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I only have a couple tonight. I thought I set the box to record, but when I went back to copy them down, it hadn't recorded. I only have the two I could remember.



If you write down the months in alphabetical order, which comes third.



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A musical couple have six children, Dorothy, Rebecca, Michael, Fatima, Sonia, and Lawrence. What will they name their next child?
    James     Timothy    or    Charles

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Yes Marty.


10 hours ago, red750 said:

A musical couple have six children, Dorothy, Rebecca, Michael, Fatima, Sonia, and Lawrence. What will they name their next child?
    James     Timothy    or    Charles


If day 1 is January 1st, day 181 is June 30th and day 365 is December 31st, which of the following days is in a different month to the other two?
    Day 150    Day 160    Day 170 


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Correct, pete.


Lee was driving when he noticed his odometer read 16961 and was the same backwards and forwards. What will the next reading be that also reads the same backwards and forwards?             

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Correct again.


If all the numbers from 1 to 20 are written out in words and put into numerical order and then reorganised into alphabetical order, which is the only number to stay in the same position?

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