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We've all seen those stories of month-old Macca's that don't show their age. I think I can beat that.


We pulled out a metal cake tin recently that felt rather heavy. When we opened it, we  found half a fruit cake from a supermarket in the original wrapper. I took it out and looked at the 'use-by' date --- 26 June 2015! Hard as a rock, but no sign of mould! Heaven only knows how much preservative must have been in it.

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A good fruit cake made with fruit steeped in alcohol will keep for years and get better with aging, but I am not sure about six years. My wife has kept one for nearly 3 years and it was great. That was a Christmas cake without iceing.

I noticed a couple of years ago that the Lyons Christmas cake was of a much poorer quality. I never tried to keep that type for any long time.

My guess is that the Lyons cakes now have artificial flavouring.

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I can beat that! I recently pulled my old WB Holden 1-tonner out from under cover beside the house, where it has been parked since 2014, when I retired it, and bought a Hilux.


When I sat in the ute cabin again, I found a couple of boxes of peppermint-flavoured Tic-Tacs that I'd left in there when I parked the ute up. They would probably date from 2013.


I opened one box up and tried one, and it tasted just fine! They were in a compartment under the dash, and out of the sun - and the ute has been covered with a heavy tarp.


I don't know what's in Tac-Tacs, but it sure has some major preservative properties!

  On 22/05/2021 at 9:29 AM, onetrack said:

I can beat that! I recently pulled my old WB Holden 1-tonner out from under cover beside the house, where it has been parked since 2014, when I retired it, and bought a Hilux.


When I sat in the ute cabin again, I found a couple of boxes of peppermint-flavoured Tic-Tacs that I'd left in there when I parked the ute up. They would probably date from 2013.


I opened one box up and tried one, and it tasted just fine! They were in a compartment under the dash, and out of the sun - and the ute has been covered with a heavy tarp.


I don't know what's in Tac-Tacs, but it sure has some major preservative properties!


Sugar mostly.


And apparently the "glazing agent" is carnauba wax, similar to a surfboard.  No wonder they last.

  • Informative 2

You're right again, Marty, about the Carnauba wax. I never knew Tic Tacs were glazed with it.


I don't have quantities of ingredients, but I found the ingredients list on the Tic Tacs box (in exceptionally fine print in white text, on a glitzy green background, which makes it almost impossible to read).





Rice starch

Thickener (Gum arabic)



Anticaking agent (Magnesium stearate)

Glazing agent (Carnauba wax)

Flavour added, without colourings


Finally - the total sugars content in 100g, is 94.3g!!


And I found the expiry date, too - 20/08/2013!


Despite that, they still taste just fine! It must be the preservative powers of the protective Carnauba wax!



  • Informative 1
  • 1 month later...

Helped a friend move into a house which had been unoccupied for quite awhile last year, when going through the cupboards found some food packets from the 1990's, one was packet of biscuits. There were rat droppings everywhere, but the packets hadn't been touched even though a couple of the packets were opened. The contents looked fresh no mould, no decay just biscuits as hard a rocks and a couple of jars of half used peanut butter and jam, with no mould and the jam still moved when you pushed a stick into it. Seems the rats have more sense than humans, I haven't bought anything with a preservative in it, or processed foods for decades.

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Been on tank water for most of my life, when I travel carry a S/S water filter with me, so never have to indulge in reticulated water.


It is good for us to be fed poor quality water and even poorer quality food. Even better is to provide water so foul tasting that everyone either buys bottled water or Coca cola. Poor food means poor health and an increasing medical business means a higher GDP, which is how our governments judge quality of life. A higher GDP means everything is going well, so poor health is good, so is high prison population and no end of other retrograde things.

  • Sad 1

Coke bottled water is ' filtered ' town water. LoL

As is most bottled water still contains the poison, thats in our town water.

I used to think that they had a large well ( bore ). Next to Toongabbie creek.

Then when we had a shortage of water, they had to slow production of those bottle water.



Spacey, if you're talking about flouride, it's good for your teeth.  If you don't have flouride in your water supply then it's a good idea to use a toothpaste which contains it.

  On 27/06/2021 at 12:24 PM, Marty_d said:

Spacey, if you're talking about flouride, it's good for your teeth.  If you don't have flouride in your water supply then it's a good idea to use a toothpaste which contains it.


