gandalph Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 What?! You expect consistency and objective reporting from the commercial media? Where's the profit margin in that? Next you'll be expecting ethical reporting. C'mon Red, get with it!
farri Posted May 3, 2015 Author Posted May 3, 2015 Quote These people/idiots did this shortly after Shapel Corby got caught we are better off with out that level of stupidity. How could Indonesia back down on the sentence? It would send a message that you can get away with the crime. Why should Indonesia or anybody have to fund keeping people like that in jail? Our politicians have made fools of themselves and our country over this issue. Yes I do think this would be a deterent and if it isn't then any future idiots should be dealt with in the same manner. Richard, you`ve made relevant points!.... What would you then say, we should do with the users and abusers, keeping in mind, it`s not only the illicit drugs that are a problem in our society? Frank.
M61A1 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote An eye for an eye eh? No wonder the Isil scum finds it so easy to recruit in Australia. We are already adopting their creed I disagree, we have problems with ISIL because we are too tolerant. They should be treated as you would treat a cancer.
Teckair Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote Richard, you`ve made relevant points!.... What would you then say, we should do with the users and abusers, keeping in mind, it`s not only the illicit drugs that are a problem in our society? Frank. The way I see it Frank is if you cut the supply it will help which is most likely why selling is a more serious offence than using. The reasoning will be someone supplying many people will be a much worse problem than someone using. Of course it is more complicated than that and a problem that may never be fixed. We live in a society where people are protected from themselves so the way this is approached is to try to to make certain drugs unavailable. These people were so stupid it was unbelieveable, if they were let go they might try it again, they were supposedly rehabilitated but that might only be because of the threat of being shot. I don't get what the fuss is about. Richard.
Teckair Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 To the people who want to tell Indonesia how to run their country, if you don't like the way they do things don't go there.
Gnarly Gnu Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote So it isnt only the Isis scum advocating this. ISIS are killing mostly innocent people, their actions have absolutely nothing to do with equal retribution of crimes. Not that there is anything wrong with this principle, it is actually fair if you think about it. But in case you hadn't noticed the Jews that follow this OT law aren't out there doing what ISIS is doing. You are either confused on this point or are a God-hater who just wanted to try and throw in another smear.
gandalph Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 The Gnu said: "Not that there is anything wrong with this principle, it is actually fair if you think about it." There most certainly is! It's not and I have! "You are either confused on this point or are a God-hater who just wanted to try and throw in another smear." I'm neither. Enough with the name calling! I choose not to confuse or besmirch my faith by soiling it with the label religion. Religion is the last refuge of human savagery and violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. Gnu, I've coloured my responses to your post just to give you an inkling that not everything is black or white!
farri Posted May 3, 2015 Author Posted May 3, 2015 Quote You are either confused on this point or are a God-hater who just wanted to try and throw in another smear. Leave God out of it, for GOD`S SAKE!....So much evil has been done in the name of God....There probably have been more people tortured and killed due to religion than drugs will ever kill....Is it that religion itself is evil? Sixth commandment, "Thou shalt not kill", yet people who claim to believe in God are quite prepared to be part of an execution squad, or support execution. Frank.
Gnarly Gnu Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Frank I was responding to the person who implied ISIS were avenging criminal acts against them, they are not. Nor do they follow the Torah, it is silly to even suggest this. Re religiously inspired killing still way out in front by many tens of millions of deaths is Communism and Socialism - the spawn of atheism which is why I regard the latter as the most dangerous faith of all.
farri Posted May 3, 2015 Author Posted May 3, 2015 Frank.
facthunter Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 So atheism is a "faith" is it GG.? You have to be joking. That is like saying a vacuum is just another gas. People who don't believe in god aren't god haters. How can you hate something you don't believe exists? Nev
gandalph Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote Frank I was responding to the person who implied ISIS were avenging criminal acts against them, they are not. Nor do they follow the Torah, it is silly to even suggest this. Where did THAT come from?
