative 1

Correct Pete.


If you throw three standard dice at the same time, which of these totals are you most likely to see?

            2                     12                  29

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