Problem is, the fluoride in reticulated water is a by product of aluminium smelting and is used in rat and other poisons. Teeth decay because of the crap sugar and chemical saturated diet most eat, I haven't bought tooth past for mane decades because it all contains heaps of chemicals and additives. Brushing with pure water after eating is all you need if your diet is good food, best to get an under sink filter system for town water to clean out the chemicals.

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PURE water !.

I soak my teeth ,all of them over night, in a glass of it, & it does them no good at All.

Fiters do not remove Flouride, only ' reverse osmosis ' filter,s can remove Flouride . Even when natural Flouride was found in the town water,

The town was FORCED to add more.

It was found to be the only way to get rid of the Mountain of of the shete in America.

The story was ' a man was given a blank cheque to find a solution to the problem of were or how, to dispose of it, also, was give another blank cheque 

For expenses '.






Luckily haven't had any town water for decades, just the smell puts me off. There are a few ways to get rid of fluoride from your water, activated alumina cartridge filter, reverse osmosis and distillation. My motorhome has a portable reverse osmosis system, it's great when travelling as we can pick up just about any water we find and use it.


There's another problem with artificial fluoridation of water, the fluoride they use contains many other chemical substances, in particular fluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride and sodium fluoride. These are very detrimental to our health and cause the most common side effect of excess fluoride consumption, dental fluorosis and staining or pitting of teeth.


You could call this a bit of a conspiracy theory, but it's well worth thinking about. We are seeing huge breakdown in mental health throughout countries using chemical fluoridation of water, when you consider these above chemicals used in our water, are industrial waste products from the phosphate fertilizer and aluminum industry. Sodium silicofluoride, is toxic when ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin, it's also used as a pesticide for rats.


Fluorosilicic acid, is a colourless fuming liquid with a penetrating pungent odour and corrosive to metals and tissue. Very short contact with the fumes and liquid can cause severe and painful burns. It's used in water fluoridation, hardening cement and ceramics and as a wood preservative.


Sodium fluoride, "Sodium fluoride is classed as toxic by both inhalation (of dusts or aerosols) and ingestion.[24] In high enough doses, it has been shown to affect the heart and circulatory system."



When you consider everything you eat and drink that comes out of a shop or package contains these fluorides, as well as other chemicals like chlorine etc. There are large amounts of chlorine put into urban water supplies and all you have to do is read the effects of ingesting fluorides and other chemicals, which could be why we are seeing a big increase in mental and other health disorders.


When you add preservatives and the huge number of other additives and chemicals found in todays foods, the health of the nation sits on a knife edge and once you read what these chemical can do. It all leans towards the health problems we are seeing across society.

  • Informative 1
  On 28/06/2021 at 12:52 AM, Dax said:

These are very detrimental to our health and cause the most common side effect of excess fluoride consumption, dental fluorosis and staining or pitting of teeth.


 Dental fluorosis was discovered as the result of natural fluoridation.   


I did live for 20 years on tank water but I still got fluoride from my toothpaste but not from my water.  My water was stored in concrete tanks so it would be interesting to know what minerals leached into the water.


The question I would pose is that if we examine the epidemiological evidence such as rates of various diseases or shortened life span do we find a difference between people who drink fluoridated water and use fluoridated toothpaste and those who don't.   Do people who live on rain water love longer and healthier lives. Life expectancy in every Australian state is higher in the city than in the country. Of course there are many factors in this, access to medical care being one.

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I believe much of the health problems across society, and in the U.S. in particular, are related to lead poisoning. There's no safe level of lead ingestion, and the symptoms of lead ingestion are brain damage, neural damage, brain development problems, mood disorders, hypertension, irritability and many other mental health problems.


The Americans have been ingesting lead in excessive quantities since the Industrial Revolution - in paint, in batteries, in piping, in firearm and bullet handling and use, in manufacturing, and in the air, as a result of pollution from car exhausts.

And then there's the areas of naturally-occurring lead dust in the air. Yes, there has been a major effort in the last 30 to 40 years to try and reduce lead levels in the U.S., but tests have shown that many Americans still have unacceptably high lead levels in their bodies, and in their environment.


