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Is the ALP in power?

No, it has been wishful, hopeful desperate willing for it to happen since the thread began, pure and simple. Three days more and we may get an answer, the last votes only arrived at six o'clock tonight, so it has only been hopeful guessing up to now!



Not you best post Don. That was a very below the belt thing from Can Do He has claimed to have made changes that predated his VLAD laws and therefore did not exist to be fixed by them.. Those laws Bother many better legal minds than mine will ever be. The "name" has probably been anglicised and have several ways of pronouncing it. Nev

Mea culpable. Of course you are right there Nev. My dislike of Anna trying to frankify her Slavic surname offends me. And the slavish adoption of the "palashay" distortion by the left leaning media is similarly annoying but not of any relevance in the real world.


Although Newmn expressed it poorly, the CFMEU thing though should not be completely discounted. There is a clear and real link from bikie gangs to the CFMEU and from there the CFMEU has strong links into the ALP power structure. That should be a concern for all.



Is the ALP in power?

Just tell F_T ------ Anastasia is dreaming her lefty mob can not get the Westminster Convention correct, how can she run QLD?


Long way to go before this election is sorted.







All true, don't get Daz started on the bikie gangs. Maybe Newman can work some magic in the basket case of NSW?

At least the Gold Coast is on the way to being something decent. Do not worry about NSW that is their bother.







Guest Andys@coffs

While you blokes argue about not bothering NSW and the fact that we are a basket case....just cast your eyes over this.....http://theconversation.com/the-true-state-of-queensland-debt-36345 if NSW is a basket case then how exactly would one describe QLD then..... The data in the table is ABS sourced......although I have to ask how does ACT score so low in terms of debt to GDP...all that gets made in ACT is hot air......(and for you Canberians...Im just joking...really!)




Not a lot of infrastructure required (in relative terms) for a Territory as small as a sheep paddock. I'm guessing the services industries would be well patronised by pollies & public servants too - high concentration of relatively high wages in a small area.



Not a lot of infrastructure required (in relative terms) for a Territory as small as a sheep paddock. I'm guessing the services industries would be well patronised by pollies & public servants too - high concentration of relatively high wages in a small area.

What do they generate production wise?








I wonder if once the car industry heads overseas if the ACT will go into recession after all there won't be any need for them to produce dipsticks anymore......... Although maybe there will be some export opportunities



Tassie will be very rich soon....they are the biggest growers of poppys in Australia....and you know what comes from poppys

They are the only commercial growers in Australia and have been doing so since about 1970. They make codeine (headaches), pholcodine (coughs) and not much else from it.


Poppy seed for your bread rolls is the biggest product.





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