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Brain Teaser


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Correct.  And incidentally, the "VICAR, VIABLE" one was the 1% question of that episode. Four people got to that point, winning a share of $10,000, ie. $2500 each, and earning the right to risk that and attempt the question, which they had not seen at that stage. All four elected to take the risk, but none of them got the answer. All went home empty handed.


Here is the solution.





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The alphabet question shows half of consecutive pairs of the alphabet, half A half B, half C half D etc, so the answer, as Marty said, is half G half H.


In the image question, the sequence is incrimenting no. of wheels. As the question mark is before the unicycle, the answer must have zero wheels, in other words, the kayak.



1% 3 5 6.jpg

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That works too, Spacie. But the top left vertical looks a bit long on a "2".  Normally there is no vertical there. removing it would be a third step. It would be better to leave a match in the lower left, and place the upper left horizontally in the middle, to make the 2 look like a reversed 5.


There are at least two other solutions:




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