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Yes, however to be a fair tax system mortgage payments for your place of residence should be tax deductible, as they are in the USA.

(Also it should be "wouldn't" and "investors" Dazz.) spacer.png




What i'm getting at is that every dollar earnt over $80 000 , it is taxed at 37 cents in the dollar. The average income earner is paying around $25 000 to $30 000 in tax. Which IMO is BS.Like I said above, welfare should be used for people who have worked and paid taxes but then for some unfortunate reason, have lost their job due to redundancies or medical issues ect, it also should be and is also used for genuine people to get by while they look for a first job, another job and retraining ect.


It should not be abused by plebs who have never worked a day in their life, but are quite happy to punch out babies to receive more welfare.

We've been through all this before. It costs a certain amount for accommodation, food, transport, education, medical, aircraft, all the necessities of life.


The reason there's a sliding tax scale and it gets bigger as you earn more, is that by that time you have ample for the necessities. If you choose to work harder, longer, smarter, or just be inherited rich, the government asks you for a higher proportion of your income to pay for the things everyone needs.


This is why a GST is inherently unfair and widening the base to include things like fresh food is even more unfair.


Example: Joe Bloggs buys a loaf of bread for $4, which is about 1.5% of his weekly dole.


John Smith earns $100k. He also buys a loaf of bread, it's also $4, which is about 0.27% of his weekly wage after tax.


Joe and John both need to eat, the price of the food is no different for either of them. However the impact on their weekly budget is far greater for Joe than John. Slap a GST on both, they'll both pay 10% more, but that increase hits Joe about 6 times more than it hits John.


What's the answer? If you're going to fiddle with the GST, give it a sliding scale too.


By the way, I don't know if you have kids, but let me tell you they're more work than a full time job. Not saying it doesn't happen that some extremely stupid people have kids just to receive PPS, but they really would be better off working 10 hours a day on minimum wage, it's less work and they could sleep all night.




Gnu don't quote the US as a place to emulate. They are heading for deep $#1t sociologically.


Give a tax concession for the house and it is then subject to capital gains, just as it is if you run a business, How would you like that every time you sold and moved house to get another job?


The pollies in Qld hold about four (4) properties each. They obviously share your thoughts so negative gearing will stay. I can't personally see how you can make it any different from any other investment, where you deduct your costs from your sell price to work out your profit. Nev



Wanting to be on the Disability Pension should tell you enough about their level of ability. Not every disabled person comes with a wheelchair.





If you are disabled to any degree and qualify, why would you NOT apply for something you are entitled to? Most people hate getting on these "pensions" and having to have all their affairs gone over with a fine tooth comb.


There are probably some, many, a lot . I don't know. I DO know some who are all genuine who just want normal dignity and to fit in as much as possible in a normal way. They will get places in their most awkward way at their own pace rather than have the strongest man carry them. They were demonised in a Murdoch paper on the whole front page, which is disgusting. I just hope that kind of thing doesn't distort peoples attitudes, but it is meant to.


Motor vehicle safety features save a lot of lives but there are still accidents that result in a lot of trauma and often ongoing disabilities for life. Just about all of those people would never have thought they would want a disability payment to get through their lives. There are no Aston Martin wheelchairs, but all that stuff costs heaps. Nev



That would be an "OPINION" would it Techie? Which part is wrong by the way? Nev

Maybe it is an opinion but based on real life experiences. When you are in a group and one person claims they are on the pension and advises others they should do the same and nobody has a disability the writing is on the wall. I find it unbelievable that you have gone through life and and not seen this stuff, there are many who openly admit they just don't want to work. There are so many scammers on those pensions that people with a genuine problem cannot get it.


This part is wrong. " Most people hate getting on these "pensions"




Most 'genuine' people (the people who actually do need it) hate getting on it, but there are too many that don't need it that love being on it.


And FH that fine tooth comb seems to be slipped through quiet easily.


But what do we do to stop it? Any move to make them jump through more hoops just makes it harder for the people with a real need for it. Maybe we need to bring in a dob in a scammer week or something similar but it all costs money to sort out.




When Labor were in power in the 80's there was a push to get as many as possible off the dole and onto Sickness benefits , to make the "unemployment " numbers look better .





When Labor were in power in the 80's there was a push to get as many as possible off the dole and onto Sickness benefits , to make the "unemployment " numbers look better .


Yeah I remember that, we have been at the mercy of idiots.



You guys know how easy the system is to defraud, now if you guys could pull some strings and get my mum a disability parking permit that would be awesome. She can barely walk these days but the government won't give her one.

It's pretty easy here in Vic. FT A neighbor of mine got one when her husband was ill . He died 5 years ago, but the council still send her a new permit every year .





Yes, however to be a fair tax system mortgage payments for your place of residence should be tax deductible, as they are in the USA.

(Also it should be "wouldn't" and "investors" Dazz.) spacer.png

Please forgive me, it was 5.20 AM and I was on my iphone and it has a very small keyboard. Anyway back to work for me.



It's pretty easy here in Vic. FT A neighbor of mine got one when her husband was ill . He died 5 years ago, but the council still send her a new permit every year .


who do i have to kill? a neighbour or a relative, either is possible




Just print one like you do with an ASIC?


Please forgive me, it was 5.20 AM and I was on my iphone and it has a very small keyboard. Anyway back to work for me.

Haha, only having fun. As long as you don't start..... stuttering... like.... Phil....




The genuine ones would much rather be working. Goodness me, the pensions are minimal. The cost of wheelchairs built to personal requirements are enormous. I know 2 people who build/ repair that stuff. Cab concessions are minimal.


The disabled, can't get jobs. The latest figures show a drop in numbers employed.. My wife works with disabled people. I know several personally.. You guys are only a stroke away from being the same. I don't wish that on anyone but would you like to be regarded as you regard some of these, in that event? Nev



Maybe it is an opinion but based on real life experiences. When you are in a group and one person claims they are on the pension and advises others they should do the same and nobody has a disability the writing is on the wall. I find it unbelievable that you have gone through life and and not seen this stuff, there are many who openly admit they just don't want to work. There are so many scammers on those pensions that people with a genuine problem cannot get it.

This part is wrong. " Most people hate getting on these "pensions"

Such a narrow and negative world view. I pity you. It must be stressful believing every one around you is a bum.




right wing nut jobs always going on about welfare fraud but its < $120M a year. compared to the size of the budget and the cost of investigations hardly burning the whole in the budget.


Its no wonder LNP governments are collapsing, keeping the nut jobs happy is impossible.



If you are really concerned about scamming taxpayers money have a look at the big league where the real action is.

Yep, Fairfax media = tax cheats. Paid less than 16% last year.



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