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Which of these words does not contain three consecutive letters of the alphabet in order?
Unopenable      Understandable            Unquestionable        Undefinable

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Correct again.
Unopenable      Understandable            Unquestionable        Undefinable


These words all have something in common
         Soak   Sash    Spine    Steak
Which of the following words could also be included in the list?
         Bath    Drop     Helm

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Sorry for the delay. Yes, ....four five six.




Switzerland, Morocco, Andorra, Latvia and Lithuania are small.
Belgium, India and Germany are big.
What are Thailand, Iran, Nigeria and Yemen?

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Correct Marty.    October November.  A appears 5 times, E appears 10 times, I appears once, and U appears 5 times.





What word can complete all of those below?
C_ _ _       P _ _ _ NT      D _ _ _ ST

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Top of the class. Particularly as I made a typo in the last clue. Should have been   DE_ _ _ ST. That's what happens when you do it late at night.           CARE      PARENT    DEAREST


Here is the last and most difficult question, the 1% question. Three players had the opportunity to attempt it and win $33,333 each or take $10,000 and go home. One took the $10,000 and two attempted the question. Both failed and went home with nothing.


All of the words in this list have something specific in common. What is it?
            Into        Therefore       Evaluate         Benign





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