winsor68 Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote On Facebook today, don't know the validity of it ........ This is a post by a police officer regarding the hype around the Bali executions and it's something I think more Aussies need to read ................................................. I can’t believe the mentality of people. I have been in law enforcement for 34 years and have worked in many areas within the force. After 9 years in, I spent nearly 5 years working as a UC. (Undercover) attempting to infiltrate traffickers of all types of drugs including amphets right down to simple choof. What a world of pain and misery. I was encased by the filth and self-destruction where I witnessed numerous deaths by either ODs or in a lot of cases suicides. Young girls selling their bodies for 10 bucks a go just to get their hands on their next fix. I remember one particular girl who hung around with the collection I was trying to set up. She was 14 when she was hooked and on the game by 15. Her body was so ripped and torn by drug and sexual abuse she had intestines falling out of her rectum as a result of numerous rapes and sexual encounters where she tried to get payment. Her child was taken off her when she was 15 by Human services but they could do nothing for her but supply treatment when they could. She died at 19. Alone in a back street. Where were you do-gooders. I saw you pass her on the street and avoid her all the time. I would give her food but she preferred to starve and get some smack rather than eat. I became depressed with my job after this time and had to eventually get into some other area. I guarantee any police officer who reads this will be thinking of some person they have dealt with in their career that fits this build. But all I see is you wanna be Samaritans who treat these two drug kings as heroes. Ok I accept that you dont believe in the death penalty. I don’t like it either. But I am sure as **** not going to call on the PM to “Bring our boys home” No boy of mine would do this. The media and the solicitors have played you people for the fools you are. You have never lived in the world of drug, crime and despair. You have been protected from it so much you live in the fantasy world where you believe you can hug everyone and all will be better. You are not qualified to even comment as to whether these guys should get parole or not. Have a look at our system. Or have you forgotten already. Adrian Bayley. You paroled him. You say the parole board stuffed up and parole him. But the parole board consists of people just like you. With your opinions and beliefs. That was a complete and utter failure. This piece of **** was a career rapist and the only ones we can blame for what he did is all of us. Not the judge. Not the Parole board or the police. Us. The decisions like this that are being made are by people who never have to deal with these shitheads when they are in street mode committing crimes. You see them all clean shaven and in their court suits or white shirts becoming born again etc. You poor misguided fools. You don’t even care about the effects of what they have done to our society. Our penalties used to be tough and crime was low. When I started in the police force 34 years ago we called it “Marijuana” It was the biggest thing on the street. Crime was not rampant. Then the drug importing began and the addiction, the shift to powders etc and suspended sentences and here we are. Well your system has worked hasn’t it. Then you voice how much you hate police. But you ring us and run inside and hide whilst we come out and deal with the **** you don’t have the guts to deal with yourself. But you are right up there on your keyboards bravely **** canning the police for excessive force and filming it on your cameras. Here we are in Australia expecting the world to fall at our feet. “Lets boycott Bali. Wow you heroes. That will fix them. Won’t mean ****. You think Australia props up Bali. There are more tourist from Europe than Australia there. And its mostly the bogans one and only overseas holiday destination. Henry Chinn. Know him? Bet not. Well he is on death row in China for trying to smuggle 270 grams of meth into our lovely country in 2004. Have you given a **** about him yet? No. Why? Cos the media hasn’t spoon fed you the crap to hype you up. Who are the two Aussies who were caught in China in last year trying to cart 75kg of ice to here? Davis and Gardiner. They are a couple. China has executed in excess of 1000 people in a 12 month period. But you still buy their **** every day. You hypocrites. These two Australians will be executed and you will still buy their product. Second chance you say. You think these people have no prior convictions. You think this is their first attempt. Wake up fools. Stop hugging yourselves. Two men died today because they broke a law in a country where they knew they faced death if caught. Had they have gotten away with it, there would be a countless number of 19 year old girls laying in the gutter dead. Quick run inside and tell yourself what a great person you are What a PIG of an attitude shown here towards the public. This guy needs to be retired.
