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What about Joe?


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Apart from a couple of cringeworthy gaffes, Joe's post-NATO press conference seems to have gone well enough to keep the wolves at bay, at least until his next public performance. If he can keep up the pace he may even get across the line at the election, but it will be touch and go.


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Joe is sending weapons to one of them with usage restrictions to protect the airbases and military installations of the other, so it's not surprising he confuses the two of them.

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Obviously joking in the above post just to clarify, but now they're giving him some flak for calling Kamala Harris Vice President Trump. In context it was in answer to whether Harris could beat Trump in the election if she was the nominee, so the two names were mixed into the one question. It's not like the word Trump just popped into his head.

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Think about this. How good are you in dealing with rapid fire questions each dealing with a different topic than the previous one. However listen to him giving an address where he is in control of what is being said. Sure, his speeches are scripted for him and he has a teleprompter, but his delivery is very good. 


I wonder what was going through his mind during that debacle with Trump. Poor bastard had to stand there and listen to the Orange One waffle on, and at the same time try to prepare himself to give his answer to the same question. And no doubt was also thinking to himself, "What an F-wit Trump is."


Haven't you ever called someone you know well by the wrong name? I often mix my son's and grandson's names because their names both start with "S" and are short words.


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Even The Guardian is piling in on him., this morning quoting his "mistake" of Vice Presdent Trump.


We all demand our leaders are cherent and can perform under pressure; their job has a lot of pressure and making mistakes can be costly.  Of course, they don't have to get every word right and they have the benefit of consultation with their staff in the normal course of their work, but the public only has their public appearances to judge their ongoing competennce and ability to do the job. It's a flaw in the system and human behaviour.


One of the problems with being a leader is, it is as much about how the message is delivered than it is about content and competence.; in today's social media world, I would say it is more about how the message is delivered.


The other side of the coin is for the Democrats themselves - Do they stick with him and persist with a better than 50% chance of loss, or do they try another candidate who is more relatable to the wider public.


I have no doubt Biden's mental acuity is fine and far superior than that of his contender. But, I may well be wrong., The problem for Biden and the Democrats is that many of the voting public, if not most, are starting to think, by his performances, that his mental capacity may not be up to another 4 years of the job.



While people are bandying about Kamal Harris as the likely suitor, the result will probably be the same. Early in the term, she was dogged by gaffes and poor performances in the public opinion. She also has the unenviavble (in American politics) attributes of being black and a woman.


It's ironic - the one leadership contest that does really affect all of the world, and only about 200m people can vote in it.

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What happens in the USA and the Middle east and Ukraine has the potential to affect the entire world. War IS MADNESS. Leaders so called want to stay there forever When you are in that situation your choices  are  limited at best and likely Impossible to correct without massive bloodshed and disruption with no guarantee of success at all.  It's hard to overstate the dangers. that for example TRUMP may cause IF he is the POTUS. Nev

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Joe is in serious mental decline and the sad part is, he won't acknowledge it, and his wife is still supporting his run for President. She should know better. This is what you get when people get power-hungry and cannot relinquish that permanent desire for power and the world stage.

The end result will be Trump will become president by default due to the lowest voter turnout in history. Sizeable numbers of people don't want either Trump or Biden for President, so they'll just stay away from the voting booths. After all, voting in the U.S. is not compulsory, and narcissists such as Trump love that.

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THINKING is not encouraged either. Compulsory voting?? SEEMS BAD but works for the better. You don't HAVE to vote You could leave the slip BLANK if your mind is.. OR not accept the Outcome if it's the one you don't want and have a Civil War. Fat people make bigger targets and can't run far or fast.. Plenty of countries would have People who would LOVE to be able to vote their government OUT. Have a change of government where nobody has to DIE.  Look how many US Presidents have been assassinated.  Nev

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The US system of democracy is extremely flawed. Some states have discriminatory legislation regarding voting and even if a candidate wins a state the electoral college can vote the loser in as their presidential nominee. The whole issue of Presidents installing judges that can and have sided with that president when a major issue is at stake is just pathetic, undemocratic and downright criminal is some circumstances. Also their heavily amended constitution that provides the President with extraordinary powers and immunity from prosecution would not pass go in a genuine democracy.


How their system functions at all is a mystery with the House & Senate often dominated by opposing parties. It seems almost annually the government runs out of money to pay its public servants & there is horse trading at the 11th hour to pass the bill to allow these people to get paid.


Compulsory voting would never work there. They'd all be screaming about freedom to vote or not. They talk about freedoms but have some of the most draconian systems and laws around, worse than some with totalitarian regimes.

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11 hours ago, onetrack said:

Joe is in serious mental decline and the sad part is, he won't acknowledge it, and his wife is still supporting his run for President.

Jill is walking that fine line between supporting his run for President and pushing his run for President. I think if she gave him a tap on the shoulder, Joe would call it a day but she seems to relish the limelight a little too much for my liking. He might have a chance of winning but it's increasingly looking like elder abuse. He has his good days, but just not enough of them for a job like that.


And yes, I know the yeahbuts and whatabouts are going to think what about Trump, but that still doesn't excuse Biden's lack of suitability as a candidate for another four year term as President. He's had enough of a battle getting through this term let alone being able to handle another four years. The Democrats are running out of time to sort it out.

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To have the best chance of beating Trump they have to get Joe’s age and competency off the table and make it an issue for Trump instead. That means Joe stepping aside for a younger person. To do that they really need to convince Jill that it’s time for Joe to call time. Hopefully some senior Dems are working on that behind the scenes, but unfortunately she’s as pig headed as he is. 

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The attention of the US media should be focussed on Trumps unsuitability for office. He lied continuously through the debate but all that was lost in their full attention to Bidens gaffes & losing the plot for a few seconds. Bidens press conference later said all the right things but it was too late. If Biden decided to pull out my bet is that Gavin Newsom would put his hand up. He has already stated support for Biden but if there is no Biden in the race that changes everything. Kamala Harris has the credentials and capability but as a woman and black, not the charisma and public support she needs.

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It might become a moot point after the sound of the shot in Pennsylvania.


They called the shot that assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand "the shot heard around the World". The one fired at Trump might just be louder and echo longer.

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"Truth Social" has all the answers. It's a wonder they get away with using the word "social" though and TRUTH. There's none of that there either.  They have no use for it. Don should do a FAKE welding course and graduate as an Oxy Moron. .   Nev

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Ahh remember that bastion of independent journalism in Melbourne called The Truth? 


I had a manager who actually bought it and thought everything in it was true. And he looked at more than page 3.

Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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I think that RAG was printed in Sydney, but we are going back a fair way. I don't think I'm guilty of buying one ever but in those days you'd see them in Barber shops or used for wrapping chips, dunny paper etc  Nev

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