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Sanctions against Russia

Bruce Tuncks

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We could almost have a separate thread just for the daily Russian infrastructure fires. Today's fire(s) - just another gas pipeline exploding. It's got them worried. They have started a national campaign to encourage residents to weed out spies and saboteurs. Putler is saying they need to adopt Stalin's tactics.

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5 hours ago, Jerry_Atrick said:

I hope this guy's prognosis is correct:


Sorry Jerry, I would have liked to hear what he had to say, but only made it a third of the way. If the bloke had even a micro second pause between his words, it would be a lot more understandable.

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This photo of the An-225 on fire has recently been posted on a Russian Telegram channel. It shows the early stage of the fire; the port wing is still upright and the Russians still have trucks and infantry fighting vehicles inside the hangar. I've seen another photo of destroyed Russian trucks just to the left of the truck the photo is taken from.



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39 minutes ago, Bruce Tuncks said:

Something I don't understand, is the executions of "deserting wagner soldiers".

Did they not recruit these from prisons and give them guns? Why do they not defend themselves?

Bruce, I haven't read the details of the latest executions, but the bloke that was executed with the sledgehammer had surrendered to the Ukrainians and was returned to Wagners in a prisoner exchange.  Wagners locked him up and executed him for treason because he was seen on a Ukrainian video in captivity saying he wanted to join the Russian regiment that's fighting for Ukraine.

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13 hours ago, Jerry_Atrick said:

Another great way to motivate your troops

Reminds me of Enemy at the Gates, that great movie about the Seige of Stalingrad.

Thousands of conscripts are brought in to this meat grinder, often at gunpoint.  When Khrushchev takes over, it’s obvious the use of brutality to motivate Soviet defenders is not working. One brave young official suggests the troops need to be given hope. He puts forward a young sniper as a hero figure.


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I remember in that Movie, Russian recruits were sent across the Volga in small boats without any weapons. They were given a clip of ammo & told to pick up the rifle of the man in front who had just been shot & keep going till they got shot. The Russians seem to have a similar philosophy in Ukraine.


Zelenskyys speech at the US congress got him about 15 standing ovations in 30 minutes. Even though the Republicans have the majority there from the 3rd of January I think that the support will still be forthcoming. Some republicans have been questioning the aid but judging from that address to congress there will be more than enough support to keep the money flowing. As one commentator said 3 or 4 billion is a pittance out of the massive budget they have at their disposal.


Zelenskyy has finally got the Patriot (Phased Array Tracking Radar Intercept On Target) Missile system after his visit to the US which has been brushed off by Putin as old and his systems will take it down. Given that even the basic anti missile systems that Ukraine already has, can take down more than 80% of the missiles and drones Russia sends over he is in a world of his own in that thought.

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 The former Russian space agency Roscosmos head, Dmitry Rogozin, was wounded by shrapnel a couple of days ago. He was celebrating his birthday in a restaurant in Donetsk when the Ukrainians presented him with an artillery shell for a present. Probably the main target would have been Vitaliy Khotsenko, the chairman on the self proclaimed separatist Donetsk People's Republic, who was also wounded. Another ex Roscosmos manager was reported as wounded, and Rogozin's bodyguard killed.


It was reported that Rogozin received shrapnel wounds to the rear end, body and 'soft tissue' of the head. The problem there is that Rogozin's head is all soft tissue, inside and out. He was sacked as head of Roscosmos back in July, as his idiotic, extreme comments and actions were getting worse by the day. He's also an ex deputy prime minister of Russia, and a former head of Rodina, a Russian nationalist party.

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