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The best move would be to make TAFE relevant again. Closer partnerships with the businesses that will be employing graduates - how hard is it to get industry input into the syllabus? Listening to an interview with one employer recently, said they took on unpaid interns instead of TAFE graduates because the training received at TAFE in no way prepared the person for the job.

That was the problem in Victoria Marty, plus the student was not always settled into a chosen career. I've done two TAFE night courses and found the system at cross purposes with what is needed, but fixing it also is not simple as our two most recent governments have found in Victoria.



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    ...It should not be abused by plebs who have never worked a day in their life, but are quite happy to punch out babies to receive more welfare.
    Right on, Dazza. Yonks ago Lee Kuan Yew warned that there was a looming disconnect between ability and reproductive rate. Our best and brightest have to postpone child-bearing till their mid thirties while they get educated, establish a career and pay off their HECS debts. Many never have kids. Meanwhile, many school dropouts are subsidised to have kids.
    Costello/Howard's baby bonus was extremely dumb social policy. Abbott's Paid Parental Leave scheme- perhaps the only one of his policies I agreed with- if implemented for the long term might have made a difference.



the average income in Victoria is $71765 the tax on this is $16328 including medicare and excluding tax deductions.

Maybe but it certainly wouldn't be for people living in Sydney. They simply couldn't afford to live on that wage.


$71757 would be a entry level wage in the High rise Construction industry. Unskilled Labourers make more than that.


PS- I have used the High Rise example because when I left the Air Force. I worked on High Rise Construction sites for 12 years.




No wonder that most Australians don't know what the average level of tax paid is. Joe Hockey, the other suppository of wisdom, very deliberately told an untruth when he claimed that Australians worked for half the year to pay tax.




Just some information about the "historic" turnaround in Queensland, some of the comments, and the apparent panic within some Federal government ranks


These figures show first preferences - the first choice of the voter.


After first preferences are counted the preference of the lowest scoring candidate are allocated, then the preferences from the lowest candidate of that count are preferenced upwards until there is a final result, and the preferences represent voters' second choice and the preferencing strategies and deals of the parties, which the voters may know nothing about.


So we are not looking here at the final preferenced results, and also votes are still being recounted.


However, it does produce an interesting picture.




This shows Queenslanders first choice over the past five elections.


It's the nature of elections that if candidates get the electorate fired up there can be some big vote swings, but usually, like water, the votes drop back to their own level. You can see this on the "Others" line, where there may be variable numbers of candidates election by election, but they don't have the momentum to galvanise the election, so numbers stay roughly the same.


You can see that the ALP polled very consistently but took a big hit in 2012. In 2015, it settled back close to its water level.


The LNP also has its water level, probably rose with the excitement created by Campell Newman in 2012, but has settled back to slightly above its water level


The spectacular implosion of One Nation can be seen as a different pattern, while Family First just rumbles along at its level


If we look at the ALP gain in 2015 it is 289,975 votes, or 44%, compared with the LNP loss of 176,256 or 14.5%


Numerically the LNP didn't lose these votes to the ALP, and if you go down the chart it becomes clear that the fall off in Katters results provided many of the votes.


Under those circumstances I'm scratching my head as to why there would be panic in the Liberal ranks right now. Maybe someone forgot to do their homework.



No wonder that most Australians don't know what the average level of tax paid is. Joe Hockey, the other suppository of wisdom, very deliberately told an untruth when he claimed that Australians worked for half the year to pay tax.

An LNP front bencher... being untruthful?? Say it isn't so!!


Maybe but it certainly wouldn't be for people living in Sydney. They simply couldn't afford to live on that wage.$71757 would be a entry level wage in the High rise Construction industry. Unskilled Labourers make more than that.


PS- I have used the High Rise example because when I left the Air Force. I worked on High Rise Construction sites for 12 years.

I'm a bit confused about your thought process here Dazza. On the one hand you think we shouldn't be paying out welfare to... what was it... "the under achievers who have done stuff all to make their own lives better", which on single base rate Newstart is $13,405. On the other hand people on $71,757 "simply couldn't afford to live on that wage."


Just to be clear, people on the dole in Sydney get paid the same basic rate as anywhere else in the country.


