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QLD population is 4.7m so state debt is around $18,000 per person or $72,000 per family of four.

Federal government (ALP) debt is an additional debt of approaching $28,000 per person or $112,000 per family of four.


So nett government debt for each Queenslander is in the order of $46,000. Much higher again if you look at it per taxpayer. But note also I haven't included local government debt in this figure.... anyways, as long as you feel you got good value for all this debt it's sweet. You do have a bunch of shiny new assets to show for it right?

Hi there All,


Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing..


While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.


This little bit of wisdom was just released by the RBA.


I think it is bit frightening.


What do you all think?







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Hi there All,Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing..


While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.


This little bit of wisdom was just released by the RBA.


I think it is bit frightening.


What do you all think?





If Joe's budget made sense they would pass it.



Hi there All,Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing..


While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.


This little bit of wisdom was just released by the RBA.


I think it is bit frightening.


What do you all think?





Australia is a world champion at giving tax breaks. JWH and Costello gave them out like father christmas and the easter bunny all the while flogging off the family gold and silver to shore up the budget. Once you have given out all that glitters it is difficult to get it back. Abbott and Hockey's solution is to beggar the poor. can't upset the big end of town.



Hi there All,Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing..


While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.


This little bit of wisdom was just released by the RBA.


I think it is bit frightening.


What do you all think?





Apparently that is no problem as it has been explained by the lefties that government debt is actually good, maybe someone should tell Greece and Spain and much of Europe as they have become confused and think it is bad.



Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing.. While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.

Folk don't seem to care much about government debt these days, I suspect largely the result of dumbing down education. Where any economics is taught it tends to be pro-Keynesian rubbish (essentially pro-debt / borrowing with failed outcomes).


However in this distorted post modern world what politicians call a 'saving' is frequently a tax increase so good not to pass them. Really this government like the last just has a crazy spending problem, LIB are just as bad with this as ALP nowadays:





Hi there All,Here is one more twist to the financial situation and it is a bit disturbing..


While the senate blocks the savings from the budget. Australia has to borrow $110m a day just to pay the interest bill.


This little bit of wisdom was just released by the RBA.


I think it is bit frightening.


What do you all think





Yes Keith, a bit like two ambulance officers trying to apply their own shade of eye shadow to a patient with arterial bleeding.


We've just gone through the Labor era where they were unable to get their agenda up due to the close Senate result, allowing independents to rule and frustrate, then the last election was also so close that this government can't get it's agenda up, so we've finished up with half a decade of nothing. While this continues, we'll continue to get bad results.


Historically, with the two party dominance, protocols were agreed, so that even if the governing Party didn't have control of the Senate, most of its agenda would be passed for the sake of the country. Currently we have individuals making up their minds on matters they barely understand.


If Joe's budget made sense they would pass it.

I've been in Canberra today, and even though Parliament is not sitting, there were 2,000 people working in the Parliament House precinct. When Parliament sits on Monday that will swell o 4,000, and they all have a job to do.


I sat in on two Committee Meetings today, one discussing Grain Transport costs in WA where the State Government some time back sold rail lines to a private company which now appears to make more money than the growers or the company which buys the grain and tries to et it to ports using ts own rolling stock. It was under the griller by several Senators.


The other Committee Meeting was discussing health, and receiving evidence from GPs on the blow out in medicare costs, and the implications of any action the government might take to rein these costs in. The GPs gave evidence that the blow out is not a blow out of more people attending GPs, but a blow out in costs, which has reached the point where it is very difficult to break even on running a medical clinic, to the point where one doctor gave evidence that he would be better off closing his clinic and getting a job with the local hospital, where he could treat his patients. The Senators were quick to recognise this could shift costs to the State governments who don't have the budgets to handle that type of system. It ended with everyone very happy that key points had been made and understood. These Committees are multi-Party, today's being represented by Liberalo, National, Labor and Greens Senators. The Committee may hear more evidence for several weeks/months then report to the Parliament.


o anyone who thinks "Joe" or "Tony" dreams things up over the weekend, really doesn't understand the process. Sure they take the lead and put the material up in Parliament, but many bills are bipartisan, and the better for it.




I'm sure what you say is correct in the main, but how much thinking, planning and committee work went into Mr Abbott's paid parental leave scheme or his bringing back dames and knights or his knighting of Prince Phillip?




The paid parental leave scheme would have gone through the system and maybe the honours but he seems to have picked Prince Phillip, which by the way carries no weight compared to the real business of the day.



You can find out the companies he works with/for I'm not doing your work for you. I've gone to the trouble You say you are not disputing anything and then Highlight something that you are obviously disputing. If you and turbs want to call me a liar go ahead and prove it. I feel I don't deserve the insinuation. I have never tried to deceive anyone here or play games with their reputation(s). Nev

I checked on your claims about Peter Costello's alleged conflict by his 1/3 ownership of ECG lobbying group and his position as head of the Commission of Audit.


