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Turbs, I don't actually get a lot of likes if you take it as a ratio against the number of posts. There are many who score much higher than I do.. Should I alter the form and substance to do better? Then It wouldn't be ME.. Nev



Turbs, I don't actually get a lot of likes if you take it as a ratio against the number of posts. There are many who score much higher than I do.. Should I alter the form and substance to do better? Then It wouldn't be ME.. Nev

Nev, that is because you have been on the site for many years before the Likes system was implemented




Thanks for the info Ian. It hasn't been keeping me awake at night. I come here for interaction and a feel for opinion. This site is probably not a good gauge of the "normal" view out there, but it works, no small thanks to the "invisible" (almost) moderators.. Nev



I've noticed you can talk complete rubbish and people don't notice if you include one of thesespacer.png

I've noticed that this site houses some utter epic trolls... annoyingly, those trolls occasionally have meaningful input leading to the conundrum that if one is to ignore them completely, one would miss the occasional amusement and equally occasional legitimately beneficial comment.


That lady has a nice watch and curiously appropriate clothing style... the poster mustn't be a poster of rubbish.



I've noticed you can talk complete rubbish and people don't notice if you include one of thesespacer.png

Surely we're all barking up the wrong tree: I think this is none other than Mrs FT!




{EDIT} Appropriate smiley face added.




I don't think I have ever done a put down on the forum, but I can understand some of the gripes about poor English. Some of the posts are so bad that it is impossible to be sure what the poster is trying to say. I usually look to see where they are based and often it is a non english speaking country. I have been guilty of mis spelling and probably bad grammar, but it is better to get it right so that the meaning is clear.



I have nothing to add, but can I get a free Like?



Some of the posts are so bad that it is impossible to be sure what the poster is trying to say.

Laziness whilst using mobile phones mostly, I have no problems using them with correct grammar.


I have been guilty of mis spelling



Sorry, I couldn't help myself with that irony! spacer.png



I believe it is the industry we are in. Recreational aviation is cheap enough that allows people from all walks of life to get involved. But you add to that it is very much an alpha male activity compared to needle craft. You also then add the 3rd dimension of keyboard courage hidden behind anonymity. A huge recipe for disaster which is why moderation on the site is so extremely hard and it will always be wrong to a lot of people but we just hope it is right by the majority.

The site quit often pulls me down into depression when I open it up and I often wonder why I am doing it with such a large cost to my family and I personally including every month when I click the payment button for the hosting. However, I hang on to the belief that it is helping others and keeping them safer and in fact saving a life or two whilst also helping the industry as a whole. One just has to look at the pressure this site has applied in such events as the RAAus board restructure, the aircraft registration fiasco, the current Jabiru situation, all events that you, the users, have helped shaped the outcomes to what the majority of recreational aviators want.


I have pleaded, begged, moderated, tried so many different ways with everyone to make the site better in the sense of the topic of this thread to where it is a full time job, without pay, and without that I believe this site would have been an extra chapter in the book Lord of the Flies. But after 11 years now I have run out of methods so what we have is what we have and only one person can change it...YOU

Here's a solution for some lucky person, I am not the entrepreneurial type of person and this site along with Clear Prop "could" make a decent return for the right kind of person so front up with $100k (probably a 2yr 100% return) and you can have the lot, walk in, walk out, domains, Clear Prop shop, aviation stock, software, hosting...everything, and I will take up sailing. Now here's is a great opportunity for RAAus to own the biggest thorn in their side ;) or I am sure there is someone who can do it better because after 11 years, I am just tired




I notice that some posters get a bit uppity when faced with a possibly inappropriate "funny" or "optimistic" ect; but not all of us take life so very seriously. Some posts strike me as funny, or at least, amusing when they are obviously not intended to be so....But a misspelling or grammatical error just takes the wind out of their sails. I just sit here and read, laugh and comment as I see fit. I wouldn't like to see that change, it's a place of great amusement as well as an informative Forum....Carry on. Please




A lot of the spelling mistakes are caused by a number of things like using a iphone or similar small smart phone that have buttons are really small and the wrong button is accidentally pressed, auto correct is another. I have turned my auto correct off on my Ipad and Iphone. It is a real pain.



She looks curiously familiar but I can't recall her name.......I wonder if she will go “viral”…..EDIT....A young Julie Bishop?

I darn near choked when F_T posted a young Julie..


Julie is not one of his faves just wondering why he wishes to post her.


I think it is good to see Julie in her younger days. Julie is special keep it up F_T.







I darn near choked when F_T posted a young Julie..Julie is not one of his faves just wondering why he wishes to post her.


I think it is good to see Julie in her younger days. Julie is special keep it up F_T.





Julie is HOT!!!



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