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Crikey it’s wet


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Winter is still with us here on the Left Coast, it just won't stop raining! We're off to the Dowerin Field Days tomorrow - at least Wednesday is forecast to be "Partly cloudy" out there, while Perth is expecting more rain tomorrow afternoon, more rain on Thursday, more rain on Friday and Saturday - and only a short break from rain on Sunday, before we get MORE rain on Monday! 😮

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12 hours ago, red750 said:

Mid to high teens in Victoria with galeforce winds - don't park under trees, avoid roads with a lot of trees.




Same here.  Yesterday a 30m pine fell over our driveway, taking out our power lines with it.  
Tas Networks have apparently made the fallen line safe but haven't fixed them yet.  We've borrowed a 2000w generator from neighbours which is powering the essentials - water transfer pump, fridge/freezer, fish tank,  chargers and PC/monitor so I can work.
Torrential rains last night and again this morning, now sunshine at last which is a pleasant change.  But the winds yesterday were horrific.  While I was cutting up the fallen tree I kept casting anxious glances at the pine beside it which was swaying quite a bit at the top. 

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The old Spirit of Tasmania brought us home a couple of days ago. Bass Strait and the strong westerlies made for an energetic voyage. First time for me to feel queasy. And the loud bangs and groaning (of the vessel as well as passengers!) as she twisted with the swell had my muddled mind wondering about metal fatigue.

Edited by nomadpete
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Not relevant to Crikey it's Wet, but maybe "Crikey did mother nature just give me a Mummyslap?"


The sum pf two sine waves of different frequency .....


When Indian Ocean swell meets Pacific Ocean swell in Bass Strait, the waves cycle between A+B monsters to A-B lulls.


And today, "Crikey this wind would blow a dog off its chain"



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Not wet today, but bloody windy. Winds up to 133 kph today. When I went to the oncologist, I had to park with the car door facing the wind. I could hardly open the door to get out.


It's easing off now, but a fresh front with high winds is racing across the bight. They will be here over the weekend.

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A man has died and a woman is in a critical condition after a tree fell onto their car during gale forced winds.


The pair were trapped inside the car for more than an hour after a tree fell on Main Road at Gellibrand, 175km south-west of Melbourne on Wednesday afternoon.



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I read a forecast that it's likely to be much warmer than average over the next three months of spring. It also said Queensland, New South Wales and the ACT could have far more rain than usual for this time of year. Where I live a hot spring is ok if there's rain. The worst time is a hot, dry spring and those hot, strong north westerlies in November roll in on top of three or four months of drought. That's the worst fire danger scenario here.

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I'm enjoying this T-shirt, shorts and things weather after July's chills. The only annoyance is the biting insects that are lurking in the thick clover. For some reason I've developed an allergy to their bites and am scratching like a fleabag dog. That just brings the blood to the surface and attracts more of the blighters. 

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I just hung out my washing. The wind is quite brisk and light scattered showers are predicted. It's so cold I wore a sleeveless pullover under a long sleeved one and was still cold. Hopefully the wind is brisk enough to dry the clothes before they get wet from the rain.

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13 minutes ago, red750 said:

Hopefully the wind is brisk enough to dry the clothes before they get wet from the rain.

Careful what you wish for.

For the past week we have had one front after the other coming through with gusts to 40kts, driving constant drizzle and tree branches horizontally.

We'd love to have some (merely) brisk wind for a change.


Normally a 5 degree day is ok but with this wind sending it right through four layers, it feels quite cold.

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I'm sick of the constant grey skies, showers and rain, of the last 3 months. I'm looking forward to a bit of sunshine and warmth. Monday is forecast to be 26° and sunny.


I can recall going to Qld in early Oct 1993, to go to a big machinery auction just out of Brisbane. It had been a balmy month of fine weather in W.A. before I went, but when I landed at the auction site, it was in the high 30's, and the humidity was on a par with anything in FNQ! I nearly flaked out with the heat and humidity shock, it was totally unexpected - not helped by the fact I hadn't studied up on the weather in the region before I went. I couldn't believe how overwhelming the heat and humidity was.

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While you blokes who live south of 35S have been having your dogs blown off their chains with sou'westers, up my way we have been getting a blow from the nor'west. The wind hasn't been as strong as down south, but it's been consistently firm. I think it has picked up a lot of dust. I can usually see the Warrumbungle Mountains clearly. They are about 50 kms away. Today I could barely see them due to material in the atmosphere. There are supposed to be some rain showers next Sunday. I reckon that if it does rain, I'll get a good coating of red mud.

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Winter left us for just one day - on Monday - then it has returned for the remainder of the week, Showery, squally, blustery, some suburbs got hail, and it got down to 8° last night.

But I feel that Spring isn't too far away. However, I wager it will lob a 30° day on us, out of the blue, and we'll think we're dead. It's been the rainiest Winter for 28 years.



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