So if people can't live on 71 grand, but if you don't work you're on 13 grand, wouldn't that be all the incentive you need to get a job? Which kind of makes you think that perhaps most people on Newstart really don't want to be on it, would much rather be pulling in $60k more, but have a whole bunch of factors in their life that makes it harder for them, perhaps?




Table 1: Average Weekly Earnings, Key Figures, Australia, May 2014


spacer.png spacer.png


May 2014


May 2013 to May 2014


spacer.png spacer.png




% change


Trend(a) spacer.png spacer.png


spacer.png Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings 1 453.90


spacer.png Full-time adult average weekly total earnings 1 516.90


spacer.png All employees average weekly total earnings 1 122.90


Original spacer.png spacer.png


spacer.png Full-time adult average weekly ordinary time earnings 1 454.10


spacer.png Full-time adult average weekly total earnings 1 515.80


spacer.png All employees average weekly total earnings 1 123.00




At the peak I paid nearly twice the marginal tax that you are winging about and my salary wasn't high. Australian tax rates are not high by world standards and there are benefits for all to compensate. You have to compare apples with apples. Dazza There is no point taxing people who earn 20,000 as abbott does. They have no capacity to pay. As my father used to say "you can't get blood out of a stone". IF you think it's crap here where would you like to live in preference, Mate. Nev



I agree life on the disability pension would not be great but it is still the favored option by some who are not disabled.

Wanting to be on the Disability Pension should tell you enough about their level of ability. Not every disabled person comes with a wheelchair.



Considerably more lucrative than Newstart and they don't hound the poor sods as much to look for a job!

Get hounded by "them" enough and they end up on disability in the end.



welfare should be used for people who have worked and paid taxes but then for some unfortunate reason, have lost their job due to redundancies or medical issues ect,.

Then it wouldn't be welfare....it would be income protection???



An LNP front bencher... being untruthful?? Say it isn't so!!



I'm a bit confused about your thought process here Dazza. On the one hand you think we shouldn't be paying out welfare to... what was it... "the under achievers who have done stuff all to make their own lives better", which on single base rate Newstart is $13,405. On the other hand people on $71,757 "simply couldn't afford to live on that wage."


Just to be clear, people on the dole in Sydney get paid the same basic rate as anywhere else in the country.


So if people can't live on 71 grand, but if you don't work you're on 13 grand, wouldn't that be all the incentive you need to get a job? Which kind of makes you think that perhaps most people on Newstart really don't want to be on it, would much rather be pulling in $60k more, but have a whole bunch of factors in their life that makes it harder for them, perhaps?

They get rental assistance / housing commision homes like the ghettos in Villawood, health care cards all all other sorts of crap subsidised by the good old tax payer.



At the peak I paid nearly twice the marginal tax that you are winging about and my salary wasn't high. Australian tax rates are not high by world standards and there are benefits for all to compensate. You have to compare apples with apples. Dazza There is no point taxing people who earn 20,000 as abbott does. They have no capacity to pay. As my father used to say "you can't get blood out of a stone". IF you think it's crap here where would you like to live in preference, Mate. Nev

Its all good, the smart ones on a ' average' wage salary sacrifice or negatively gear a rental property to get some of their hard earned tax back. People think that negatively gearing should be banned. Well if it was, there wouldnt be investers buying property for renters to rent.


Then there would have to be even more housing commission houses built by the government via the tax payer.


PS- I would love to stay and chat but I have to go on shift for the next 11 hours, so I can pay tax to look after the long term dole bludgers.



Wanting to be on the Disability Pension should tell you enough about their level of ability. Not every disabled person comes with a wheelchair.

And not every Disability Pensioner is disabled, which is why the government is combing through them to flick out any imposters.When that process is finished, apart from reducing cost blowouts, there will be more money available for the genuine cases which may need additional assistance.



the average income in Victoria is $71765 the tax on this is $16328 including medicare and excluding tax deductions.

And on top of that tax is the GST on almost everything he buys, and payroll tax, land tax excise tax, licences etc that businesses have to charge you for to cover their costs- I haven't done the exercise lately, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was half your income or more.



People think that negatively gearing should be banned. Well if it was, there wouldnt be investers buying property for renters to rent.

Yes, however to be a fair tax system mortgage payments for your place of residence should be tax deductible, as they are in the USA.


(Also it should be "wouldn't" and "investors" Dazz.) spacer.png



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