dutchroll Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote No but it one less we don't have too pay through the prison system ...That money could then go to the medical system too help people in need . So......we should execute people to ease the load on the prison system? How far do you want to run with that logic, exactly? Not sure if you're aware how many death-row prisoners in the USA for example, have now been exonerated or pardoned after new DNA evidence was introduced. You think the Government sanctioned execution of someone with a wife and kids who didn't actually commit a crime is acceptable "collateral damage" for the lofty ideal (contradicted by real-world evidence) of believing you're reducing the likelihood of serious criminal acts? This is the problem I have with the death penalty. It's not reversible, and rarely consistently and fairly applied. Take a look at a list of countries with the death penalty and have a think about who you're getting into bed with.
Doug Evans Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote So......we should execute people to ease the load on the prison system? How far do you want to run with that logic, exactly? Not sure if you're aware how many death-row prisoners in the USA for example, have now been exonerated or pardoned after new DNA evidence was introduced. You think the Government sanctioned execution of someone with a wife and kids who didn't actually commit a crime is acceptable "collateral damage" for the lofty ideal (contradicted by real-world evidence) of believing you're reducing the likelihood of serious criminal acts? This is the problem I have with the death penalty. It's not reversible, and rarely consistently and fairly applied. Take a look at a list of countries with the death penalty and have a think about who you're getting into bed with. You go too a country with these rules with any intentions of breaching there rule u pay ..... Quote So......we should execute people to ease the load on the prison system? How far do you want to run with that logic, exactly? Not sure if you're aware how many death-row prisoners in the USA for example, have now been exonerated or pardoned after new DNA evidence was introduced. You think the Government sanctioned execution of someone with a wife and kids who didn't actually commit a crime is acceptable "collateral damage" for the lofty ideal (contradicted by real-world evidence) of believing you're reducing the likelihood of serious criminal acts? This is the problem I have with the death penalty. It's not reversible, and rarely consistently and fairly applied. Take a look at a list of countries with the death penalty and have a think about who you're getting into bed with. If you go to a country with these rules and you breach there rules you pay bye there rules ....... If your not happy too abide bye there rule don't go !
Teckair Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Capitol punishment is risky just watch the movie 'The Green Mile'. Other countries do things their way if you don't like it don't go there.
dutchroll Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote You go too (sic) a country with these rules with any intentions of breaching there (sic) rule u (sic) pay ..... If you go to a country with these rules and you breach there (sic) rules you pay bye (sic) there (sic) rules ....... If your (sic) not happy too (sic) abide bye (sic) there (sic) rule (sic) don't go ! So......a 23 year old married girl of Iranian descent is in an abusive relationship and is in Iran visiting relatives. She briefly falls for a guy there. She gets sprung kissing him privately. That's adultery in Iran. The sentence for a woman committing adultery in Iran is death. The 23 year old woman is duly buried in dirt up to her neck, and a crowd is formed to pelt rocks at her head until her bloodied, smashed in head stops moving and she is dead. Stiff sh*t? Are you so devoid of empathy for human beings that you don't give a cr*p about such situations that can occur in these countries? Quote Capitol punishment is risky just watch the movie 'The Green Mile'. Other countries do things their way if you don't like it don't go there. Right, so it's risky and therefore a few executed people who didn't actually commit any crime and/or were convicted by corrupt justice systems is fine? I don't like the way it's done in the USA, so I should avoid ever going there to visit my sister and her disabled son? If you guys are going to make these grossly over-simplified arguments in favour of execution, at least attempt to make them reasonable and sensible (if that is indeed possible).