The constant proliferation of ridiculous conspiracy theories, and the level of paranoia amongst the Americans, points to extensive neural damage related to lead exposure in the American population. They aren't far behind the Romans with their national lead exposure damage.




The health of the nation is obvious to anyone with eyes.

Half of us are obese. Very few are slim. A large proportion seem to be unhealthy.

Go to the doctors and you will be asked what is wrong with you. I go for an annual checkup and they seem to be amazed that I am not sick, but they never think of asking why I am so well, just can't believe that I don't need medication. They would have no idea what I drink or eat and only a vague idea about how active I am.

Funny thing is I seem to be pretty well preserved, mainly because I steer clear of preservatives.

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Of course there are many unwell people but it is undeniable that life expectancy has increased.  There are many issues especially for those who eat poorly and do not exercise but we do have a choice.  As a child we ate a poor diet by todays standards, bread and dripping was a standard weekend snack. Of course you can eat badly but most of us don't need to eat badly.   When  I was a child the local vege shop had a pretty poor range. My diet was pretty restricted compared to today.


It is always easy to fall into notion things were great back in the day.  All of my grandparents had dentures even in their 60s   At 65 they seem like wizened bent old people. My father kept is own teeth and my mother still has hers at 88. Now 65 doesn't seem so old, I go cycling with a bunch of folk who are in their 60s to 80s still fit and healthy.  


Our increased longevity is perhaps mainly driven by modern medical interventions.  For me it could be thought of the best of both worlds, I can eat healthy foo,d lots of fruit and veg and I can have access to modern drugs and medicine if required.  I am happy and content in the modern world and I appreciate and am grateful for the ways my life has been  easier than my parents lives.

  On 28/06/2021 at 3:56 AM, octave said:

Of course there are many unwell people but it is undeniable that life expectancy has increased.


I'm not so sure about that, hygiene has been one of the biggest extender of life. When I was young there were lots of old people around and most people I know their past relatives lived to well over 60 and is yo read history yo find lots of people lived to well over 60-70. those that died early were those who lived in squalor and poverty with terrible diets. It's the average age of death they say has increased and as there is way less poverty and much better hygiene in homes and businesses, it's logical more people will live longer driving up the average death age. But people have always been those that live over 100 and now they have all these drugs they give people to cover up their symptoms until their bodies can no longer persist.



  On 28/06/2021 at 4:12 AM, spacesailor said:

I lost my teeth at 38




I lost most of mine after 60, when a moronic doctor prescribed me a penicillin based antibiotic and I'm allergic to penicillin. My teeth just came loose and fell out one by one until I got better, which took over 12 years of battling and refusal to take medication. I used natural methods and my health now is excellent, although have to be careful as I developed many allergies from that episode.

  On 28/06/2021 at 4:31 AM, Dax said:

'm not so sure about that, hygiene has been one of the biggest extender of life. When I was young there were lots of old people around and most people I know their past relatives lived to well over 60 and is yo read history yo find lots of people lived to well over 60-70. those that died early were those who lived in squalor and poverty with terrible diets. It's the average age of death they say has increased and as there is way less poverty and much better hygiene in homes and businesses, it's logical more people will live longer driving up the average death age. But people have always been those that live over 100 and now they have all these drugs they give people to cover up their symptoms until their bodies can no longer persist.



Of course average life expectancy is also affected by infant mortality rates but this is relevant.  Although young children still die that rate is much reduced through as you say better hygiene as well as vaccination from diseases that children used to die of. Today we do not expect kids to die of diphtheria and scarlet fever etc.     Whilst supermarkets have plenty of unhealthy food they also have well stocked fruit and veg sections.   If people are eating unhealthily  it is a choice they are making.    In my younger years I had high cholesterol now it hovers around 3Mmol.  I have the choice about what I eat and plenty of leisure time to exercise  


Most of us at least in the developed world have choices that  people did not have in the past.   


Perhaps I am unusual in that I am pretty happy and fulfilled.   I certainly don't envy the lives of past generations.    Worried about preservatives?  don't eat them, we have a lot of choice and control over our lives.

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I had a terminal illness when 3,

PENISILLIN  ( three injections three times daily and another if l ate anything  )for many Years.

Was my saviour, only died the once that l was told about.

Could  the penisillin be what ruined my teeth, they were always loose with hardly ant roots on them.


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