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Sanctions against Russia

Bruce Tuncks

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This mobilisation of Putin's is starting to look like genocide within their own country. Initially it was said that the mobiks wouldn't make much difference as it would take some time to train and equip them. It's looking more and more like they are getting around that problem by sending them to the front with little or no training. The old, the unfit and alcoholics are all being conscripted. Putin is senselessly sending them to a certain death, or at best POWs.





Edited by willedoo
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Interesting to note in the above photos that the conscripts are issued with old AKM rifles (7.62 mm). They must be tapping in to reserve stores. Always creates more logistics problems having to supply ammunition in two different calibres to the front. I can see a situation of AKM and AK-74 rifles being in the same unit and not having interchangeable ammunition. It's keeping in line with every other dumb thing the Russians have done since February 24th..

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43 minutes ago, willedoo said:

This mobilisation of Putin's is starting to look like genocide within their own country. Initially it was said that the mobiks wouldn't make much difference as it would take some time to train and equip them. It's looking more and more like they are getting around that problem by sending them to the front with little or no training. The old, the unfit and alcoholics are all being conscripted. Putin is senselessly sending them to a certain death, or at best POWs.





Sergei on the bottom right deserves to be shot for crimes against fashion.  Socks and sandals, his trakkie daks string hanging out the front, and that hat... (mind you his beer-bellied mate with the crocs is almost as bad!)

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15 minutes ago, Marty_d said:

Sergei on the bottom right deserves to be shot for crimes against fashion.  Socks and sandals, his trakkie daks string hanging out the front, and that hat... (mind you his beer-bellied mate with the crocs is almost as bad!)

The bloke second from left has got a civilian shirt underneath his camo tunic. There's a target in the background, they might be on a training range. I just hope they are the conscripts and not the instructors.

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6 minutes ago, kgwilson said:

The first thing I noticed were the old AKs with timber stocks. It looks like they have raided a WW2 museum.

They're AKM's, basically the original AK-47 improved with a pressed metal receiver instead of the original AK-47 solid milled steel receiver. Entered service in the late 50's. They're scraping the barrel (no pun intended).

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Well, the Rooskies don't need to worry yet about Ukrainian missiles dropping on their apartments - they only have to watch out for falling Su-34's!

A "criminal case" has been opened, no doubt the poor buggers flying it, will now be found guilty of dangerous flying, or even sabotage, and jailed for life!

Scapegoats are needed everywhere in Russia!




Edited by onetrack
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It's no wonder Putin is talking about negotiations. His problem is he wants it on his terms, and another slight problem is he has nobody to negotiate with, as Zelensky won't talk to him. And rightly so, if you show strength to Putin, he backs down. Show weakness and he escalates. It's that simple; he respects strength and despises weakness. All this talk of giving him an off ramp to save face is just BS. He'll just come back again another time. Any negotiated settlement will just give him breathing space to rebuild and try again.


If this war is still going at this time next year, Russia will be a basket case. Putin is losing the war and the domestic economy must be really starting to suffer from sanctions and isolation. I was reading where by August, 10,000 heavy rail cars were taken out of service due to a lack of bearings. Most came from SKF, Timken and Amsted Rail and all three companies left Russia at the start of the war. There's up to a 100,000 unit shortfall when maintenance is due as well, so it will only get worse.

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2 minutes ago, onetrack said:

Well, the Rooskies don't need to worry yet about Ukrainian missiles dropping on their apartments - they only have to watch out for falling SU-34's!


No doubt the poor buggers flying it, will now be found guilty of dangerous flying, or even sabotage, and jailed for life! Scapegoats are needed everywhere in Russia!



They were test flying the new Su-34 suicide drone.

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From what I've been reading, the problem is Putin more so than those tasked with the job of mobilisation. It's said that for some time now, he's shrunk his trusted inner circle so small that he's getting advice from very few people. He orders things without knowing the possibilities and logistic challenges. He just orders it done without regard to how it will be funded, where the uniforms, accommodation, food and weapons will come from. There's nobody with the courage to tell him his plan will not work. He's surrounded by yes men. It's a classic example of the dying days of dictators throughout history.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday that his unpopular military mobilization effort had already pressed 220,000 men into service, sent 16,000 of them to the Ukraine front, and would be completed within two weeks. Reports are flooding social media of Russian troops having to buy their own armor and arriving at the front line with little to no training. 


At least six newly drafted conscripts have already been confirmed dead from Ukraine combat — five soldiers from the Chelyabinsk region and an official in the Moscow government — but the number is almost certainly higher. And at least 11 "volunteer" soldiers were killed and 15 others wounded by two gunmen at a military training base in Russia's Belgorod region on Saturday, Russian media reported. 


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Help me here. I am feeling a credibility gap when I compare the size of the armies involved, the amount of HE that has been reportedly detonated, and the reported casualty numbers on both sides.


A recent example.....

Russia spends days bombarding Ukrainian cities with missiles, and we hear reports that although blocks of flats and residentail areas were hit,  sadly twenty people died.

This beggars belief - we have been shown footage of enormous holes in buildings and even in the ground, from these missiles. And Putin claims 'all targets were hit'. But only a handful of casualties? Were they all fizzers?


Further, we have armies of hundreds of thousands of men fighting each other but hardly any casualties mentioned when they clash.


It almost sounds like the oligarcs and advisors are at greater risk of death than the actual combatants.


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I understand that aspect, Nev.


I just looked at the consequences of the Russian plane crashing into a block of flats - 13 dead and 19 injured. I tend to expect similar numbers of Ukraine victims from each missile that hits a civilian city target. But no........


"Kyiv was hit by swarms of kamikaze drones, killing at least four people and wounding many others."

Edited by nomadpete
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2 hours ago, nomadpete said:

Help me here. I am feeling a credibility gap when I compare the size of the armies involved, the amount of HE that has been reportedly detonated, and the reported casualty numbers on both sides.


A recent example.....

Russia spends days bombarding Ukrainian cities with missiles, and we hear reports that although blocks of flats and residentail areas were hit,  sadly twenty people died.

This beggars belief - we have been shown footage of enormous holes in buildings and even in the ground, from these missiles. And Putin claims 'all targets were hit'. But only a handful of casualties? Were they all fizzers?


Further, we have armies of hundreds of thousands of men fighting each other but hardly any casualties mentioned when they clash.


It almost sounds like the oligarcs and advisors are at greater risk of death than the actual combatants.


I think it's basic information warfare, psyops, propaganda or whatever name you give it. Ukraine always downplays casualty numbers and overstates enemy casualty numbers. Russia does it as well, but I think Ukraine's estimate of total Russians killed is closer to reality than Russia's admissions. Western analysts have a figure somewhere between the two.

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