There was a full disclosure as required by the Queensland Government legislation, and a query by the Federal Government which was satisfied, and no contraventions by the Commission of Audit.




Instead of blaming a hostile senate for their woes, this government should have done what Julia Gillard did so effectively when the numbers were against her: negotiated a way to get things done.


Tony and his mates don't seem to have the capacity to play with the other kids.




It's a different mix this time so harder for the major party. LNP have 90 to 55 in the House of Representatives so a massive mandate for change, but made the mistake of going to hard and too fast trying to rein in costs. Both the previous Labor Government and this one have successfully produced a steady stream of necessary but non-controversial legislation, and Julia was given credit for being very good at negotiations.



It's a different mix this time so harder for the major party. LNP have 90 to 55 in the House of Representatives so a massive mandate for change, but made the mistake of going to hard and too fast trying to rein in costs. Both the previous Labor Government and this one have successfully produced a steady stream of necessary but non-controversial legislation, and Julia was given credit for being very good at negotiations.

"and this one".... REALLY?




You made an allegation against Peter Costello, then told us to check it out for ourselves. When I checked it out and found your allegation was BS, you give me an "Optimistic"


That and your recent description of Tony Abbott as "Turdy"say a lot about your bitter and twisted view of politics.




Policies exist like reducing monies to the states with the effect being they are forced into upping the GST.(as the states only have the power to do that.)


The same with underfunding the Universities and offering a link to a hire purchase degree that has a large debt to carry into the future. Any default of these payments will be carried by Guess who? The taxpayer. A degree doesn't guarantee employment as many have and others will find out. Nor does it guarantee high remuneration, and the trend will be down rather than up in the future , because of the larger % of degreed persons. Tertiary study does keep people off the unemployed list so affects statistics in that area.


The type of education for vocation might properly rest with more the TAFE system, (more so than Universities) which LNP governments have reduced drastically. The fact that T Abbott has many times said that the basis of his immigration policy is 457 Visa's has to be worrying for the young people of this country. We should accept the responsibility of training our own rather than getting them from other countries who have trained them at some expense and probably need them more than we do.



LNP have 90 to 55 in the House of Representatives so a massive mandate for change, but made the mistake of going to hard and too fast trying to rein in costs. Both the previous Labor Government and this one have successfully produced a steady stream of necessary but non-controversial legislation.

It is ironic that if you write what TP has said here, but replace "LNP" with "Labor" and "rein in costs" with "introduce social welfare matters", it sounds like a comment that could have been made about the Whitlam and Rudd governments.






You are making less sense, not more Turbs. I didn't refer to Abbot as " Turdy". It's a fairly well known term for Malcolm Turnbull. Keep shooting the messenger. I suppose you think you are middle of the road, in politics or at least very even handed. We all have a different view of what that is.. Just because YOU state something it doesn't mean it's absolute fact. You have often referred to things I have posted as ABSOLUTE rubbish and BS so why don't you just ignore me, if it is that bad. It won't worry me one bit. Nev



I just watched Q and A on the net. Barnaby for PM.

Barnaby spent most of the show frothing at the mouth about how you can't pay for roads and hospitals without the money coming from somewhere.


Then a questioner asked why they don't look at taxing high superannuation and get rid of negative gearing, all of a sudden he shut up and muttered something about Joe Hockey not wanting him to comment on budget issues.


I notice he didn't mention $50bn for new submarines or $65bn for 72 F-35's. Wonder how many Australians want to spend $115 billion on new military hardware rather than hospitals and roads.


I thought Swannie came out best in that show, hopefully the public will start to realise how badly they were duped into getting rid of the mining & carbon taxes.




Twitter thought that Swanny was the real winner, the problem with Barnaby is he hasn't delivered much for the farming sector. Its hard to see how he can improve the vote of the LNP if he knifes Truss.




The LNP in Qld have fallen to pieces, Newman is refusing to step down and let Nicholls lead the caretaker government, which is undermining his shot at leader.


They have Simpson, Emerson and Nicholls all lobbying for leader.


The LNP have a plan for $8B in infrastructure and no way to fund it. Its hard to see how they can govern.


Let me just say this election: a monumental disaster for the LNP by their own choosing.




Its time ,(history wise) that we all ( the world ) stop spending on guns , and shooting each other ( words as well )and start shooting for Mars ( skys not the limit )


Time to start thinking differently .


Big subject ,






You have to be a climate denier to get in the abbott TEAM. Turnbull isn't. That's the main reason they hate him. abbott lies when he pretends he accepts the principle. Why not come clean? Kroger and Costello too are deniers. (a position becoming much harder to justify). I have seen both of them state it at a Liberal party event. It wouldn't be 4 months since Tony said it has been warming for the last 6 years . They ALL get their lines from the Heartland institute USA regurgitated by the IPA here. Nev



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