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The genuine ones would much rather be working. Goodness me, the pensions are minimal...

Agreed Nev, but I know of people brought up during the Depression who live so frugally that the pension is more than adequate. When my own parents went on the pension after a lifetime as small farmers they were far better off. The killer factor is cost of housing.



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Maybe it is an opinion but based on real life experiences. When you are in a group and one person claims they are on the pension and advises others they should do the same and nobody has a disability the writing is on the wall. I find it unbelievable that you have gone through life and and not seen this stuff, there are many who openly admit they just don't want to work. There are so many scammers on those pensions that people with a genuine problem cannot get it.

This part is wrong. " Most people hate getting on these "pensions"

If you know someone getting a disability pension when they're not disabled, naturally you have reported them?


Here's the link - https://www.centrelink.gov.au/wps/portal/clk_common/TORS#stay


Or give them a call on 13 15 24.




- and no doubt they well get it! spacer.png Ooooh Anna Pizzachook give us more of the new way! spacer.png


So how much tax does Australia's biggest media organisation the ABC pay then Marty? Oh, that's right...



- and no doubt they well get it! spacer.png Ooooh Anna Pizzachook give us more of the new way! spacer.png

So how much tax does Australia's biggest media organisation the ABC pay then Marty? Oh, that's right...

How much tax do you think a government organisation should pay, Gnu? Perhaps if they made a profit... it would go back to the government anyway. Dammit! Those sneaky buggers.




The tax system explained in beer.


On oldy but this is where we're heading. The people getting there beer for free or hugely subsidised now out numbering the people paying for it and voting with there very thirsty mouths. Something's gotta break





Something's gotta break


I think it already has, some compare us to basket case countries and say we are fine but that is a load of BS. Some recon because S&P give us a AAA rating things are just dandy, more BS, that will continue right up until it stops. Economic trends form slowly and they build momentum and they can be almost impossible to stop let alone turn around. Eventually you get to a point where austerity does more harm than good, I call that the point of no return when you have dug a hole so deep you cannot get out.




So we aren't too sure what going on in QLD at the moment, Lawrence thinks he's the Premier but Bob Katter hasn't chosen the front bench yet and we don't know where his boy Robbie wants to go. Labor going to Governor General to put the LNP out of their misery tomorrow



The tax system explained in beer.On oldy but this is where we're heading. The people getting there beer for free or hugely subsidised now out numbering the people paying for it and voting with there very thirsty mouths. Something's gotta break



I've seen this bit of neo-con propaganda before. It ignores the fact that the richest man is only rich because all the others buy his products / services.



I think it already has, some compare us to basket case countries and say we are fine but that is a load of BS. Some recon because S&P give us a AAA rating things are just dandy, more BS, that will continue right up until it stops. Economic trends form slowly and they build momentum and they can be almost impossible to stop let alone turn around. Eventually you get to a point where austerity does more harm than good, I call that the point of no return when you have dug a hole so deep you cannot get out.

You're a hard person to please Teckair. We're number 2 in the world by highest Human Development Index (HDI). We have that triple A rating. We have a way of life that in my mind is second to none. Yes we have to fight to maintain that way of life, and that includes holding the idealogical fanatics of the far right at bay. John Howard presided over the government during a time of unprecedented boom, and he p*ssed it all away. If the LNP at that stage had've started a mining super profits tax and a proper sovereign wealth fund, we wouldn't even be talking about this manufactured "crisis" now. But of course, he couldn't, because according to conservative dogma you can't have governments making money, that privilege only exists for donors.


Now the LNP revisionists ignore the GFC and Labor's role in keeping this country afloat during it, instead claiming that Labor wasted billions. What gall it must take to ignore your own party's total fiscal incompetence and blame it all on the opposition.


I'm actually pleased that Abbott avoided the spill... in terms of instant gratification it would have been nice to see him rolled, but let's face it, he's the biggest asset that Labor has.




You're not really the best one to be giving us economic philosophy Marty, you stuffed your apple industry, stuffed your timber industry, couldn't even sell onions, and now us mainlanders have to subsidise the way of life you are boasting about.




The apple industry died because the EEC (The worlds biggest trade cartel that united diverse nations under a common currency and is now having a real problem with that) mean the the UK stopped buying stuff from the colonies. By the way the Egyptian economy was smaller than that of Tasmania then.


Attack the messenger still happening here. No? Nev



You're not really the best one to be giving us economic philosophy Marty, you stuffed your apple industry, stuffed your timber industry, couldn't even sell onions, and now us mainlanders have to subsidise the way of life you are boasting about.

Yep, it was all me. I'm a one-man wrecking ball for the Tassie state economy. (Keep thinking it's a basket case, we wouldn't want to be overrun with mainlanders moving here...) spacer.png


Actually when it came to way of life I was talking about all of Australia, hope you're not going to blame me for the "woes" of the whole country!


You're a funny chap Marty! spacer.png

Be sure to sober up before you fly next, reckon that's some industrial strength stuff you got hold of. spacer.png

Thanks for the advice Gnu, at least my more ridiculous ideas disappear when I'm sober.




............and that brings up the question of why you haven't been successful selling your beer. Perhaps if you hadn't based the main ingredient on one of the byproducts of the dairying industry.



............and that brings up the question of why you haven't been successful selling your beer. Perhaps if you hadn't based the main ingredient on one of the byproducts of the dairying industry.

Now I'm really confused. I don't sell my beer, I only make it for myself. Or if I really don't like someone I might give them a case. But I don't use dairy products in it.



............and that brings up the question of why you haven't been successful selling your beer. Perhaps if you hadn't based the main ingredient on one of the byproducts of the dairying industry.

turbs ??? Unless I've mis-interpreted your post, I'd have given you more credit. Care to explain if this was just a jibe that bombed?



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