Doug Evans Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote So......a 23 year old married girl of Iranian descent is in an abusive relationship and is in Iran visiting relatives. She briefly falls for a guy there. She gets sprung kissing him privately. That's adultery in Iran. The sentence for adultery in Iran is death. The 23 year old woman is duly buried in dirt up to her neck, and a crowd is formed to pelt rocks at her head until her bloodied, smashed in head stops moving and she is dead. Stiff sh*t? Are you so devoid of empathy for human beings that you don't give a cr*p about such situations that can occur in these countries? No its not right but if that's there laws then so be it . again don't put yourself into these positions in these country, How do you stop these things from happening in a country that believes they are right ? I, you where there at that time and tried too stop it you be in the same position beside her . There are strange laws in many country's that don't seem too be right to us but there laws have been that way for many a life span There people in these country have too change there system it not up too outsides to change the way they govern we have enoth problems in our neck of the woods without judging others
dutchroll Posted May 3, 2015 Posted May 3, 2015 Quote No its not right but if that's there laws then so be it . again don't put yourself into these positions in these country, How do you stop these things from happening in a country that believes they are right ? I, you where there at that time and tried too stop it you be in the same position beside her . There are strange laws in many country's that don't seem too be right to us but there laws have been that way for many a life span There people in these country have too change there system it not up too outsides to change the way they govern we have enoth problems in our neck of the woods without judging others You admit that it seems wrong, but still you appear to support it? How does that work?
Doug Evans Posted May 4, 2015 Posted May 4, 2015 Quote You admit that it seems wrong, but still you appear to support it? How does that work? No I don't support it but it not in my hands too change the way they think as I said it there way Not mine So I don't travel too any country that think that way but as i said if I was too then I would be subject to there laws same as we do in Australia Laws And I don't agree with our Government law but I can't change it either ...........
farri Posted May 4, 2015 Author Posted May 4, 2015 Some on here have said that Chan and Sukumaran were garbage and that the garbage had simply been disposed of. Others have said, those of us who don`t have family or friends, who are addicts, would think and feel differently if those dear to us were addicts. To those, I ask this! "How would you feel and think, if, for whatever reason, someone dear to you, was to become caught up in the drug trade,decide to become a dealer, was caught, spent 10 years in a hell hole of a prison, then executed?" I`m only interested in the facts and this is how I see them! Chan and Sukumaran, were executed for breaking the law of that country! there`s no more to be said on that point. Were they stupid?...Beyond belief!..Should someone be executed for stupidity? The intention was to get the drugs out of the country, not bring them in, they were caught and the drugs seized, the drugs never go to their intended point.....Should anyone be executed for intent alone? These guys had rehabilitated themselves and were helping others!....Does the reason they rehabilitated themselves matter? To keep someone in prison for years, in this case 10, then execute them, is to me, totally barbaric! The system and those who carried out the execution are the murders. I don`t believe for a second that the execution has done anything to address the drug problem/issue! For many years, people have been and are continuing to be, executed in Indonesia, yet the country has an enormous drug problem. Frank. Ps, I wonder what happened to the drugs that were seized?
Doug Evans Posted May 4, 2015 Posted May 4, 2015 Frank My guess is in a place like that it wont belong and they will be back in the streets again or on the next Plane / boat to Australian streets Sad but true !
Yenn Posted May 4, 2015 Posted May 4, 2015 I think kgwilson summed it up well. Post No131. But I do not agree with him on the death penalty. How can anyone say the death penalty is wrong and then agree to our soldiers fighting them. War is no different from the death panalty, except that the dead are most often innocent. How do we know that the death penalty does not reduce crime. There will always be an idiot who is willing to dare all on getting away with it. I know, I once volounteered to join the army. As you can see I survived it and came out a better person for the experience. I emailed my local MP, that is Ken O'dowd and told him I was disgusted with the government for its stand on this matter. His reply was that he completely agrees with me and hopes the media will drop it and the politicians go to ground. I really wonder how we are going to be seen by other countrie with politicians like this. O'dowd is a member of the government and agrees that they are a disgrace??? He hopes the politicians will go to ground. I don't quite understand what he means, but assume it is something along the lines of keep our mouths shut and hope the electorate forgets.
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